My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 374: Tianzi No. 1

Latest website: Wen Qi opened her eyes and surely took a look at the invitation ticket in her hand, "I will return the next day."

"Okay, I understand, then I will call Senior Sister tomorrow, let's go together." Wang Shuyue gave an ok gesture, withdrew the invitation ticket, and went back to the house happily.

In the afternoon of the next day, after reporting with Xu Wuya, Wang Shuyue and Wen Qi went down the mountain together to Duobao Pavilion under the envious eyes of the Xu family's brothers and sisters.

Perhaps this was just a relatively ordinary auction in Haicheng, and the level of excitement was not as exaggerated as Wang Shuyue had imagined.

Not many people came, and there was no queuing at the door of Duobao Pavilion.

Affected by this dull atmosphere, Wang Shuyue's expectations for the auction also dropped.

Wen Qi could see her low mood at a glance, and while despising her lack of knowledge, she explained:

"On the first and fifteenth day of every month, auctions will be held in the Duobao Pavilion in each state capital city. The monks are used to it, so naturally there is nothing to be busy with."

"However, the auctions at the beginning and end of each year are also a bit interesting. When I return to Qingzhou, if there is free time at the end of the year, I will ask Master for instructions and take you from the past to raise your eyes."

Wang Shuyue didn't expect to have this unexpected gain. It seems that Wen Qi said she didn't care about it but she didn't care about it.

In this way, there is more and more of a qualified senior sister~

"Okay, please trouble me." Wang Shuyue felt that her lost heart was so much better.


"Senior Sister, since there is nothing special, why are you still interested in coming with me?" Wang Shuyue suddenly thought of it and asked curiously.

Wen Qi curled her lips lightly, her black eyes fell on the sword case on her waist, "In case of good luck and encounter a suitable **** soldier, I am not a trip to Yingzhou in vain."

Wang Shuyue understood, nodded, took out the invitation ticket, and handed it to the steward who was greeted by the gate of Duobao Pavilion.

The steward handed the two a number plate, raised his hand and asked inwardly: "Two fairies, please go straight to the left. There is a waiter inside to answer him. He will bring two of them into the arena."

Wang Shuyue nodded, and as a result, the number plate walked into the lane reserved separately on the left.

Not long after I left, I saw the waiter who came to meet him.

"Meet the immortal chief." The attendant bowed his hands and respectfully took a look at the number card in Wang Shuyue's hand, and motioned for the two to follow him, turned around and took a half step ahead, leading the way.

The auction hall was on the fifth floor. Wang Shuyue, who had been to Duobao Pavilion before, had not seen the stairs leading to the upper floors. Now she came again, only to discover that there were no stairs, but a small teleportation formation was directly laid down.

Stepping onto the teleportation array, in the blink of an eye, he came to a two-story duplex hall.

It was already close to five o'clock in the afternoon, and the auction was about to begin. There were already a lot of people in the lobby on the first floor, but they were not full, and there were more vacant places.

"Oh~" Wang Shuyue sighed disappointed again. It seems that today's auction is really ordinary, and it is estimated that there will not be any brilliant and eye-catching things.

Wang Shuyue thought that her free invitation ticket should be treated like a movie theater experience card, and it would be nice to be able to arrange to sit on the first floor in a relatively high position.

But when she didn't expect it, the attendant pointed to the private room on the second floor and said: "Two immortals, please go up. Our position is in Tianzi No. 1 room."

Wen Qi couldn't help but glanced at Wang Shuyue in surprise, what did she do?

Wang Shuyue spreads her hands, where does she know!

With full of doubts, the two followed the attendant to Room No. 1 Tianzi on the second floor, and the attendant knocked on the door lightly.

Knock on the door?

Is there anyone else inside?

The door opened automatically from inside, and Wang Shuyue looked in curiously.

The spacious and elegant private rooms are covered with bright red wool carpets and luxurious ebony furniture. Beds, wardrobes, and tea tables are all available.

The place facing the door is the biggest bright spot in the house, a huge floor-to-ceiling window. The windows are made of front glass, allowing you to have a panoramic view of the venue on the first floor.

On the tea table in front of the window, there was a person sitting.

He turned his back to the door, leaning on the back of the chair, dressed in a white brocade robe, his hair tied behind his head with a hair band of the same color, half tied and half loose.

Holding a teacup in his hand, he tapped his fingers leisurely on the cup. On his thumb and ring finger, he carried a purple jade finger and an ancient silver seal ring.

Not far away, the monk's eyes were good, Wang Shuyue saw the words on the printing surface at a glance, and the word "Xiao" was written on it.

"Two please." The attendant's voice interrupted Wang Shuyue's observation.

Wen Qi looked at Wang Shuyue. Wang Shuyue didn't know who she should look at, so she could only walk in with uncertainty.

The attendant closed the door, and the room suddenly became quiet.

The two junior and sisters were sticking behind the door like wooden sticks, and Wen Qi could feel the powerful breath emanating from the person in front of her, and she could not breathe.

Wang Shuyue didn't feel any discomfort. She tilted her head slightly to look at the complete stranger in front of her, swallowed hard, and courageously called out:


The man stopped playing with the teacup, and there was a lazy response from the room.

"Well, sit down, it's already started."

The suspicion was affirmed, Wang Shuyue choked suddenly, and looked up at the strange and generous back in front of him, and couldn't help but worry about her brain capacity.

There are so many faces of the senior, she is afraid that she can't remember it!

After a long time waiting for someone to come forward and sit down, Shangguan Haitang put down the tea cup and turned around.

A majestic and serious face appeared in front of Wang Shuyue. Shuyue was really handsome, but it felt like being stared at by the director of teaching.

Wang Shuyue: "..." Weak, pitiful, and helpless, shivering.

"Come here." He frowned and called.

Wang Shuyue didn't dare to defy, and she hurried to the tea table. By the way, she didn't forget to hold Wen Qi, push her to the seat, and sit down with her.

Shangguan Haitang nodded in satisfaction, unsmiling, so Wang Shuyue couldn't tell whether he was too deep in the play or he was just like this.

The atmosphere was a bit serious. Wen Qi looked at Wang Shuyue and then at the mysterious man, she could only suppress the doubt in her heart, and then asked Wang Shuyue how the people she knew were so strange. UU reading

The auction has already started. The first piece was sold quickly, and the second piece is now being auctioned. It is a special spiritual plant that has no bids. It enters the pass of auction, and then the third piece is on the market.

This was the first time that Wang Shuyue saw this rapid auction speed. She had no interest in this auction before, but now she is gradually interested in seeing this unique auction style.

In addition, the VIP room is full of food and drink, and it is all high-end goods. It is quite atmospheric while eating and watching.

Wen Qi was thinking about finding a magic weapon, and she looked more seriously than Wang Shuyue.

But after fifteen items were photographed in a row, and there was no weapon, the auctioneer began to announce today's finale.

Wen Qi suddenly lost interest and closed her eyes to rest up.

But I didn't want to, but Wang Shuyue's exclamation was suddenly heard beside her.

"Wow, is that the shark man!"

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