My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 296: Leading Technology

In fact, Shu Fu had already decided in his mind about where to take the test.

Hear this statement.

"Okay!" responded directly.

The water in the capital is very deep.


so what? I didn't go to the water, I just went to make a name, I had time to go to a class, and I didn't have time to do what I should do. It was the same everywhere anyway.

Don't expect to learn anything in college.


There was a hint of surprise in the voice of the opposite.


"Haha, that's great, fill in the information first..."


It was a special move, and Shufu was not eligible, because he hadn't participated in any major competitions, let alone winning, so he couldn't prove his expertise.

In other words, there is no specialty recognized by the public.

Sports competition.

Mathematical Competition.

International awards.


These can ‘prove’ that a person has special strengths.


There are always exceptions to things.

"Need not."

Shu Fu is very lazy, and there is no need to go this way in schools that can be admitted to. The first admission and the special admission admission, the former is more widely recognized.

My own resume is still less tricky.


The other side was stunned, what's the situation.

"I will test it myself."

"Moreover, the profession I am going to report may not be as you wish." Shu Fu said frankly.

"It doesn't matter. With your craftsmanship, I don't think you need to learn anything with me anymore. If you come to Beijing, you can communicate more if you can."

The other side smiled and didn't force it.

A line of woodcuts, there are already few people.

The emergence of an outstanding junior makes it unavoidable to cherish one's talents.


Shu Fu takes the exam by himself, is it okay?

He only knew that Shu Fu was in the third year of high school and didn't understand his grades, so he wanted to use special tricks. Although he didn't meet the standards, Huaxia had a word.

---It's man-made.


In his opinion, Shu Fu's ability is definitely more valuable than most of his special talents.

It is for this reason that under pressure, he recommended a teenage boy's work for the National Expo.

Also intends to help the operation of special recruits.

"How are your grades?"



What do you mean by okay?

"Tsinghua University, there shouldn't be a big problem." Shu Fu added.

. . .

the other side.


After hanging up the phone, the old man was a little surprised, isn't it rumored that Shu Fu is rather humble? How does it feel as if it is a test of Tsinghua University, it's like a simple and easy thing.


Based on the principle of prudence, through a student, I asked the phone number of the principal of the middle school who Shu Fu attended.


After some understanding, he was shocked!



Full marks!

Such results are indeed qualified to say so.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel happy. Who said that traditional skills can only be craftsmanship. No, the woodcutting group has produced a super schoolmaster and champion.


I wanted to make a special move, but now it seems that I don’t need my own help at all.

. . .

In the shop.

After ending the call, Shu Fu continued to paint.



Hands keep on rest.

Near noon, there is no single business, but a bunch of drawings have been designed.



A leisurely morning just passed. Suddenly, a reminder came from his ear, and Shu Fu immediately turned on the computer and clicked on an email.

Inside are two videos.

After reading it.

Very satisfied!

"That's it, send it over!" Shu Fu ordered.


This is the promotional video that I made before. One is broadcast on TV, with ten seconds of content, and the other is a five-minute version of the complete music MV.

After so long of production, it was finally completed.

at this time.

The advertising spaces have also been contacted.

Five days later, on March 6, the ten-second version will be officially launched on CCTV One and Two. Although it is not a hot time period, it has enough exposure.

The MV will not be shown on CCTV.

It's too long, but a single MV, uploaded on the Internet today.

. . .


Five minutes later, Bilibili, an ID that had been registered for more than ten days, posted a video. One minute later, he was pinned to the homepage recommendation page.


Seen by a large number of users.

one look.

My eyes can't move away a bit.

"what is this?"

"New drama?"


From the picture, science fiction, beautiful, reveals the feeling of well-made.

The matching text is also strange.

----Leading technology, enjoy the future.

With curiosity.

Someone clicked in.

In the next second, his eyes widened slightly.

"This prelude, it sounds good!"


He watched the picture intently and listened to the music in his ears, and couldn't stop anymore. After the intro, the ethereal voice made people intoxicated.

Five minutes later, after regaining consciousness, I realized that the MV had ended.

The key is.

"I wipe it!"

"This is not a MV for a star's new song, but a corporate video?"

"Depend on!"

"Leading Technology, what is it for?"


Users can't help being surprised.

It wasn't until the end that it was discovered that this is a brand promotion film called "Leading Technology". The overall CG production is excellent to the extreme, frame by frame.

The background of the story tells a ‘beautiful’ story.

That story, expanded out, can be made into a movie.


This quality is too high.

Check it online.

However, there is no information about this company, not even a piece of related news. If the registration number is not for Linghang Technology, it is thought that the advertisement has been mistyped.

Regardless, the melody came to mind again.

"Listen again!"

Slide the mouse to click to the beginning.






One of the great benefits of music is that it can empower people's hearts, and more and more people are conquered by this song.

Its level is qualified to become the annual golden song.

They know that this will become a song in their playlist that will not be deleted.

five minutes later.

"Leading Technology."

These four words came into view again, and each one felt complicated.

have to.

You bull, remember you, let's do it!


Begin to Amway in the group, saying that he found a divine comedy.

"Divine Comedy? Which star's?"

"Not a star, but a company."



Soon, with curiosity, someone listened, and then feedback came.

"sounds amazing."

"There is such a good music coming out in the beginning of the year, happy!"

"By the way, what on earth does Linghang Technology sell?"

"I don't know."


The popularity of MV began to spread That night, some live broadcast platform anchors sang this song. Although not familiar, the high-quality music has touched people's hearts.

One question.

One search.

one look.

I immediately fell in love with the MV, and at the same time, I also remembered Linghang Technology.

Very profound.

People usually remember a song and think of the creator. However, there is no creator for this song, only one copyright owner---linghang technology.

Compared to other songwriters, a company who remembered suddenly appeared.

The memory turned out to be very deep.

In this way, MV became popular, and Linghang Technology officially entered the public's field of vision.

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