My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 295: National Expo Invitation

Latest URL: Alien.

Mountain state.

Villages around Litian Stone.

Early in the morning.

A large number of villagers set off, preparing to work in the county.

Everyone talked and laughed, and their mental outlook was very different. The new ruling power gave the villagers hope and more expectations for the future.


Every village left people to renovate the official roads, all the way to the abandoned county.


A big project was obtained.


The entire abandoned county town and all buildings were demolished and rebuilt. Such a huge project brought tens of thousands of jobs and a large number of villagers participated.

Near, like them, you can walk.

In villages far away, workers live in the county seat.

The most important thing is that there is still wages available.

Not gold and silver.

It is a work point certificate.

A hard film made of unknown material, translucent, different colors, different patterns, representing different values.

At first, they were worried that this thing was just a fool.


Soon, I found that I could buy something.



farm tools.



All kinds of things can be exchanged, and even other people's products can be purchased. As long as they are sold in the county, they can be purchased with this kind of hard film.

After the number of transactions increased, everyone gradually recognized its value.

Is walking.


A shout came from far behind.

The villagers looked back.

He glanced at the Litian Stone, and felt relieved.

These days.

The bandits above sent down messages more than once, expressing surrender. However, how could the previous sins be offset by repentance?


No one sympathized, and they applauded some bandits who couldn't stand the jump.

these days.

At two ends in three days, bandits in the village jumped off the standing stone. By now, there are already a pile of corpses below.

No one went to collect the corpses.

That mountain.

Let the villagers know that the wicked will be rewarded!


Keep going.

When I came to the county town, it was already busy, ding-dangling, and very lively. The villagers did not enter the town, but cleaned the weeds around the county town.

In the past.

There are many arable land and vegetable fields, as well as orchards.

The task of cleaning up was assigned to them.

There are total work points for tasks, and they will be divided evenly after they are completed, ensuring basic efficiency.

. . .

Litian stone.

The top of the mountain.

This place is already not far from the **** on earth. When the food is eaten, the trees and grass will be gnawed away, and the evil thoughts of human nature will uncontrollably spew out.



But to no avail.

Obviously, they have been completely abandoned.

There is only one way to die.

It's useless to beg for mercy.


Many people can't stand it and choose to jump off and end their lives, but the village owner has been killed by them collectively and thrown down the mountain as a confession certificate.



In the surrounding villages, you should eat, drink, and some are still not far away.

. . .


Dozens of miles away.

In a small mountain town, the two armies confronted each other.

After the loud noise.


On the town wall, a man made a decision helplessly.

There were hundreds of people on one's side, but thousands of people on the other side. Even though one's own side had a favorable geographical position, he couldn't see the collapsed town wall in the distance, and instantly lost his self-confidence.

Number of people.


Neither is dominant, how can we fight this?

By courage?

no kidding!

Besides, this is not a bandit town. The person sent by the other party made it clear last night: only kill bandits, not deceive.

Under weighing.

Surrendering is the most correct choice, and I am very puzzled as to where the group came from, and how long it took to win so many forces.

Because the other party blocked the news, they acted swiftly.

Had it not been informed by someone sent yesterday, he would not have known that such a new power had risen.

. . .


Ten minutes later, the mighty soldiers entered the city. At this moment, thousands of ‘soldiers’ felt emotionally that it was too easy to play with the wind.

Along the way, there was very little fighting.

After winning each one, after screening, join the expeditionary army and move forward all the way.

that's all.

The number is increasing, from a few hundred people to several thousand now.

Sometimes, just with this momentum, some small forces simply surrender, without even sending arrows.

. . .

That's right.

The guards of Shanzhou started the snowball mode.

After winning.

Absorb soldiers. Continue to the next one.

Step by step.

As it rolled bigger and bigger, the number of summons in Shu Fu's hand continued to decrease. In order to consolidate the site, instead of catching fire when he walked on his back, guards were stationed in each village.

Shu Fu couldn't help sighing.

Lack of people!

Lack of money!

There is a long way to go if you want to rise to the next level.

Is sighing.

The phone rang and glanced at it, it was an unfamiliar number.

Hang up directly.

Ten seconds later, the other party called again.

"Hello, is this Mr. Shu?"


"I am from the Beijing National Museum of Art. Recently, our museum is preparing to hold a folk art exhibition. Your fame and works are up to the standard and can be exhibited."

"I heard that the Chinese knot you carved has a very high level. I wonder if it can be exhibited in our museum."

After listening, Shu Fu squinted.

National Expo?


This is kind of interesting.

The National Museum is not a small unit, it is located in Tiananmen Square.

Opposite the main entrance is the Great Hall of the People.


As a craftsman, Shu Fu couldn't help but become interested.


The premise is that this is true. You must know that after the silly cat and the silly dog, there are many museums in other provinces that have contacted and wanted his works.



A whole lot.

But they all refused. The works are not Chinese cabbage. I will give them if you want them!

Among them, there were a few scammers, all of whom were sent to the store by Shu Fu, followed the vines, and let the city bureau destroy several gangs.

"When is the exhibition?"

"On the 27th of this month, a temporary exhibition will be reimbursed for train tickets and accommodation expenses with a total amount of less than 1,000."

Temporary exhibitions will be taken away after the exhibition.


Okay, it's okay, Shu Fu will doubt if the air ticket is reimbursed.

"Yes, how long is the deadline for exhibition?"

"Before get off work on the 26th."


"Thank you for your support. When you come to the museum, please call this number and I will come out to pick you up."


No more chatting, end the communication.


Shu Fu asked someone to check this number. It was not a liar. He even quickly found information about this exhibition. He was indeed on the invitation list.

As for why he was invited?

It's not clear.

but. UU reading

Soon, I learned the reason.

A colleague called and said that a woodcut master in the industry had seen his work and recommended him at the exhibition evaluation meeting.

All right!

Pingbai inherited a love from others.

I want to call, ready to call and thank you.

He knew that he was indeed a master in the woodcut field.

Professor of Tsinghua University, ancient building restoration expert, one of the members of the Forbidden City Building Restoration Working Group, enjoys a special allowance.

"Are you interested in taking the Tsinghua University exam?" After chatting for a while, the other party's conversation changed.


It turns out, waiting for him here!

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