My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 375: The corners of the mouth go up crazy

The latest website: What kind of shark?

Wen Qi, who had just closed her eyes and was ready to rejuvenate her mind, opened her eyes and saw Wang Shuyueteng, who was still eating quietly, stood up, rushed to the glass floor-to-ceiling windows, pointed to the auction table excitedly, and said "Wow" in her mouth. Shouted.

Wen Qi frowned awkwardly, this Wang Shuyue, when this is in the sect, so let her go, so she is not afraid of outsiders' jokes?

Subconsciously glanced to the left, unexpectedly, the mysterious man with a cold face looked at the croaking woman in front of him, his expression extremely gentle.

Wen Qi was startled, knowing that she was thinking too much, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief for Wang Shuyue.

After arching her hands at the mysterious man to show respect, Wen Qi got up and walked to Wang Shuyue's side.

Looking up, the eight attendants came up with a huge crystal box. The box was crystal clear and egg-shaped.

And in that crystal box, was lying a shark man with beautiful long hair like seaweed.

The dark green long hair floated in the water, blocking the shark's face, and only vaguely saw its white cheeks, which could be broken by a bomb.

This shark is very white, with no strands on the upper body, and the male characteristics are clearly visible. It is a male shark.

It has fin-like things on its arms, with broken marks, and there are many scars on its body. The thin and broken scars are clearly visible under its white skin, showing a broken beauty.

The most eye-catching thing is its tail, a phantom fish tail that reflects colorful light hanging in the crystal box. It is radiant and more beautiful than bright jewels.

Seeing the beautiful and frail appearance of the shark, Wen Qi lost consciousness for a moment, and she suddenly understood why Wang Shuyue was screaming.

Because this shark man is so beautiful!

Although you can't see the face, but by looking at its fish tail, you know that this is the nobleman of the shark tribe. It is different from the sharks full of teeth. Their beauty and smile can affect people's hearts.

There are always rumors on the sea that they will confuse human monks and devour them. Although these shark people are beautiful, they are also dangerous.

"It seems to be hurt and dying." Wang Shuyue frowned, looking distressed.

Wen Qi couldn't help but reminded coldly, "Don't look at it like this, if you accidentally jump out of the crystal box, you can kill you with one bite!"

"There is a knife on the head of the color word. Just stay a little longer and take a look. You are trying to show sympathy to these vicious sharks. You don't even know how you died."

Wang Shuyue was full of excitement when she heard her, and she flatly put away her worrying remarks.

However, this mermaid is really good-looking!

Wang Shuyue couldn't help taking out her phone and taking a picture of this beautiful shark.

"Click", the flash was forgotten to turn off before, and the brush turned on. The shark lying in the crystal box suddenly raised his eyes. The dark green eyes looked over, as if he was about to rush to kill in the next second. She's like it!

Wang Shuyue was shocked, and she took a big step back.

"Heh~" Wen Qi smiled playfully.

Wang Shuyue coughed awkwardly, pretending to be okay, and swiped the phone album to check the photos she had just taken. In fact, I didn't even see any of them, and my heart was still beating wildly.

"Today's finale, shouldn't the big guy be disappointed?" The auctioneer asked with a smile.

Only then did Wang Shuyue discover that these private rooms were already full of people, and the closed curtains of those private rooms on the second floor were all opened. Hearing the auctioneer's inquiry, the people in them all showed expressions of determination to win.

"It turns out that this auction is not so ordinary." Wang Shuyue whispered.

Shangguan Haitang, who was sitting behind him, showed a faint smile, but with his serious face, it only seemed that the smile was permeating.

On the field, the auctioneer looked upright and began to introduce the auction items.

"This is the rarest white-scale aristocrat of the shark tribe. It has an unparalleled appearance and delicate skin. When you play with it, you don't need to say more about each taste. The guests who come here today must be aimed at the shark man. I understand. I understand."

"What's more, the shark bead still has a magical effect. A shark of the quality like today is rare in the world, but it’s a pity that when he was arrested, he injured his pluralism and lived for two more years at most. So my Duobao Pavilion did not It was included in the auction meeting at the end of the year, but it was a big omission for the guest officials who came today."

Hearing this, Wang Shuyue was slightly surprised. She didn't expect the business people to be so honest that they didn't hide the true condition of the goods.

However, after thinking about it, these guests have different backgrounds. If you don't explain clearly in advance, the future incident of Dongchuang will definitely cause trouble to Duobao Pavilion.

This is just right now. The situation is like this. People who are willing to buy will naturally bid, and will not blame Duobaoge for concealing the details of the goods in the future. Everyone is happy.

The auctioneer smiled and said: "Let's not talk too much nonsense. The price starts at 5 million lower-grade spirit stones, and each time you press the bell, it will automatically add 500,000 lower-grade spirit stones."

"Now, the auction begins, please bid your guests."

After that, the auctioneer stepped aside and raised his hand in a please gesture.

Wen Qi said with emotion, "The price is not high. Double cultivation with the nobles of the sharks can greatly increase her skill. It is faster than eating the Shiquan Datangtang. It's a pity..."

She practiced the ruthless Tao and couldn't enjoy this blessing.


"Junior sister, would you like to try?"

The Five Elements Spiritual Root is so inferior, and the speed of practice is as slow as a snail. If you can borrow the vitality of this shark to increase your skills, it would be a good way to make quick progress.

Wang Shuyue looked at Wen Qi with annoyance, what did she say and what to try? She has a marriage contract!

Jade Qilin, who had been silent for a long time, heard this, suddenly uttered, and sneered: "Do you remember that you had a marriage contract? I think you can't wait to stick your eyes on that fish."

"How cute are the three provinces, dare you to be sorry for him, I will take care of you." Yu Qilin said viciously.

Although the teenager has never been with it, it does not prevent it from being fascinated by the beauty of the teenager.

Anyway, it is very optimistic about the three provinces.

Wang Shuyue was about to scold Yu Qilin, don’t beep too much, when Shangguan Haitang’s question suddenly sounded behind her:

"Like it?"

Wang Shuyue looked back, UU reading www.uukā was about to shook his head violently, Shangguan Haitang had already pressed the bell on the table.

"Send you." He said lightly, his tone relaxed as if he wanted to give her a dish.

"I don't..." Before I could say the words, I heard a hammer from the auctioneer coming from the audience.

"Tianzi No. 1 room, the third time the price of 30 million lower-grade Lingshi was sold!"

Wang Shuyue took a deep breath of air-conditioning, "Ah this, this, how embarrassed Senior..." The corners of her mouth rose wildly.

Shangguan Haitang picked up the tea cup, took a sip, and said with a smile: "You like it."

Wen Qi:! !

Wang Shuyue, how many do you still don't know about? !

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