My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 364: Is that human being?


After taking the graduation photos, I talked to the principal and returned to the class for the last class meeting.

"Go back and review it carefully."

"I wish everyone a good grade in the exam and go to the ideal university."


The teacher in charge was on vacation.

The students packed up happily.

The schoolbag was full, and he was holding a large pile in his hands, ready to go home. Of course, some homes are not in the city, some go to relatives' homes, and some live on campus.

The two girls had a lot of things, and the books couldn't fit.

"Let me do it!"

About to hold a stack of books on the table.

"It's too much, just hold these." Shan Wei gave Shu Fu a quarter.

Jiu Xinqin: "..."

She rolled her eyes and covered her face.


Shu Fu didn't pretend to be affectionate, and left with the book in his arms. As for their two stuffed schoolbags, they didn't help memorize them either.

A little book can be overwhelming.




Don’t do it everywhere. I really want to maintain a large and dignity. There are so many elderly people in nursing homes and so many disabled people in society.

Regardless of these.

Only serve a few people. Obviously, this is just a rudimentary decent.

. . .


Shan Wu's house, Shu Fu once again come to Cengfan.

"eat more!"

"Try this, Qinqin's mother taught me that it is an exclusive secret recipe."


As always, the single mother was very enthusiastic and tried hard to pick up the dishes, while the single father acted as a translucent person, eating silently, glanced at Shu Fu, full of pity.

Every time I come, my family status is -1.

Looking at my daughter again, it is even more disturbing, the soul of the little cotton-padded jacket has been hooked away.


He coughed and brushed off the sense of existence.

"Well, Xiaofu, what kind of profession do you plan to hold?" Shan father asked.

"industrial design."

Shu Fu replied.

After thinking about it again and again, I chose a more relaxed one, as the first major, just like what I usually do, I design various products in my free time.

Just right.

With interest, I will minor in a second major at that time.

I'm not prepared to make too many, two are enough, just let the number of degrees match the academic dominance.


After a long time of study.








Reading so many books, having the top research materials from major research institutions in the world, and participating in so many experiments in the Qi Hengshan laboratory at the same time.

In terms of knowledge, it is no worse than undergraduates.

Even stronger.

After all, there are so many content in basic subjects, and later, it is mainly related to experiments.

Therefore, if you really want to follow the ability as the standard.

Shu Fu himself can develop a professional Ph.D. ability in half a month.

And at the level of the best graduates from cutting-edge universities.


Do not!

It's not an exaggeration.





With all aspects of the brain's abilities skyrocketing, learning is no longer a problem.

. . .

after eating.

go home.

As soon as he walked in, Shu Fu's figure couldn't help but sneered.

"The courage is fat."

. . .



"Ha ha!"



In the darkness, a black commercial car was shuttled in the traffic. The five people in the car were happy, and the one in the back seat opened the package and took out a handful of jewelry.



Full of texture.

"How much do you have to sell so many jewels?"

"At least one million dollars."

"In this way, you can go back and change that yellow-faced woman."

"Now, don't worry for a few years."


One by one looks forward to the next period of life, so many jewels, waiting for the sale of stolen goods, it will be cool enough for several years, and I will be trembling with joy when I think about it.

. . .

At this time, the Jakarta media reported the robbery.

"A jewellery shop in central Jakarta was robbed. The robber held a weapon and wounded a Chinese employee. The injuries were serious and he has been sent to a doctor for treatment."

"There are five robbers, and they are driving..."


on site.

Jakarta police force blocked, treated the wounded, and collected evidence.

As for the hunt?

Where to chase at night, there is not much monitoring in the city, and it is not bad to be able to determine the color and license plate of the vehicle that commits the crime. In the end, there is a high probability that it will be ignored.

Inside the jewelry store.

The Chinese store manager sighed slightly.

In Indonesia, most of the jewelry business is done by powerful people behind it, whether it is with the government or with the local power.

Very strong.


Few people dare to move their property. If they move, they may not go to jail, but die.


The jewellery companies they work for are different. They have only been established for more than half a year. Although they are expanding rapidly, they have a poor foundation, a little bit like a fat sheep.

It is not surprising to be stared at.

After recording the confession, the regional manager rushed over.


"Well, the company already knows, you are doing very well, take a day off tomorrow, and come back to work the day after tomorrow."

"Thank you manager."


The employees went home one after another and closed the store doors.

. . .

at this time.

The man in the commercial vehicle had changed his car and squeezed into an old-fashioned Volkswagen. The fool used his car to commit the crime. The commercial vehicle was stolen this afternoon.

It didn't take long.

The car has left Jakarta city and came to the outskirts.


Enter a residential building.




Bags of jewels are piled on a table.






There are many types. As a comprehensive jewellery company, the categories are complete. Looking at the shining piece on the table, the five people are already full of light.

"A good drink tonight."

"You can drink, but you can't get drunk."



Needless to say, take out the beer from the refrigerator.

Open the lid.

Take a bite.



From now on, they are the rich. If gems and other things are not good enough, they can sell the gold and silver first.

After it was melted anyway, Mom didn't recognize it.

Just when one is excited.


The door was kicked open. Five people hurriedly took weapons. Four of them were mainly cold weapons. Only one robber could rob it. In Indonesia, it is not difficult to obtain weapons.

But the price is not cheap.

It's not about robbing a bank, a jewellery shop, just grabbing it.

Step on!

There was footsteps.

"Who are you?"

The five were relieved when they saw the people coming. They were not the Indonesian police, but an unarmed man. When they saw them, the other party just said indifferently:

"Those who see you off."

With that, go straight ahead.


The one with the weapon couldn't help it immediately, but he was dumbfounded in the next second.

I saw the opponent's body sideways and escaped.


"It must be luck!"

Suppress the inexplicable fear.






When the distance is only one meter.


The other's head tilted slightly.


The robbers were already trembling with fright. Is this really a science fiction movie?

The Matrix?


Rushing has reached the opponent's forehead, and at a glance, he seems to see the hope of life, and immediately pulls the trigger, this distance is impossible to miss.

However, I think too much.


Leng Khan stayed along his forehead Indeed, the other party did not hide, but the iron guy in his hand was emptied in the last grab.

How did the other party find out?


As soon as he finished speaking, he felt that his neck was pinched by a big hand.

"If you grab something, you can grab something, why do you shoot someone?" a faint voice came.



There was a sound of cracking bones.

Cang Dang!

His head tilted, losing his vitality, and his weapon fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the four people behind him were scared to pee. Just now they easily avoided the bullet, and now they crush a person's neck with one hand. Is this still a human being?

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