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Chapter 314 Chapter 318 Monster Wasteland

"This ancient relic is actually in the Monster Wasteland. This is a bit difficult. Xu Xiao frowned and said.

"Monster Wasteland, what is that place?" Lie Wushuang, an outsider who had just arrived at the Tuli Prairie, was completely in the dark about many situations on the Tuli Prairie and was not very clear about them. Naturally, he had never heard of the name Monster Wasteland.

"Strictly speaking, the Monster Wasteland is already located outside the Tuli Prairie. This place is adjacent to the Tuli Prairie, and there are countless monsters. Most of the monsters on the Tuli Prairie come from this place. "

After coming to Tuli Prairie for so many years, Xu Xiao, who is very familiar with Tuli Prairie and its surroundings, will then introduce the Monster Wasteland to Lie Wushuang in detail.

On the edge of Tuli Prairie, there is a vast expanse of boundless wasteland. People on Tuli Prairie rarely approach this wasteland, and many nomadic tribes also regard this vast wasteland as a wild land outside Tuli Prairie.

This is a desolate place with almost no production, but there are a large number of monsters breeding here.

It must be said that it is a very strange thing that an extremely barren and desolate place can feed a large number of monsters.

When Xu Xiao first learned about the information about the Monster Wasteland, he was also very curious.

Even monsters are also living creatures. As long as they are Living things must follow the laws of nature. The Monster Wasteland does not have enough resources, so it is naturally impossible to form a complete food chain. I don’t know how so many monsters survive.

However, the major tribes on the Tuli Prairie seem to have become accustomed to this situation and don’t think there is anything wrong. If Xu Xiao, a curious guy, had not been able to find time, he would have explored the Monster Wasteland.

The Monster Wasteland can be said to be a supreme blessed land for monsters, and a large number of monsters are born almost every moment. Once the number of monsters reaches a certain level, a large number of monsters will launch life-and-death attacks on the Tuli Prairie like a tide.

This periodic large-scale attack by monsters is the Tuli Prairie. One of the most serious disasters on the grassland is the beast disaster.

Every time a beast disaster comes, it is a test of life and death for the nomadic tribes on the Tuli grassland, and it is a disaster that is difficult to survive.

Every time a beast disaster comes, the major tribes on the Tuli grassland, even the tribes with life and death blood feuds, will put aside the old hatred, concentrate all their strength, and fight against the beast disaster wholeheartedly.

After each beast disaster, a large number of tribes will disappear on the Tuli grassland, and countless humans will die, leaving no bones. The major tribes that were severely injured slowly licked their wounds and restored their strength.

After the beast disaster was repelled, there were still a large number of monsters that continued to stay on the Tuli grassland. These monsters are the main source of monsters on the Tuli grassland, and they also make the peaceful The prairie has become an extremely dangerous place.

Of course, it is unknown whether these monsters stranded on the Tuli Prairie are affected by the mysterious power of the Tuli Prairie. The violent nature of these monsters slowly changes, becoming more intelligent and rational. Slowly, a few monsters, by chance, will become one of the main sources of totems for various tribes.

There are even rumors circulating privately that the totems worshipped by the three giant tribes, Pegasus, Sky Eagle, and Sky Wolf, were three monsters at the beginning.

Of course, the three giant tribes are determined not to admit such rumors, and will not allow such rumors to bewitch people. According to the claims of the three giant tribes, the totems they worship are natural sacred beasts, and have nothing to do with the coquettish and slutty monsters. There is an essential difference from those tribes that use monsters as totems.

Xu Xiao has learned about these rumors. He also thought about whether there is any place that can be used in the middle. However, Xu Xiao had never come into contact with the totems worshipped by the three giant tribes, and he could not figure out the details of these three totems.

However, the fact that such a rumor could appear was enough to show that the monsters on the Monster Wasteland had a great influence and had penetrated into the lives of the nomadic tribes.

It was able to cause a serious impact on the entire Tuli Prairie and severely damage the vitality of countless nomadic tribes. It is conceivable that the monsters on the Monster Wasteland are strong and numerous.

The address of the ancient ruins pointed out by Lie Wushuang is actually located in the Monster Wasteland, and it is not in the edge area, but in the central area.

This means that if you want to get close to this ancient ruins, you must pass through the dangerous Monster Wasteland and face countless powerful monsters. The various dangers in it are conceivable.

However, neither Xu Xiao nor Lie Wushuang retreated in the face of such dangers, especially for Lie Wushuang, who had already gained a lot in the previous ancient ruins, and this ancient ruins should not disappoint her. If one is blessed with great fortune, it is not impossible to find a chance to attain enlightenment here.

Faced with such a huge temptation, Lie Wushuang would not retreat even if there were mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead.

Xu Xiao was also very interested in this ancient ruins. When Lie Wushuang drew a map of the ancient ruins in front of him, he had a vague premonition in his heart that he would also have a huge harvest and get unprecedented surprises in this ancient ruins.

As a Shinto practitioner who is extremely close to the nature of heaven and earth, Xu Xiao will not take this premonition that suddenly appeared in his mind lightly. Many times, premonitions will become reality. The heaven and man are in touch, and Xu Xiao often regards this premonition as a kind of revelation from the heaven to himself.

Since both of them have a strong interest in the ancient ruins, there is nothing to stop them from exploring.

Now that the war situation between the nomadic tribes and the army of immortal cultivators has stabilized and has fallen into a long stalemate. There is no need to stay here any longer. Xu Xiao and Lie Wushuang set off immediately without delay and rushed to their destination.

The Monster Wasteland is located west of the Tuli Prairie, almost the most marginal area on the west side of the Tuli Prairie. To get there from their current location, Xu Xiao and Lie Wushuang almost have to cross the entire Tuli Prairie.

The Tuli Prairie is extremely vast. To cross the entire Tuli Prairie and pass through the middle, even for strong men of Xu Xiao and Lie Wushuang's level, it is a very long distance and requires a very long journey.

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