My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 337: Crazy face slap!


Mingshan City.

at home.

Yan Yue was stunned at the reversal of public opinion. He thought that the second batch of pre-sales of the pilot would suffer a great blow, but the reality is a big turnaround.


In the United States, public opinion does not seem to have changed.


In China, supporters have skyrocketed.

Oh my!

Can you still play like this?

But after thinking about it carefully, I think it's reasonable. After all, even if you don't know Shu Fu, if you see that our brand isn't because of quality, it's not being criticized by foreign countries.

It will definitely be filled with indignation.


Must help!

Thought of this.

Yan Yue couldn't help but smile.

Finally I understood a little bit why Shu Fu was so calm. It should be because of this level that he was so kind of salted fish that he played the little shop with pleasure.

However, she is still a little worried, that is, will it affect Linghang's overseas sales?


At present, Linghang is catching up in the country.


The future development of overseas is still confusing.

She admitted that she couldn't see the end in her eyes and could only wait to see if the little boy could create another miracle.

. . .


In the corner of Qingyan City, Zhuang Xi has also changed from worrying about his first acquaintance to being relieved. He doesn't care about pilot's overseas sales, as long as he does a good job in the domestic market.

Believe it is enough.

A large market of more than one billion people is enough to feed a big fish.


In his opinion, the current pilot has the conditions to take off, because it is carrying the wind of the China market, which is really a false alarm.


Is this a coincidence?


He analyzes problems and always likes to be result-oriented.

Whoever makes the most profit is likely to be the instigator.

All right!

Maybe I think too much, it should be a coincidence that Shu Fu has such a big energy.

Because there is almost no precedent for this kind of thing.

Even if you play a routine, you are bragging about how good the products are sold abroad, not the one that is directly blacked out as it is now. This is a tightrope walk.

If one is not paying attention, he has to kneel.

Therefore, it should have nothing to do with Shu Fu.

. . .

It's half past eleven in the evening.


"Won, we won."

"Finally I can get a solid sleep."

"Leader! Navigate!"


There was a lot of cheers on the Internet, because at this moment, the second batch of sales of pilot mobile phones, both at home and abroad, exceeded one million on the first day.

One million copies.


The official website of Linghang mobile phone has gone red, to celebrate.

The pilot employees were thrilled.

one million.

This is one million units. I really can't believe that my mobile phone can sell so well. When I look back at the Los Angeles Daily News, I suddenly feel: good guys!

There is no such sudden ‘assist’.

Leading the first day to sell two to three million or three hundred thousand units in twenty-four hours, which is pretty good.


Only a little more than half of the twenty-four hours has completed a million orders.


Today is so exciting!


You must add meals and leave for supper.

. . .


Apple headquarters.

at this time.

Just at dawn, seeing the sales data of Linghang, the collective silence, one by one feels incredible, what's going on? How did the sales break one million.

Do you want to be so exaggerated.

One understands.

More depressed.

Feeling like a clown, slapped in the face frantically.

After having been in trouble for a long time, it turned out to be a wedding dress for others, and Baba gave the other party an assist. I really did not expect that it would cause such a big reaction.

In the past.

If the United States pursues it, the world will begin to pursue it, which is the vane of global consumption.

Now found that there are exceptions in some places.

It is no longer so easy to rely on American values ​​to influence.

On the contrary, if you resist, but others are vigorously supporting it, how can this be played?

It's all black.

What to do?

Although the big rock that he lifted didn't hit his own foot, it really didn't hit the enemy, and successfully gave the opponent a wave of influence.

"Is Apple 4 still released?"


"Fat!" the new CEO gritted his teeth.


The arrow is on the string and I have to send it.

At least before Apple 4 is released, public opinion in the United States must be stabilized and Apple 4 must be given momentum.

. . .

Same as this.

The major investment institutions are collectively dumbfounded.

I can't believe it at all, but I have to believe it.

The dust has settled. Not only did it not suppress it, but it also contributed to its brand influence. Now, the $10 billion valuation will definitely be overwhelming.

Do not say far away.

Millions of orders are billions of yuan in sales.

This is just the beginning.

God knows how many orders Linghang Technology can win after this wave of limelight.

Two million?

three million?


This may not be the end, so find someone to analyze it immediately.


The result came:

"At present, the popularity of the leading mobile phone is continuing. If you don't talk about it, just say the news of China, will definitely continue to follow up, and more people will know."

"If nothing else, Linghang will be able to sell at least 3 million mobile phones this month in the China market."

"Overseas, in terms of the number of countries that have opened pre-sales, it is at least one million units."

"In addition, this number will continue to grow as other countries continue to pass marketing authorizations."

"By the end of this month, the global sales volume of pilot mobile phones, conservatively estimated, will exceed 5 million units."

"Among them, more than half of the sales were caused by this news event."


Finished listening.

Collectively bow their heads, wishing to slap themselves.

What's all this!

I wanted to suppress it, but now I just forcibly added wings to others.

In other words, can it be saved?


Thinking carefully, there is no way. This is a fire that is difficult to extinguish when it burns. Even if the heat decreases, people have already made a lot of money.

"The current pilot, what will be the valuation?" Someone asked the appraiser.

Soon, get the answer.

"At least 20 billion U.S. dollars, if the brand value is added, it will be even higher."

Upon hearing this.

Silence again.

Twenty billion U.S. dollars is not a big problem. The real question is, will the other party be willing to sell it? The teenager killed 50 billion dollars in one bite without letting it go.

If you really want to take it out, don't feel bad about it.

Now I can't wait to slap myself: What have I done?

. . .

Wee hours. Xianming’s manor, here is still the afternoon, Shu Fu and him are playing Go. I have to say that the chips without guards are open, but Zhu Xianming can’t be played.

One side down.

Zhu Xianming smiled.

Today’s things were done beautifully, and I was sweating a bit before, but in a blink of an eye, bad things turned into good things.

One million copies were previously thought to be at least three days, but now, with a little more than half a day, the goal is reached.

The United States is noisy.

However, many netizens in Europe are calling for Linghang to go public.

It is conceivable that once it is rolled out in Europe, it will also be a hot sale.

Your own BOSS is worthy of the fate of heaven, and you can do everything you want.

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