My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 359: Grand entertainment strategy

Mingshan City.

just got up.


Yan Yuedian opened the official website of Linghang, and the total global sales volume: 14.85 million!



Looking at the news again, sales of nearly 70 billion yuan made her smile wryly, which is 70 billion yuan! It only took a month to reach it.

The world is crazy.

When can wealth accumulation have such a speed?


Linghang unexpectedly has a ‘brother company’, directly entering the mid- and low-end markets, catching countless companies by surprise, and even now the sales have exploded.

Add up to nearly four million.

Don't say it.

The design is really good.

She picked up two and started playing.

Compared with the single-color route of Navigator, these two went directly to the ‘unusual’ route.

Dark blue.

Phantom Violet.

Gemstone black.


In terms of color, it directly refreshes the cognition of many people. Can it still float like this? A variety of styles of color, so that it has been sought after by countless.

Although it exists, it will impact the leading market to a certain extent.


Not too big.





In many cases, it is the X grid, and the pilot is a kind of ‘transcendence’, and its positioning is different.

Take a wash.

Go out.

Come to the company.


Looking at Linghang's official website again, the total sales volume has exceeded 14.93 million, which is equivalent to saying that a full 80,000 units have been sold in just over half an hour.

In this regard, it is normal.

The United States, the only superpower in the world, is allowed to be listed on the market, and the X scale rises again.


Under media reports from various countries, many people in other countries will begin to truly recognize Pilotage. The certification of the committee is a huge bonus.

There was another meeting, half past eleven.

Ding Dong!

Today’s headline news notification.

"Leading global sales, breaking through 15 million units! 》

. . .


Bilibili, working, the phone ding-dong kept ringing.



"Too awesome!"


As soon as the employees saw it, they were very excited. After knowing that it was a brother company, they have been paying close attention to it, because its development is also closely related to them.

15 million units, 70 billion sales, one month.

Just ask: Who else?



I thought it was a Big Mac before, but now I find that it doesn't seem to be unsurpassable.

Soon, I suppressed my thoughts and continued to work. Bilibili's business is very busy now. Compared with a month ago, the workload of various departments has increased by more than 30.

It’s not about raising the task standard, but about developing fast.

The Bilibili APP is pre-installed on Espier mobile phones, which has caused the number of users to skyrocket.

The user rose.

It attracted more content providers to come in, and what is exciting is that the big BOSS has invested in it and directly won a lot of the rights to play the original comics.






At present, some of the hottest daily comics have successively obtained genuine authorizations.

Suddenly, the X square of Bilibili directly skyrocketed.

Industry status, standing first, you must know that for animation copyright, almost no domestic video website cares about it, mostly relying on sharing free votes.

Bilibili became the only genuine one, and its status soared.

at the same time.

The company’s national comics department has also received rumors that the chairman is planning to spend another huge sum of money to develop the national comics and improve the protection of comic authors.

Such a boss, I really like it.

. . .


Today's headlines.


Very busy!

The huge number of downloads by users also led to a surge in page views. The content department and sub-groups were established.








A dozen groups have been expanded, each with more than ten people, to improve the content of today’s headlines, reprinting from previous news, and adding self-made content.

Even a reporter group was established.

Recruiting reporters, photographers, lighting engineers...In short, Toutiao began to move towards a complete mobile news portal, and the employees were very confident.

The pre-installation of the pilot system alone is worth tens of millions of traffic.

The stage has been set up for you. If you still can’t perform well, how can you explain it to the chairman?

. . .

Bilibili downstairs.

Geometric entertainment.

I am also very happy. I did not expect that Xiaoxiaole will make money like this. After only more than a month of going online, the profit has exceeded 10 million and it is still growing.


As soon as I saw the sales data of Linghang, I was immediately fascinated!

In contrast, full of damage.

You earn 10 million a month, and people earn tens of billions a month, which is not an order of magnitude at all. Therefore, even if you earn 10 million a month, you can't be proud.

In the face of pilot data, Geometry Entertainment is scum.

During lunch break.

"I heard that, the company is going to set up a film and television department."


"Yes, it's called Geometry Pictures."


A newly hired employee smacks his tongue slightly. Regarding the diversification of the company, if he joined a month ago, he would definitely think: Is this tossing about it?

Small business, playing in the film industry, it's noisy!

And now.

But there is no doubt at all. With the financial owner behind Linghang, even if he wants to invest in aircraft, he can still believe it, because the chairman is really rich.

If you think about it carefully, it doesn't count as an interbank.

Geometry entertainment, cultural entertainment.

Film and television are also part of cultural entertainment, just like games.

When it was split before, geometric literature was also split. Now, relying on perfect guarantees, it can be considered to have a firm foothold in the field of online literature.

"Great entertainment strategy!"

This term has recently started to appear frequently in company reports.

Don't say it.

Looks like a good cow!

to this end.

The company also plans to dig out the IP and make comic changes in the works of geometric literature. This year's comic works that stand out will have the opportunity to shoot TV.




This one-stop IP creation is exciting when you think about it.

Once completed, the entire geometric entertainment will reach a new level.

. . .

The launch of Geometry Literature has attracted a large number of authors to join. There is no way, who tells its funder father to be rich, more than one level richer than Shanda.

In addition, many benefits are not available elsewhere.

First, guarantee the bottom.

If you pass the draft, the guaranteed price is not low.

Second, insurance.

Sign the contract officially and buy insurance.

Third, prospects.

In recent years, online articles are only supplementary literature, and adaptations have not yet emerged. Geometric literature can be said to have given many people hope. Will it be on the screen if it is not correct?

Fourth, traffic.

Geometry literature, pilot pre-installed, high traffic on the platform.


A large number of advantages are hard to find elsewhere. Therefore, Geometry Entertainment did not dig, but many authors took the initiative to come, many of them traditional authors.

Because it is said to be online literature, but geometric literature is not the main focus of mindless writing.

Its purpose is IP.

Valuable IP.

If it's just upgrading monsters, there is no tension in the plot, no brain X and the like, geometric literature is not welcome, this has been clearly announced.

To this.

The majority of authors did not think so.

After all, the positioning is different, come Geometry Entertainment, just for adaptation.

No brain cool, how to shoot? Don't talk about it, just think about it, how awkward it is to make a TV series?

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