My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 294: Can you jump another point!

February 28th.

Ten o'clock.

The video website is online.

one look.

Netizens were speechless.

The boss of this company really wanted a way to go to the dark and got another video website out.

Even if you have money, you don't get rid of it like this.


Bilibili users are also complaining.

The split a few days ago made them confused. Now this operation is completely incomprehensible. With such a tossing effort, it will take a few moments to toss station B into yellow?

Therefore, a spit, then, can you jump a little bit more?


Soon, the complaint became quieter.

For sprinkling?

Because the amount of 30 million injections appeared on the bulletin board.

"Thirty million? Let me take it...Is the chairman's surname?"

"Now, don't worry that Bilibili is gone."



Netizens shouted the local tyrants!

after all.

The bulletin board said that it is capital injection, not financing. Of course, the money may also be borrowed, but no matter how it comes, the chairman can get it.

This is the skill!

. . .


A courtyard house.

Wing room.

Jiang Xiaomeng looked at the comments and couldn't help but smile.

If you don't know Shu Fu, most of you will feel stupid about this kind of operation.

But she knows Shu Fu and knows how ‘stable as X’, she will not do meaningless things, she will not be rash, and all of this must have a purpose.

Just wait for the pupa to transform into a butterfly.

That day.

She believes.

Not far away.

Set up your mood, bow your head, and continue to paint.

. . .

at this time.

Shu Fu had returned to Mingshan City, looked at the comments, and smiled slightly, but he didn't laugh at the world's short-sightedness, not so boring.

Cognitive limitations are inherently widespread.

Even by yourself.

the same alsp.

If not for yourself.

How can it be expected that something will become the next outlet. Even if you read the book, it is useless. It is very difficult to push the unknown based on the knowledge.

As now.

Let him speculate that thirty years later, which industry is the hottest, he will have to catch the blind.

Cognitive limitations.

Almost everyone is trapped.


Although Shu Fu didn't know what the tuyere would be in thirty to fifty years, or one hundred years later, he only needed to follow one path---technology, and he could stutter.

Practical technological breakthroughs will always be the outlet.


You can seize this vent by yourself.

To know.

Ten years later, after the cake of the mobile Internet was almost eaten, there was almost no channel for ordinary people to counterattack, and ninety-nine percent of the companies fell.

There is almost only one way for the remaining Baiyi to survive---becoming a pendant to the giants.



At the beginning of involution, when it is difficult to obtain benefits from the outside, it is necessary to draw nourishment from the inside. Every industry, every link, as long as there is money.

Everyone wants a bite.


The threshold for new technology breakthroughs is getting higher and higher.

Ordinary enterprises simply can't afford it.

As someone said: This year's business environment may be the worst year in ten years, but it may also be the best year in the next ten years.


In the words.

This was the case until Shu Fu was born again.


This has nothing to do with Shu Fu, holding so many good cards in his hand, not to mention being full, it is very simple to eat.

. . .

at dusk.

at home.

A table was set up, and today, during the Lantern Festival, one person was invited---Cheng Shengjun.

As for his parents, Cheng Shengjun was on duty today with his grandparents and did not go.

"In other words, I always feel that the names of those companies are strange."

While eating, Cheng Shengjun recalled, a bit interesting, but not mainstream.


Byte beating.

Geometric entertainment.

No one took the ‘normal’ route.

Hear the words.

Shu Fu couldn't help laughing.

"It's not weird if it's called a habit. It's all in the Internet industry, and there are many young users. If you play something like Hengtai, Wantong, Brilliant, it's too much."


When Cheng Shengjun heard this, he nodded and thought about it. It made sense.

It is mostly aimed at young users. Of course, you can't use such an old-fashioned name. It's too domineering. Moderation doesn't conform to the nature of the industry.

Now, it's just right.

In fact.

Shu Fu is also lazy, think it's good, use it directly.

I'm used to it. If I choose another name, it sounds awkward, so I just copy it directly.

Anyway, no infringement.


Cheng Shengjun didn't talk about the company again, mainly because he didn't understand it.


When I think of online announcements, the two companies alone have injected 60 million yuan in capital, which is shocking.

How did this money come from?


Cheng Shengjun thought of a previous conversation, saying that he was talking about an investment of 500 million yuan.

that time.

Just a joke.

When I think about it now, it's...still a joke.

Five hundred million, how is it possible, huh!

. . .

The next day, March 1st.


Came to school.

After going to the principal's office, Shu Fu left.

Be regarded as a name.

Looking at Shu Fu's back, the principal smiled.

It is only three months away from the college entrance examination. This year Shu Fu is expected to be the top pick. By that time, he must be within the largest range of the school and give him a good reward.

fifty thousand?

It’s a bit small, and if the score is high enough, 100,000 is not bad.

. . .

leave school.


Go straight to the store.

At the beginning of the month, the shop opened as usual, but in the first year, there were not many customers.

No problem!

You can do other things, read a book, listen to music, or design a blueprint for a secret base.


Shanzhou is very suitable.

There are stretches of mountains, suitable for some hidden buildings.

For example, confidential items.

For example, personnel detention.

For example, treasure storage.


after all.

The area of ​​Qi Heng Mountain is limited, and all the functions are stacked together, which looks a bit messy, and with the help of the staff, some warehouses are almost impossible to stack.

Need to build a sub-base.


There are plans to find a remote island in the foreign world, but this does not prevent Yushan Prefecture from building one.

Hidden deeper in the mountains and dense forests.


Almost forty days have passed since I entered Shanzhou and destroyed Litian Village.

With the efforts of the guards, the site expanded rapidly.

Conquered more than a dozen forces in a row, some of them are like Litianzhai, with a lot of crimes, they are naturally ruthless, some are just self-protecting forces, and they are conquered by force.

However, this was not enough, the guards did not stop, they are continuing to fight!

In such a chaotic place, there are not so many scruples. A long-range bursting arrow passes and then goes up to persuade you to descend, the effect will be much better.

As planned.

Three more months.

That is, by June, Shanzhou must be controlled.

. . .

In the shop.



Shu Fu's fingers fluttered, a sketch was formed, and the base was tired of designing, so he designed civil buildings.

Village ~ ~ small town.

county seat.


From urban planning to small single buildings, it is all archaic.

In the future, even if the alien star is taken.

Shu Fu didn't plan to madly repair high-rise buildings. He had seen too much steel and concrete, and he had seen enough.

Antique style, technological materials.



Fire prevention.


Well done in all aspects, electricity and water, complete supporting facilities, is it not more comfortable than Tongzilou?

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