Approaching the evening.

After ten consecutive knees.

Shu Fu was very satisfied. Sometimes, when everything is happy, he should also encounter some setbacks to balance it, so as not to drift.

Anyway, lost to his own men.

Not ashamed.

Who can get everything done, it's good.



Zhu Xianming got up and bowed slightly.

When looking up.

Shu Fu is no longer visible. He has long been accustomed to this. The mystery of his boss is something he dare not speculate. He feels the vitality in his body.

He knows that he is with the right person!

Is preparing to eat dinner.


The phone rang.

one look.

It's an old friend who bought Shu Fu's work last time.

With a swipe of his finger to the right, the Navigator phone he used, although not yet on the market in Europe, can be used as long as it complies with the international communication protocol standards.


"Lao Zhu, you hide too deep!"


"Pretend, you actually invested in the pilot technology."

"Know it?"


The old man on the opposite side was speechless, knowing that it was the same thing. He was still shocked to hear Zhu Xianming admit, but he did not expect to make such a big movement silently.

If it wasn't for this news that made him curious, check it, otherwise he would still be kept in the dark.

"That Shu Yi is the boss of the pilot, right?"


"I'm just curious, why do you only account for 10% of your money?"

"Did you lose?"

"Uh! Look at it now, it's definitely not a loss." The old man said.

Before and after Zhu Xianming invested 1 billion yuan, and now, Linghang's valuation exceeds 20 billion U.S. dollars.

Ten percent is two billion U.S. dollars.

It can be said.

This investment has achieved a return of ten times, or even more.

What's the loss? It's so profitable!

And it's less than half a year.

The old man continued: "You can own more shares with the capital contribution and pilot scale at the time." He simply couldn't figure this out.

Hear the words.

Zhu Xianming smiled.

"I'm getting older, and God knows when I get into the soil, what do I want money for? Since someone has a dream, I like it too. It's boring to talk about money!"


Hear the words.

The corners of the mouth twitched across the phone.

Depend on!

This thought really... is in line with Zhu Xianming's status quo.


If Zhu Xianming had a descendant, even if there was only one, he would definitely not make money like this.

A lonely and widowed, old man, not far into the soil.

It is really difficult to expect him to be interested in making money.

"I said why you are suddenly interested in a carver, and no matter how much I pay, I will increase the price by 20%. It turns out that there is still this relationship."

"Don't say it yet."

"Three million per picture, I think it's worth it now!"

The old man laughed.

Three million, I thought it was little expensive before, but when I went home, I was told by the younger generation that I was cheated.

Take a look now.

Lie a bunch of strings.

Shu Fu holds 90% of Linghang Technology's shares, and he is worth more than his family's struggle for several generations, such a person, three million works per piece.


I don’t know how many people want to collect it.

For nothing else.

Make a relationship, make a friend, the money is worth the money, and we talked for a while, made an appointment for tea tomorrow, and hung up the phone.

The old man looked at the red knot hanging in the living room.


The more I look, the more pleasing to the eye.

"Still looking at your failed investment?" At this moment, the wife came over.

One listen.

The old man couldn't help but smile.

"Do you know what the worth of the person who carved this?"

"How many."

My wife asked curiously, isn't it just a teenager.

"Twenty billion dollars."


"More than that."


Now, the eyes of his wife looking at the red knot are different, with a little caution.

Twenty billion US dollars, even in Europe and the United States, are the top wealthy class.

. . .

the other side.

Qiheng Mountain.

Many products are placed on the workbench in the electronic equipment laboratory.

cell phone.





At least two dozen models can be customized in the laboratory anyway, and many of Shu Fu's excellent designs have been directly created and placed here.

Not all of them will be introduced to the market for the time being.


There are two mobile phones, which will be launched by the two European and American mobile phone companies at the end of this month.

Enter the mid-range and low-end markets.

In China, one is priced at 2999 and the other is priced at 1999.

Question: Since it's a low-end mobile phone, why don't you have one?

The reason is simple: poor configuration.

It was so bad that Shu Fu felt it was a shame to say that it was a smart phone. This year, there are thousands of yuan smart phones, but there are various problems.

Insufficient memory.

Pixel difference.

The battery is small.

The processor is weak.

Some do not have GPS, and some do not have WIFI function.


As long as the configuration is low enough, the operating experience can be unlimited.


If you want to reach the minimum standard of smart phones approved by Shu Fu, the configuration of two thousand is just met.

Otherwise, a mobile phone that cannot be opened by video software.

Then play a string? Be a brick?

What he wants is that smart phones can carry all kinds of software under his brand to achieve a win-win situation.

Instead of selling loneliness.


Shu Fu picked up a tablet. This is the tablet that Linghang will release at the end of this month. In January of this year, Apple's first ipad has been released.

It's okay.


The appearance of the pilot tablet is still very high.

However, because it does not have the call function, it is not expected to sell much. It is only a supplement to the pilot product ecology and enriches the product line.


There are also pilot computers.


Thin book.

They have all been designed and are being tested, but they are not in a hurry. At least they will have to wait until the end of the year before computer products will be available. Reputation needs to be accumulated.

The steps are too big, not necessary.

. . .

The next day.

early morning.

During the May 1st Golden Week, the enthusiasm of the Chinese people to travel has made people everywhere, some people have fun, and some people pay attention to pilot sales.

Upon waking up, China’s total pre-sales did not increase much.

However, the number of overseas pre-sales is constantly changing, with more than 100,000 more in one night.

And because many people only saw the news today, at dawn, the number of China Xia’s reservations began to increase rapidly.

Eight o'clock.

Global pre-sales exceeded 1.16 million.


Nine o'clock.

Global pre-sales exceeded 1.23 million.


Ten o'clock.

Global pre-sales exceeded 1.36 million, and this was the first day of sales.


This result makes netizens excited and feels a sense of pride.

Look, we are also capable of fighting.

Leading staff felt that they were walking around this million, with an average price of 4,000, how much is that?

More than 5 billion sales!

Made it!

The company has grown!

. . .

A look at the major investment institutions made it even more depressed.

Turning to look at the United States, in order to create momentum for Apple 4, it did not stop, but continued to hype news.


If it weren't for our investment in you, we would all want to beat you up.

Now, the only expectation is that Apple's four-energy fire will make everyone feel balanced.

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