My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 365: Genuine online

Between life and death.


They must resist. They don't believe that there is a superman in the world. Everything just now must be luck. The remaining four people glanced at each other and swung their swords forward.


"Hack him."


Although he was flustered, he couldn't lose his momentum.

I don't believe it, four people can't kill one?



"Don't kill me, I am willing to..."



In less than half a minute, four lay on the ground, losing their breath, their eyes widened. I really didn't expect the enemy to be so strong, killing them like a chicken.


I knew I ran away overnight, so why did you come back here?

. . .

Mingshan City.

at home.

"The target has been cleared!" the subordinate reported.


Shu Fu nodded slightly, robbing this kind of thing is not too new, under the snowball, that jewelry company has now opened all over the world.

Southeast Asia.

Europe and America.



More than one hundred countries above the designated size in the world have a large number of layouts.

When the stall is big, it will naturally attract some coveted eyes. Up to now, the number of times the jewelry store has been robbed has exceeded ten times.

Mainly in Africa.

Not much in Asia.

The principle of handling is very simple, if it doesn't hurt people, it can be recovered, even if it is slightly injured, it is a lesson.

Seriously injured.


Then it's a different matter. One of them was one of them. Once in a certain country in Africa, a local force saw a newcomer and went off in person and robbed a shop.

For Li Wei, an African employee of a jewelry store was also killed.

Can this be tolerated?

Do not.

The next day, the underground forces in Africa reduced their staff by 38.

It just so happened to make room for a guard for the development forces in the past.

After rising to level five.

Most of the new summoning quotas are used on alien planets, but the development of the earth's power is not stagnant, although it has been slower, it has been advancing.

As for how to find the robber?

It's very simple.

Each store has a gold ornament with a tracker.

Very conspicuous.

Not for sale.

The outside is indeed gold, but it is shaped like the LOGO of the jewelry group, so there is no need to worry about being sold.


As long as the eyes are not blind, the robbers will often be tempted to take it away. After that, they only need to follow the signal to easily find and determine the location of the robber.

Otherwise, the subordinates are really not so magical and can be found in minutes.

If the robber doesn't take it, he can only find it slowly.

. . .

The next day.

Early in the morning.

The robbers made headlines in Indonesia, with the content: black eat black.

The people chanted: Evil is rewarded.

Jakarta police said: Working hard to investigate.

The whole incident ended in a hurry.

. . .

Mingshan City.

In the shop.

"Boss, come here with a five-hundred one."


"Me too."


The business was the same as before, with five caps. Just like yesterday, they were all small orders. After a while, many people surrounded Shu Fu's workbench and admired.

"This craft is absolutely amazing!"



There is a girl who wants to take pictures with Espier's phone.

"Sorry, I can't shoot."


The girl had to put her phone away and stared at Shu Fu: The little brother is so handsome! I can watch here for a day. But soon, she was squeezed to the back.

Outside the store.

Taking a look at the situation in the store, what else could Yan Yue say, go to work.

Did not go far.


Looking at the billboard, Yan Yue paused, did the pilot tablet arrive? It seems that it’s only been released two days ago, and that’s right, maybe it’s already been stocked and distributed.

At this moment.

Ding Dong!

The mobile phone information came, and it was a backstage reminder of Linghang Mall.

Before opening reservations, she directly ordered ten units to show her support.

ten minutes later.

Get the goods.

Don't say it.

The ten tablets are quite heavy when they are stacked together. Yan Yue came to the company in a hug, opened the packaging of one, took a closer look at the appearance, and couldn't help but like it very much.

It has similarities with Espier mobile phone in some respects.

Turn on.


Equipped with the pilot system, the operation is smooth, and a lot of software is pre-installed, but all of them are classified. Click on the video box and find that there are several video software.




Geometry video.



I was taken aback for a moment, and when I clicked it, it was really an app of Shufu's company. Yan Yue found that there were a large number of TVs and movies on it, all marked as genuine.

I looked at the library, not much, but not a lot.

In addition to domestic, there is also a large amount of foreign film and television content.

She knew that Shu Fu's company was acquiring a large number of film and television copyrights some time ago, and it must be broadcast to users. She thought it would be included in Bilibili.

Looking at it now, it is a separate one.


Bilibili is a gathering place for the second dimension, it is no problem to enter it, but it is easy to confuse the positioning.



Found that you can log in directly with Espier's user number, one-click login.

Yan Yue clicked on the member page.

Single month: thirty-six.

Season card: ninety-nine.

Half a year: one hundred and eight.

Annual card: three hundred yuan.

It's not expensive for Yan Yue, but compared to other video networks, the pricing is still slightly higher. I don't have to say, I came directly with an annual card and clicked on the movie interface.


The homepage recommendations are very attractive.


Little soldier.

Jin Yiwei.

Yueguang Treasure Box.


Many films released at the beginning of the year are available here, especially Avatar. I saw it in the cinema at the beginning of the year. It was very shocking and I couldn't help but click on it.


The blue light is really different.


Sound effects.


In addition to proving that the film is excellent, it also means that the equipment is performing well.

. . .

at this time.

The launch of Geometry Video also affects all parties.

Such as LeTV.

It's a headache.

One more copyright competitor is now directly spending money all over the world to smash copyrights. It has a lot of money and is incomparable. LeEco is still seeking to go public.

Especially the copyright of some foreign blockbusters.


LeTV took advantage of the low prices in the past two years, and the price of cabbage won a lot of copyrights, but most of them were domestic film and television works, and the copyright fees of foreign countries have not been low.

Therefore, LeTV does not have many foreign film and television copyrights.

Such as Avatar.

In ten years.

Its influence is self-evident, directly rushing to the first in film history.

It’s also hard to get a ticket in China. The one-month screening period was extended to three months. It was only off the assembly line in the major theaters at the end of March, and it went viral.

The emergence of a strong competitor may have a great impact on LeEco’s valuation expectations.

The money that can be circulated, I am afraid that it will be reduced by half.

Because LeEco has always been calling for genuine brand value.


Then there was helplessness, the green leek, about to go away.

. . .

As soon as Geometry Video was launched, in addition to pre-installation, the number of original mobile phone downloads was also very high.

But, when most users see the membership price, they instinctively say: It's expensive.

But soon he calmed down.


I want to see the genuine version for free, so think about it too much! Besides, it is not mandatory. If you want to see free ones, there are a lot of them on the Internet, and there is no restriction on you to download them.

Therefore, some people who are unwilling to pay, just watch free content.

Although it is genuine, only one-third of the content in Geometry Video requires members.


The quality of non-member content is not so high, but it is already very thick for the white vote.

And those who have the ability to consume genuine products, gritted their teeth and rushed!

I bought five or six thousand mobile phones, which is not bad.

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