Chapter 340

“If you want me to let the three of you go, it’s not impossible to immediately terminate your plan and keep all the aliens away from the solar system!”

Su Yuan said seriously at this moment.

Although this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him.

This is the catastrophe he must survive.

But this catastrophe is very likely to cause heavy losses to the earth.

He doesn’t need that reward, but he can’t help but consider the safety of the earth.

At this moment Su Yuan’s national righteousness is reflected.

He can’t let the whole earth suffer because of his own catastrophe.

After all, this earth is the earth on which he lives.

It is the only home for all people on the earth.

Today’s earth technology is not enough to support the entire earth to migrate.

“Forget it, you should kill the three of us directly!”

“Anyway, we had a total of 12 people here last time, and now only three of us are left. It doesn’t matter to sacrifice us for our planet!”

“Brother Su, at this moment you can make a huge sacrifice for your planet, but how about the three of us?”

Su Yuan also never expected these three aliens to behave like death at this moment.

It really surprised him.

I thought these three guys who were greedy for life and fear of death were a shocking bag!

Make choices when your life is threatened!

Under his coercion and temptation, he might agree with his ideas.

But at this moment they showed the righteousness of the planet!

Su Yuan couldn’t help but be touched.

“Don’t we have to invade our planet in order to keep your planet alive, can’t we cooperate and win-win?”

“Brother Su, there is a saying on your earth that people of the non-my race must have different hearts. This is simply impossible!”

“Yes, Brother Su, I really admire you. There are high-level life forms like you on the earth, but after all, your strength is too weak to protect your earth!”

“Although we are invaders, we are indeed a little humble, but in order for our planet to survive, this is also a choice we must make!”

“Isn’t there a saying on your earth called natural selection, survival of the fittest, and the rule of survival of the fittest? Isn’t this true? I feel that this sentence is also useful in the entire universe!”

These three aliens directly used a set of principles on earth.

It was said one after another, and it was very reasonable.

After Su Yuan listened, he almost couldn’t help applauding him.

“Oh, fuck, these three guys are quite educated!”

“Unbelievable, unbelievable! Chinese culture is so extensive and profound that it has already been passed down to outer space!”

“I’ll go, look at Brother Su’s eyes, are you moved by these three guys?”

“It’s really an old sow wearing a bra. One set after another. These three guys are a series of sets for Brother Su!”

Many fans listened to the touching words of the three aliens.

I couldn’t help but sigh.

What these three aliens said is indeed very reasonable.

But now the position is different, this alien is invading the earth after all.

As the villains, they are so good at talking, and there is indeed a way.

“Oh, okay, since now all the group owners, it seems that I really can’t keep the three of you!”

Su Yuan sighed and said.

It seems that all this is inevitable after all, and everything has to be faced after all.

“Can you send a signal to your companions to let them come to this island? I want to make final negotiations with them!”

Su Yuan looked sincere at this moment.

The expression is so serious, as if begging.

“Brother Su, I also respect you as a man, so I promised you!”

“We don’t want to invade, but we are forced to do nothing. Perhaps the collision between the two civilizations will generate new sparks!”

“Well, Brother Su, we have sent them a signal, and they will land on this island directly by then!”

Just after the alien had just finished speaking.

Three needles appeared in Su Yuan’s hand instantly.

Stabbed directly into the bodies of these three people, and the three of them fainted in an instant.

This is the super anesthetic recently developed by Su Yuan!

Haven’t been idle during this period of time as Yuanzi?

After all, his brain has been developed to 80%?

This is super wisdom above all living things on earth.

The anesthetic he studied can even be turned over by blue whales!

·· ·····Find flowers 0 ·······

This is an actual experiment done in the sea before.

“Brothers, these are also some of the last things that Su Yuan can do for you to attract these alien invaders here!”

“Do my last effort, I hope you can improve your strength as soon as possible, have the power to fight with them, and work together to defend our home on the earth!”

Su Yuan said to the sky at this moment.

He knows everything he is doing here, everyone can see.

“Can Brother Su hear? Can Brother Su hear?”

“Go ahead, don’t tell me if you lose money, I am not in the mood to tell you something!”

“Brother Su, your father is already on his way to the island, and he should be here in a few hours!”

0 ……. …….

Xiao Li said very seriously at this moment


“Stop jokes like this with me now!”

After Su Yuan listened, his eyes stared like copper bells.

What was that sound was shocking.

It is impossible for him to believe that all this is true.

He is now 20 years old!

Where is his father in these 20 years?

Why has he never seen it?

At this moment, a father suddenly appeared, how could he accept it?

“Brother Su, I can understand your mood at this moment, but your father is indeed in the world, and there are some reasons why he didn’t see you!”

“But at this moment, if he doesn’t see you again, maybe he really won’t have the chance to see you again!”

Xiao Li looked serious and said dignifiedly!

And Su Yuan was still excited.

For a long time, he couldn’t calm his mood.

“Brother Su’s father is really still alive, really Brother Su is not an orphan?”

“If this is officially announced, then all of this may be true!”

“And Xiao Ji has said before, it seems that this old brother Su’s family background is indeed unusual, and his father should be a big man too!”

All the fans heard this news for a while and they also talked about it.

I really look forward to what kind of character is Su Yuan’s father?

And Su Yuan’s heart is mixed at this moment, and I don’t know what it feels like. seven.

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