My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 233: Enemy on the back

Snow flew out of Bai Qingfeng's hands to freeze the shunt of the impact. Wang Shuyue unfolded the green feather fan and flew into the residential building, moving the trapped people inside to a high **** in the distance.

Everyone raced against time, and the monks among the people also joined the rescue, but this was far from enough.

The water level is getting higher and higher, and the spiritual wall is almost unable to hold it.

At this moment, the northern sky suddenly turned from black to white, bursting out a dazzling white light.

"The space crack is lost! The whole territory is in a state of combat, and all soldiers must protect the safety of ordinary people!"

An announcement came from the communicator, and Wang Shuyue and others who were transferring people suddenly felt cold when they heard this.

"Listen to the rescue team, we have no extra personnel to come to support, please hurry up and move the people as soon as possible!"


The response is like a roar to the enemy, resounding throughout the city.

Okeqin flew over the city with a calm face, shouting loudly: "If you can help yourself, please help yourself. Don't take up rescue resources. Victory is ahead. Shangxian Yunrui has already moved to the mountain. He will be there soon. Everyone insist on persisting. !"

Everyone nodded and silently supported.

But don't want to, the enemy has come quietly.

In the dark night, one of the ten major sects of Kyushu, the one hundred base-building disciples of Yunhe Sect, under the leadership of a disciple of the Seven Killing Sect, quietly came to the sky above H City.

Wang Shuyue was flying to Gaopo with five survivors. Suddenly, a long sword appeared in front of her, stabbing her in front of the door!

Looking at the child shivering under the cold water, Wang Shuyue burst into unprecedented anger in her chest!

The wrist shook, and the five-color bright color burst out, and the oncoming spirit sword slammed to the ground. A shot was aimed at the center of his eyebrow in the shocked gaze of the opponent, blood splashed, and the incoming person fell like a fallen leaf.

The child crying after being frightened came from beneath him. Wang Shuyue looked down. The young mother hurriedly took the child into her arms and tremblingly coaxed:

"The baby doesn't cry, the baby is not afraid, it is the soldier's aunt who is protecting the baby, don't be afraid of the baby..."

Under the mother's gentle comfort, the child gradually stopped crying.

The young mother smiled and looked up at Wang Shuyue, her tears filled with trust and distress.

After all, the girl in front of her looks a few years younger than her.

Wang Shuyue nodded at her, speeded up, and sent all the people behind him to Gaopo, turning around and lifting a fan to return to the city.

No, a small hand suddenly grabbed the corner of her clothes. Wang Shuyue frowned and turned her head. It was a child who had just been scared to cry by the gunshots, four or five years old, looking at her with big eyes, Nuonuo said:

"Auntie won't go..."

The child’s mother was next to her. She didn’t expect the child to do this. She reacted and hurriedly pulled the child’s hand off. She looked at Wang Shuyue apologetically, fearing she might misunderstand, she turned her head and asked the child:

"The baby is worried that his aunt is in danger, so he doesn't want to let the aunt pass, right?"

The little baby nodded earnestly, and pointed to the front, "The water is big, it's dying. Auntie won't leave."

Wang Shuyue didn't expect that such a small child would still care about others, she curled her lips and patted the child's head.

"It's okay. Auntie will protect herself. The baby stays here obediently and listens to her mother."

Under the child's blank gaze, he returned to the city.

At this time, one hundred Yunhezong disciples dressed in white robes had surrounded the people under the spiritual power wall. The members of the special forces who were rescuing had to abandon the rescue and block their actions.

Everyone knows that once the floods come down, not only City H will be over, but the entire H Province, and even several large surrounding provinces, will be plunged into a vast ocean.

Therefore, these Yunhezong disciples must be stopped!

"Wang Shuyue!" Okeqin yelled, and Wang Shuyue, who didn't know how to help, hurriedly flew towards him.

Two sect disciples appeared in the middle to stop him. Wang Shuyue was fierce, holding a machine gun in his hand and stepping on a green feather fan under his feet, and killed him.

After all, he was just a foundation-building cultivator, who couldn't resist such a fierce fire and fled in embarrassment. Wang Shuyue saw the neutral position and immediately came to the rear of the large group.

Ou Keqin commanded: "You are responsible for assisting. Whether the fifty of us can survive the return of Yunrui, it is all up to you!"

Wang Shuyue nodded, expressing that she understood that the pinch technique was a great spirit rain technique, and the empty dantian of fifty special forces was half full in an instant.

After performing a few large-scale restoration techniques, the special forces team members directly filled the spot with blood, stepped on the aircraft, and held the heavy machine guns in their hands, and started fighting with the Yunhezong disciples.

The fire wall made up of twenty people was fierce, and the Yunhe Sect disciples had not experienced this kind of attack, and they were quickly dispersed.

A hundred people were scattered in five groups. Among them, they attacked from four directions in the south, east, and northwest. The last group actually killed the trapped ordinary people.

A swipe of the spirit sword can take away a few lively lives.

The already turbid water floated red, reflecting the eyes of the special forces members.


Okeqin stopped angrily, but the other party didn't even give him a look, stabbed him with a sword, and instantly took the life of a trapped old man.

Not only that, they also flew towards the high **** in the distance.

From the air, the disciples of the Seven Killers sneered arrogantly, "I heard that you monks can do nothing for ordinary mortals. Today I will verify the authenticity!"

"The disciples of the Yunhe Sect follow the orders! The mortals present, don't leave one! To comfort the spirits of the two elders in the sky!"

Twenty disciples in white looked at the unarmed mortals under them, frowning slightly, and showing hesitation in their eyes.

There are tens of thousands of mortals here, all killed, is it a bit too much?

Their target should be those monks with heavy machine guns. If killing a few mortals can lead them to disperse, then killing a few is enough?

Seeing that they hesitated, the disciples of the Seven Kills Sect narrowed their eyes, raised their swords and rushed down first. The monks confronted ordinary people and took the lives of three survivors with no effort at all.

"Son of a bitch!!!"

Wang Yu slashed to death the disciple in white in front of The young man was full of anger and left the team and flew towards Gaopo.

"Wang Yu, I order you to come back!" Okeqin roared.

Unexpectedly, twenty disciples in white rushed up, and the chaotic sword directly pierced Wang Yu's body.

"Do not!"

Mo Xiaoyan couldn't help screaming, but her voice couldn't stop the sharp swords.

Wang Yu opened his eyes wide, and shook the sword on his body with one last breath, and fell from the air powerlessly.

Bai Qingfeng threw out the ice shield, caught his body, and hurriedly brought it back to the back of the team.

"Wang Shuyue, catch it!"

Hearing Bai Qingfeng's call, Wang Shuyue hurriedly took out a hand to take Wang Yu over, but she didn't expect that the blue potion hadn't been poured in, and the boy who had just turned twenty was completely breathless.

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