My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 234: Military and civilian 1 heart

"Don't leave the team alone!"

Okeqin urged his teammates severely. After the urge, he had time to ask Wang Shuyue: "How is he?"

Wang Shuyue's heart contracted abruptly, her mouth opened wide, and it took a while to breathe out, and she replied in a deep voice:


The members of the special forces shook all over, and then rushed into the air, violently soaking fire at the sect disciple, completely killing their eyes.

Okeqin ordered: "Wang Shuyue, you stay, the first squad will take out the fighters to protect the people of Gaopo!"

The Yuan Ying monk who was struggling to death hurriedly asked: "What shall we do!"

Without the support of the special forces, he has to sustain the more and more fierce floods, unable to clone himself. Isn't that death?

Looking at the helpless eyes on Gaopo, Okeqin asked Wang Shuyue loudly: "How many talisman papers are there?"

The talisman paper and basic equipment of the entire team were in Wang Shuyue's hands. She wrinkled her brows and instantly stretched out.

Almost forgot, she still had a lot of runes given by grandma in her pocket.

Immediately replied: "A lot!"

Okeqin's eyebrows jumped, what do you mean by many?

Looking at Wang Shuyue again, there was already a thick stack of talisman paper in both hands, colorful, with various grades, it was definitely enough to deal with the sect disciple in front of him.

Upon seeing this, Okeqin woke up, this is a local tyrant!

Immediately, the nervous mood stretched out, the returnees of Chong Yuan Ying nodded, led the team to rush out of the encirclement, and the fighters were dispatched to directly attack the group of sect disciples on Gaopo who were preparing to kill all the people.

The disciples of the sect surrounding the high wall saw that only Wang Shuyue was left as a soldier. Qi Qi was stunned for a moment, not knowing what routine these foolish people from outside the region were doing.

However, the people who were trapped in the city and could not escape to the high slope, suddenly rushed under the high wall, put their hands on the Yuan Ying monk's back, and lost all the spiritual power in their bodies to him.

Everyone one after another, although the individual strength is weak, when they work together to gather together, they can burst out huge power.

The colorful rays of light on the translucent high wall are shining, and in the firm eyes of the people, the turbulent floods piled up high seem to have become weak.

There was also a shirtless man paddling a kayak on the water, calling on the people with a loud horn:

"This is our country, our home, we can't just watch the soldiers die for us, sir! Young people! Stand up for me, one counts one, let's work together, even if we delay one more second, The people downstream can also have one second more chance to escape!"

Small black dots approached the high wall from all directions.

At first, it was scattered.

Gradually, there were more and more small black spots, and people in the distance were approaching the middle.

Finally, at a glance, it is full of human heads!

Everyone held hands, one after another, two after four, four after eight, eight after twelve, and the cycle continued indefinitely, forming a dense wall of people under the high wall, and the disciples of the sect who looked in the air were shocked.

"How many people are there?"

A certain disciple asked in a daze.

"One hundred, one thousand, ten thousand...There are still people pouring over here, I can't count them!" A certain disciple was flustered inexplicably.

"How can there be so many people?"

When Wang Shuyue heard the whispers of these sect disciples, she couldn't help but sneer in her heart. In a large city of one million people, I can drown you invaders with one spit on one person!

The sound of the big loudspeaker came out over and over again, and the sect disciple of the leader darkened, thinking that this strange thing had attracted these people, and drawing the sword would kill them.

Wang Shuyue had been staring at this person a long time ago. When he moved, she also moved immediately. The talisman in her hand was shot out, and the Explosive Talisman exploded. The disciple was taken aback, and hurriedly turned around to avoid the explosion.

The uncle with the trumpet saved his life.

Wang Shuyue shouted loudly: "With me, you **** don't want to hurt anyone!"

Hearing this, the other party sneered: "Arrogant!"

Together, the five raised their swords to kill her.

Wang Shuyue curled her lips and sneered, spreading her hands and making a move to "spatter the flowers of the goddess", and the various talisman "crack" exploded at the same time. Before the five people had time to react, they were blown into ashes by the pile of talisman.

"Hiss!" The remaining dozens of disciples suddenly took a breath.

How can a small foundation-building monk have so many talisman?

And there are many high-level talismans, one can kill a person, but she threw a handful, how frantic is this?

Wang Shuyue took out a handful of talisman papers, without giving them a chance to react, and threw them all at once.

Upon seeing this, the Yunhezong disciple hurriedly retreated, watching with disbelief as a colorful cloud exploded in the air, a strong wave of air rushed in, knocking himself and others over.

It takes spiritual energy to activate the talisman, and Wang Shuyue's talisman paper consumes most of her aura.

However, he raised his hand and grabbed a handful of low-level Restoration Pills, chewing and chewing, the dantian aura filled up instantly, and another talisman was thrown over, scaring dozens of Yunhezong disciples pale, and they shipped out magic weapons to resist.

Wang Shuyue stayed where she was, and the talisman was handed one after another, stupefied that these sect disciples couldn't make any progress.

The fighters on the high slopes also received good news again and again. Those so-called elite disciples, under the threat of fighters, could only retreat in a row.

Because the large-scale destruction weapon spreads too wide, Okeqin and others can barely protect the people, and cannot effectively attack the enemy.

The techniques these sect disciples practiced are very advanced, and they are completely at two levels compared to the half-hearted batch teaching of special forces.

In the spell showdown, the special forces could not ask for any cheapness at all, and could only use thermal weapons to strike.

When the two sides were in a stalemate and there was no way to take the other side, Wang Shuyue heard Yu Qilin's voice.

"Wang Shuyue, we are back!"

When Wang Shuyue heard the sound, she turned her head and saw that Yu Qilin was held in the palm of Yunrui Shangxian and came driving on the cloud.

The sky is getting brighter, and the darkness is receding.

The sudden pressure of the master transforming gods made the Yunhezong disciples even paler when they were so pale.

"No, it's the cultivator of God, withdraw!"

The leading disciple of Yunhezong drank it in a hurry, then turned and Yujian was about to flee.

Wang Shuyue didn't give them this opportunity, and threw a large amount of talisman on without money, and somehow kept a few.

Raise the gun and knife, one shot at a time!

"Don't chase the poor!"

The voice of Yunrui Shangxian yelling was heard from the air, and Wang Shuyue and the others were taken aback, and watched the sect disciples flee away.

Shangxian Yunrui commanded: "You and others will work together to move the flood to the west. UU看书www.uukā"

Although he didn't know what he was going to do, everyone still did.

A monk Yuan Ying, plus 49 special team foundation-building monks, and tens of thousands of people, worked together, and with the assistance of Yunrui Shangxian, moved the flow of the flood to the west with difficulty.

At this time, the jade unicorn flew out of Yunrui Shangxian's palm, his small body opened his mouth, and a dark hole appeared in front of him, spitting out a huge mountain.

Wang Shuyue's eyes widened in surprise. She didn't expect Yu Qilin's private realm to be large enough to swallow mountains!

Immortal Yunrui cast a spell, lifted the mountain and transported it to the front of City H, and let it go down with a "bang". The big earthquake trembled, and the gap would be blocked.

After the flood rolled violently behind the mountain and no catharsis was found, calm gradually returned.

The darkness receded, and a red sun slowly rose from the horizon, shining on the whole earth, bringing hope and light to the suffering people...</div>

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