My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 232: big flood

It was night, and Wang Shuyue, who was watching the night, was suddenly startled by two powerful auras, but when she looked back at the seal above the space crack, she didn't react at all.

Just as Wang Shuyue wondered if she had hallucinations because of being too nervous, two men in black robes suddenly appeared in front of the biggest water conservancy project of the flower planter.

This dam has an elevation of 185 meters, a water storage elevation of 175 meters, and a reservoir with a length of 2,335 meters. It is known as the largest hydroelectric power station on the Blue Star.

The two black-robed men stood above the dam, looking down at this behemoth in Kyushu, which was absolutely impossible to appear. The shock in their hearts could no longer be described in words.

How did these foolish people with low cultivation bases, even those with no cultivation base, build this behemoth?

Thinking of their mission, the two couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

Such a dam will no longer exist after tonight.

Not far away, the lights flickered, and the people in the building were lying relaxed at home, not knowing what would happen next.

The two black-robed men looked at each other, their eyes suddenly sinking, revealing a fierce expression, raised their hands to form a seal, and a huge palm was condensed over the dam.

I saw that big hand, with the power of ruining the world, banged against the high dam and snapped it down!

A faint wave of light emerged on the water, followed by a weird moment of silence.

After a while, the Wanzhang waterfall soared into the sky and rushed towards the dam that had been hit. I only heard the sound of something cracking. The dam collapsed and the water dragon gushed out of joy. It was free. breath.

It was imprisoned for a long time, and as soon as it rushed out of the cage, it began to run wildly, sometimes passing through residential buildings and sometimes through the streets, spewing all the way, with a long body, flooding the entire city.

"The dam collapsed!"

"The flood is coming, run!"


Before countless people's cries for help could be heard, they were submerged by the flooding water.

The shining city was instantly darkened and turned into a purgatory on earth.

The returnees from City H looked at the two escaping black shadows angrily, and were about to go forward to chase them, but were caught in countless calls for help under them.

As soon as the returnee gritted his teeth, he quickly released the flying boat, gave up chasing the enemy, and resolutely threw himself into the rescue.

Seeing this scene, a look of surprise appeared in the eyes of the two black-robed men.

They thought that what Fang Liu was telling was a lie. Whoever thought, they saw it with their own eyes today.

It's really funny that monks will rescue mortals who have no relatives and no reason.

Sure enough, after living a long time, I can see all kinds of things.

The two black-robed men exclaimed that they had seen each other for a long time, and they showed a relaxed smile that the task was successfully completed.

"Speaking to the people of the Seven Killing Sect, you can act." One of the black-robed people instructed lightly, as if he had nothing to do with him in this purgatory.

No, as soon as the voice fell, a roar came from overhead.

"Despicable villain, take your life!"

When the two looked up, the cultivator of God Transformation was about to flee.

Unexpectedly, when I turned around, the fighters lined up, blocking their way.

The two were shocked, but they didn't dare to underestimate these guys flying in the air, they didn't dare to fight, they took out the teleportation talisman and left.

After chasing all the way, I managed to block the two enemies that I almost thought were hallucinations. How could Wang Shuyue, who was sitting in the driver's seat, let it go?

Quickly pressed the launch button, with a "bang", the fire light came on, and the two men in black robes were caught off guard. The black robes were exploded into ashes, revealing two faces covered with haze.

Those are two beautiful faces, one man and one woman, with great looks.

But among the monks, this kind of appearance is only average.

The two of them had sullen faces, as if being provoked by the low-ranking monks on the fighter plane, they were angry all over.

At this time, the returnee of the transformation of the gods has arrived, and he sucked the two into his big palm with one hand. With a squeeze, the two men had no time to show their horrified expressions, and they were crushed into pieces!

Seeing the angry returnee outside the glass window squeezed two enemies with one hand, Wang Shuyue couldn't give birth to half the comfort of the enemy being annihilated.

The same goes for Bai Qingfeng and others around her.

The dim city lit up with a faint light, which was a signal for the survivors to call for help.

The members of the special forces were overjoyed and hurriedly closed their fighters, and Yujian went into the rescue.

The returnees did not leave either. After picking up the two culprits, he immediately rushed to the sky above the dam to control the cathartic flood.

But in the face of the power of nature, even the cultivator of God could not deal with it.

This flood cannot be stopped.

Wang Shuyue and Bai Qingfeng rushed over, looked at the returnees floating above the dam, and asked loudly:

"Senior, is there anything we can help?"

Shangxian Yun Rui turned his head, not expecting, but when he saw Wang Shuyue, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

"Lend your spiritual favor to me." Although he was asking, his tone was not for resistance.

Bai Qingfeng glanced at Wang Shuyue in surprise, Ling Chong? Where did Wang Shuyue come from?

Wang Shuyue was also dumbfounded, and Yu Qilin was also dumbfounded.

But when Wang Shuyue hesitated whether to expose the jade unicorn, it had already flown out of the pet bag by itself.

"Jade Qilin!" Wang Shuyue yelled nervously.

Yu Qilin looked back at her and calmly said: "It's okay, it's my duty to protect the human race."

After that, she rubbed Wang Shuyue's cheek with her face and flew towards Yunrui Shangxian.

Yun Rui looked at the flying ball of hair with a bit of surprise.

He just vaguely sensed the rich spatial power from the spirit pet bag on Wang Shuyue's chest, and at first thought it was an ordinary spatial spirit pet.

Unexpectedly, although the spirit beast that came out looked strange, the aura on its body was many times stronger than imagined.

Looking at Wang Shuyue again, remembering her appearance, Yun Rui raised his hand at Yu Qilin and made a gesture of please, and disappeared above the dam with Yu Qilin.

"Where are you going?" Wang Shuyue asked in her Yu Qilin replied: "If I guessed correctly, this monk wants to move a mountain."

Wang Shuyue opened her mouth slightly in surprise, and Bai Qingfeng, who was watching the whole process, raised her hand and patted her shoulder.

"You hide it deep enough, why didn't I know you still have such a powerful spiritual pet? It was given by your family?"

Wang Shuyue looked at her helplessly, "This is not the time to save people first!"

Bai Qingfeng raised his eyebrows, closed his mouth, and the two Yujian flew towards the city.

In the city, the special forces squad is under the command of Okeqin, actively saving the survivors.

The Yuan Ying monk guarding the city is casting spells to resist the raging flood, forming a high wall of spiritual power before the flood, and buying time for the people behind to escape.

As soon as Wang Shuyue and the two arrived at the scene, they saw this urgent scene and immediately cast a spell to help.

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