My avatar is a god

Chapter 315 Chapter 319 Beast Disaster

When Xu Xiao and Lie Wushuang came to the Tuli Prairie, they flew directly without using flying tools such as flying boats. Now they can only fly slowly to the Monster Wilderness by their own strength.

Even if the two have high cultivation and are at the level of Yuanying, it will not be a matter of a day or a night to fly such a long distance.

Fortunately, neither of them has anything to do in a hurry, and they are not in a hurry. Simply relax and regard this long-lasting journey as a rare relaxation and fun.

Along the way, the two can slowly enjoy the magnificent scenery of the Tuli Prairie and experience the local customs and customs.

The Tuli Prairie, which looks peaceful on the outside, is definitely not a carefree paradise. According to what Xu Xiao and Lie Wushuang have seen along the way, most tribes, especially those small tribes, have a very difficult life and live in dire straits all year round.

The lack of supplies and food are important factors that restrict the development and growth of these tribes. And all kinds of external dangers make these tribes in danger of destruction at any time.

Xu Xiao and Lie Wushuang have encountered this more than once. Monsters attacked various tribes in groups. If the tribes were not protected by totems, they might not have the power to repel the attacks of these monsters.

The products on the Tuli Prairie are very rich. Logically speaking, it should be able to feed more tribes. However, once the tribesmen leave the protection range of the tribal totem and go to places far away from the tribe to carry out production activities such as hunting and gathering. If they are unlucky and encounter various monsters, there will be heavy casualties, or even annihilation.

There are a large number of magic cultivators and even real magic cultivators hidden on the Tuli Prairie. For these guys, human flesh and blood are very valuable materials. They may not dare to directly attack the tribal camps protected by totems, but the tribesmen who go out are their best targets.

Because of these factors, the small tribes on the Tuli Prairie have limited activities, and the tribesmen cannot stay away from the tribe. Naturally, they cannot obtain enough resources to feed more people.

Not to mention, the tribes fought bloody battles from time to time for resources such as water and grass. The oppression and exploitation from the larger and stronger tribes were a noose around the necks of those small tribes.

During the long journey, the bored Xu Xiao and Lie Wushuang often did some good deeds such as slaying demons and killing monsters.

After seeing the difficult situation of those small tribes, Xu Xiao began to plan slowly in his mind. If the army of Daluo Tianguo invaded the Tuli Prairie in the future, these desperate small tribes would be very good targets for use.

The larger tribes only knew how to oppress and exploit the small tribes, and the larger tribes simply regarded these small tribes as nothing, and even oppressed and exploited them too lazy to do it.

Without the assistance of the larger tribes, these small tribes had a hard time surviving and had no way out. They could only struggle on the edge of life and death.

When Xu Xiao and Lie Wushuang left the battlefield and rushed to the Monster Wasteland, there were new movements between the nomadic tribes and the army of immortal cultivators.

The reinforcement teams organized by the three major immortal cultivation sects were continuously sent to the Tuli Prairie, so that the immortal cultivation army could get timely support and replenishment in terms of manpower and material resources.

The nomadic tribes were also unwilling to be outdone. The forces from all tribes in the entire Tuli Prairie also continuously arrived at the front line and joined the camp of the nomadic tribal coalition.

The immortal cultivation side, which was stronger and had a deeper foundation, not only slowly regained the first loss, but also had a tendency to gain the upper hand. However, it was still a long way to completely defeat the nomadic tribes.

The two sides on the front battlefield fell into a stalemate, and it was impossible to determine the winner in a short time. Therefore, both sides began to shift their focus to other aspects.

Both sides sent a large number of elite teams to bypass the front battlefield and go deep into the enemy's rear. Harass the opponent's logistics supply, attack the rear stronghold, and sneak attack the transport team.

In order to deal with these teams that went deep into the rear to harass, both sides sent out a large number of hunting teams to hunt these teams that sneaked into their rear.

Hunting and counter-hunting, ambush and counter-ambush, siege and counter-siege. For a while, the rear of both sides fell into a bloody storm. There were countless fierce fights every day, followed by a large number of elite casualties.

The fierce fighting on the front battlefield was not so fierce, and the casualties were not so heavy. It seemed that the rear of both sides had become the main battlefield with raging war and constant fighting.

Small tribes were completely destroyed, and camps were destroyed. The Tuli Prairie was almost everywhere in the war, and there were casualties all the time.

The sending of elite teams to attack the enemy's rear did not achieve enough results to turn the tide of the war, which was not unexpected by the cultivators.

The cultivators had coveted the Tuli Prairie for many years, had done enough information collection work, and had various plans. When one plan failed, another one was devised, and soon a new plan was made.

"What did you say? Those damn immortal cultivators actually wanted to trigger the beast disaster in advance." At a recent high-level meeting of major tribes, Ma Wuming, the head of the Tianma tribe, asked Xiang Liyun of the Linglu tribe in an unbelievable tone.

"That's right, whether it is the results of intelligence collection or the results of Tianjishu calculation, they are enough to support my inference." Xiang Liyun said calmly.

For a long time, the Linglu tribe has been known for its excellent intelligence gathering ability, and the tribe itself has produced a number of capable Tianji masters. The Linglu tribe is often the most well-informed and intelligence-rich tribe on the Tuli Prairie. Over the years, the Linglu tribe has almost become the most famous intelligence dealer on the Tuli Prairie, and has gained a lot of profits by buying and selling intelligence.

Now, in the war with the army of immortal cultivators, the Linglu tribe is of course providing intelligence support to the major tribes without any compensation. Xiang Liyun, an important figure in the Linglu tribe, also began to preside over the intelligence work of the tribal coalition.

The immortal cultivators, led by the three major immortal cultivation sects, have long been ambitious about the Tuli Prairie. A long time ago, they sent a large number of spies to the Tuli Prairie to engage in intelligence gathering.

The nomadic tribe, which was almost a mess, had long been deeply infiltrated by the immortal cultivators, and there were a large number of hidden traitors.

The immortal cultivators' army had the upper hand in the earliest attack on the Canglang tribe and achieved great results. In addition to the superior strength of the army of immortal cultivators, the spies who infiltrated the nomadic tribes also made an indelible contribution.

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