Chapter 341

“Brother Su, I hope you can calm down. Go and face everything safely, you see that you have experienced so many things!”

“Brother Su, I assure you that your father is definitely a big man in China, and he is an earth-shattering character!”

“Although he has let you down and failed to fulfill his responsibilities as a father, he has given too much to this motherland. He is a true hero, just like you!”

Xiao Li said these words at this moment before his death.

Su Yuan’s heart is still mixed.

It’s as if all the seasonings are overturned.

He didn’t know how he felt, whether he should be excited, excited or complaining.

Excited, his father is still alive, he is not an orphan, he still has a father.

Yes, I lived alone for 20 years, and suddenly learned that my father is still alive. How can I not be excited?

But is such a father really great?

Even if you are busy at work, can’t you go home and take a look at your children?

Let your children spend in the orphanage?

Such a father is hard-hearted!

How can Su Yuan accept such a father, Su Yuan can only not complain?

Su Yuan stopped speaking after listening to Xiao Li’s words.

Sitting quietly on the beach.

Looking at the blue sky, looking at the endless sea.

“Brother Su knows that he wants to recognize his father. Isn’t he too excited? You can’t tell the expression on his face!”

“How do I feel that Brother Su doesn’t want to see his father, so his expression is so bitter, so tangled, so painful?”

“You have heard the official admission that Brother Su’s father is a great hero, and he is definitely a great man standing behind the country!”

“Perhaps he is indeed a great person for the country, but for Brother Su, he is not a great father!”

“Okay, don’t talk about it, everyone, quietly look forward to Brother Su’s father, look forward to this situation where father and son recognize each other, and hope that Brother Su can forgive his father!”

After this person finished speaking.

All the people in the live broadcast room stopped sending a barrage in an instant.

They are all waiting quietly.

Looking at Su Yuan, who was motionless on the screen, she stared at the sky blankly.

It’s as if time has stopped.

There are three ugly aliens lying beside Su Yuan.

There was no movement.

They also fell completely into a coma.

In this way, time passed by every minute and every second.

Two hours later.

Su Yuan suddenly saw a destroyer approaching here in the distance.

Su Yuan is very clear.

This is his irresponsible father.

At this moment, he still didn’t adjust his mentality.

He didn’t know how to face his father.

Su Yuan has long forgotten all the big scenes, and he is calm.

But at this moment when facing his biological father, he was a little flustered.

He was in a state of confusion.

He didn’t have the slightest preparation, and didn’t have the slightest solution.

“Oh, forget it, you’ve seen many big scenes of Su Yuan, isn’t your father dare to face it? Calm down and face your father bravely!”

Su Yuan said a word in silence.

I stood up and looked at the destroyer slowly approaching.

The sea next to this island is too shallow.

The pier on the island has also been destroyed by bombs.

The destroyer cannot approach the island.

The destroyer traveled a certain distance.

Only put down the lifeboat, and a gray-haired person took the lead in the lifeboat.

His eyes were blurred, and it seemed that his mental state was not very good.

Although the distance is still far away.

But Su Yuan’s eyesight is much better than ordinary people.

He clearly looked at the pale-haired person in front of him.

Su Yuan had a lot of dissatisfaction in his heart.

Want to reprimand his father severely.

But seeing an old man like this.

He instantly relented.

Yes, he can be kind and kind to all people.

Why can’t you forgive your father?

After all, his father dedicated his life for the motherland.

Abandon the family and children, although too much!

But in the process of building this motherland, how many people have made such contributions?

And his father is also one of these many people.

Su Yuan had a strange feeling in his heart at this moment.

Yes, his father is a great hero…

Made such a huge sacrifice for the people of China.

He should be proud of having such a father.

At this moment, Su Yuan showed a gratified smile on the corner of his mouth.

The lifeboat drove over slowly.

He is getting closer and closer to his father.

Su Yuan looked at this old man who was over half a hundred years old.

He looks much older than his real age.

His eyes were a little loose, and his mental state was very poor.

But after seeing Su Yuan, the spirit on his face was refreshed.

His team member didn’t complain at all.

All he had left was the old man in distress.

This is the affection of blood thicker than water!

And there is an old acquaintance next to Old Brother Su, Xiao Ji.

Xiao Ji came to this island with Brother Su’s father.

It can be seen that Brother Su’s father is very important in this China.

“Dr. Su, be careful, the wind on this island is relatively strong, you have recovered from a serious illness, and your legs and feet are inconvenient!”

Xiao Ji carefully supported Dr. Su ashore, his face full of worry.

In fact, Xiao Ji and the first person in China are not willing to let this person come to such a complicated island.

But Dr. Su insists on going his own way, must that be the case?

They were also embarrassed, so they could only send Dr. Su to Brother Su in a hurry.

At this moment, Xiao Ji squeezed an embarrassed smile at Su Yu’an.

And Su Yuan is not in the mood to see other people at all.

He stared straight at the pale-haired old man in front of him.

And this old man, after going ashore.

It is also as much as possible to concentrate on looking at this kid who looks very much like him in front of him.

“Old man, you look a lot like me!”

“Hahaha, I deserve to be Su Jianguo’s son, he has a personality!”

Everyone is imagining the touching scene after Su Yuan first met him!

But I didn’t expect these two people to be weird.

Su Yuan’s words are so sharp.

And this old man’s words did not have a trace of sadness!

It seems that father and son have never met in the past twenty years, and nothing has happened at all.

The three views of all fans were refreshed in an instant, and they were shocked by the recognition of father and son! .

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