

Film and television.



Seeing the continuous expansion of Shufu's business, some companies are a little panicked. They are not afraid of new entrants. They are afraid of very rich new entrants.

Just throw in money, you can smash a lot of dizziness.

Shanda Literature.


The emergence of geometric literature has attracted attention.


"Our website has a large number of authors published in geometric literature. Popularity is floating, and the adaptation is very attractive. Should we also follow up?"


When the CEO heard this, he shook his head and sighed.


"No money."

"Our company's strength is limited, and the investment in a TV drama may be tens of millions. At present, it is really unable to support such expenditures."

"The group will not agree."


Although Shanda Network makes money, Shanda Literature does not make much profit.

Survival is okay, but if you want to play big, you can’t afford it at all. In addition, although the performance and revenue of the past few years have been rising, the financial report is in a state of net loss.


I can only watch and look forward to the opponent's play.

Adaptation sounds good, but it is not easy to make a profit.

. . .

Through some channels.

Many capitals have also received news one after another that various new businesses of Shufu's companies have been launched. If it were before, no one would care about such behavior.

A humble company.


The success of the pilot has to be noticed.

Too much!

Shu Fu's acting style is a bit too steady, no one dares to relax until the last minute.

One day when the security is uneven, an inconspicuous project turns over and gives everyone a big surprise.

At that time.

I want to chase it again, it's too late.


All capitals are studying Shu Fu, researching navigation, and researching its layout.

The conclusion drawn is: Linghang Technology is building a closed-loop Internet ecosystem, with mobile devices as the core, building an APP matrix to stabilize its position.


That's right.

I have to say that this strategy is very powerful.

Once the construction is completed, it will be a commercial aircraft carrier. Thinking of this, a lot of capital is shaken: the valuation of 50 billion US dollars, perhaps, will not lose much.

But how to persuade the management is a big problem.

If it was a week ago.

They will not have such an idea, because it is too high and with this money, it is better to invest in an entrepreneurial mobile phone company.

However, it is different now.

Two mobile phone brands that can be called rogue prices directly curbed this expectation. Let’s ask, who can I vote for to get a return?

There are hooligans at this price.

In the low-end market, there are not many opportunities.

Even if there is, it is extremely niche, but in that case the prospects are worrying.

In contrast, although investment pilot is expensive, it has a high probability of success.

"I think we can reconsider the investment in Pilotage."




For a time, all the capitals began to reassess them, preparing to apply to the boss.

Too many shares cannot be bought, one or two points are fine. The sales volume of 15 million units has already made Linghang's valuation more than 30 billion U.S. dollars.

If you wait any longer, it's not a leak, but everyone grabs it.

. . .

Just now.


Pilot headquarters.

The 15 million breakthrough made the employees cheer for joy. Today is the last day of May. To achieve such a performance, this month's salary is certainly not low.



Still looking forward to it.


The company began to reorganize, except for the separation of security, personnel, and legal affairs. In addition to the three-party corporate supervision of management and finance, there is salary adjustment.

At the end of last year, when I first started, the salary was not high.


this time.

Almost a collective increase in salary, a complete set of eighteen-level salary standards has been formulated, even for employees during the internship period, the monthly income can reach more than 4,000.

Once converted, at least 6,000.

The performance is not bad, it is easy to break ten thousand.


High salary represents a high threshold.

The success of the pilot attracts a large number of talents to submit their resumes. There are a lot of masters and doctors. Undergraduates, unless they are excellent, it is difficult to get in.

no way.

Who recruits, not based on merit?

Educational background.


Although it can't represent everything, it can represent most things.

. . .

Cheering, a leading employee received a call.

"Old classmate, do you still need people in your company?"

"Yes, but I can't push it internally. I can only recruit."


"What are you doing to lie to you? The personnel department of the pilot is now taken over by a third-party company. All recruitment, even the general manager of the company, does not count."


Explain patiently.

At the beginning of its establishment, Linghang implemented internal push for a period of time, but seeing the company's small scale, it was unwilling to come.

Finished listening.

The opposite party can only give up internal referrals and follow the formal recruitment process. It is really not up to the standard, and can only sigh.

I want to enter now, but I am shut down.


I feel like I missed a lot.

. . .

Miles away.

An interview is being held in a hotel.


"No original shares? No option incentive plan?"


A returnee doctor frowned. He seemed to be overwhelmed by the success of the pilot. He had just graduated and returned to China and was about to go in for some options.

I found that there was no such thing.

"How long will it take?"

"Not sure."

The interviewer smiled and shook his head.

The other party added: "The absence of equity incentives is not conducive to retaining talents."


The interviewer just smiled and didn't catch up. There have been many situations like this, and it's not uncommon. Many people want to join the pilot and mix some original stocks.

This is understandable. Everyone is going from 9 to 5, isn't it just for the money.


At least you make a contribution, let's talk about this again.

Haven't joined the job, just thinking about the original stock, is the salary now not enough for your appetite?

After the salary increase.

If you have a doctoral degree, you can earn more than 10,000 yuan a month.

annual leave.



Festival fee.


There are a lot of leading welfare systems in the country, and the company will have welfare housing in the future. In short, the treatment will definitely not be bad.

"All right, I am willing to take the lead." After thinking about it, the interviewer said.

Interviewer: "..."

You are willing to be a little bit, this is just the first time, the returnee doctor is amazing!

One minute later, the interview supervisor notified the other party, but he just failed.


The opposite is incredible.


Dr. Returnee, was brushed off?

"You don't value talents too much!" With a wave of his sleeves, he left angrily.

See here.

The three interviewers shook their heads slightly and looked at the interview supervisor who rarely spoke. They were a little frightened. They were not only the personnel director, but also the vice president of the company.

All personnel who want to enter their own BOSS company must pass that level and have a veto right.


strong ability.

Eyes are poisonous.

I have interviewed many people who have returned from studying abroad.

German and French opened their mouths, and many interviewees were encircled. They were also very encircled. In addition to mainstream foreign languages, some minor languages ​​were also able to speak.

Niu batch!

After working together for a period of time, I can only sigh: People can sit in the position of vice president, they really have the ability.


In some professional interviews, they were able to chat with technical talents, which made the entire department, one by one, the self-proclaimed elites, feel ashamed.

Look, this is what it means to be capable.

In contrast, I am the same as the one who eats and drinks.

It is also aware of the gap with the real "talent", and the whole department has set off a learning craze.


Charge it vigorously, otherwise, you will always feel unemployed tomorrow.

. . .

With the news that the sales volume of the pilot exceeded 15 million, UU reading became popular all day.


It became popular again because of the hookup.

"Linghang Technology was established at the end of last year. Although its establishment was short, it relied on product innovation and achieved global sales of 15 million units within one month."

"Total sales exceeded 70 billion RMB, becoming another force of China's technology enterprise."


For the pilot, a one-minute report was carried out.

It's all praise.

All those who saw it didn't feel that the pilot couldn't afford it.

A company with a monthly sales of 70 billion yuan, although it will not always be like this, the huge amount of 70 billion can suppress all doubts.

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