Mountain state.


The forces in the central region are already in a state of tension, and the forces in the central region are fighting against the southern forces that have come in and are gaining a foothold.

A large number of personnel were transferred over.

Build fortifications.

Destroy the road.


This is a defensive strategy.


never mind!

Even if you retreat, you just have to fight Shanzhou, you have to stop, and the defensive strategy is more reliable.

After learning about Ban Xian's situation from some sources, the major forces breathed a sigh of relief.


It was not that the Nanyu Empire made up his mind, it was just the meaning of Ban Xian.

Regarding that ambush, all parties had no time to think about it.

Who made it?

Not important anymore!

The important thing is that the result has already happened and what to do next.


Ban Xian transferred his troops privately and committed a big taboo. It must be difficult to get off the ground. Even if he went up to explain and clarify, Ban Xian would not be able to withdraw.

One withdrawal.

You have to go to jail.

If you want to survive, you can only offset your merits and demerits.

Regaining Shanzhou is the only choice for Ban Xian.


The conclusion of the parties is: this battle is inevitable!

During the confrontation, there was constant news that the newly emerging forces had no intention of stopping after attacking their defensive lines.

Go all the way.

Attack the town and bazhai.


If it is not for the threat from the north, I must teach the other person how to behave.

After the last conflict, they also sent people to find each other to see if they could provide some kind of arrows that could explode, or help resist the Banxianzhou army.

But was rejected by the other party.

Many people are angry.


We will settle this account slowly in the future.

In fact.

Someone once doubted whether this force was related to Nan Yu, but the probability was not high, because if it were, Ban Xian would not attack from the north.

In terms of location, it is obviously better to attack from south to north than from north to south.

You know, within Nan Yu, many people want Ban Xian to die.

Those people are in high positions, if there is such a layout, the other party will definitely inform them.

Just like the state army's defense plan and strategic plan.

At this time, they were also leaked to them.

Of course.

The probability is low, which does not mean that it is impossible to stabbing in the back. Therefore, we should also take precautions.

. . .

Three days later.


Zhan Qi!

The various forces expressed their calmness, seeming to be a surprise attack, but last night, they received a secret letter, which also included the entire plan of action.

From time to place, from number to tactics, it is quite complete.

This battle.


The fact is also true. The raid failed and the state army retreated.

"Haha, what state army, it's useless."

"It's vulnerable."

"Supper tonight."


Many people began to swell, and this kind of battle to see the opponent's cards was the coolest. Of course, they didn't do too much, so that the opponent didn't suspect that there was a spy inside.

As long as the main strategic intent of the state army cannot be realized.

Under the big win.

Morale is boosted.

On the other side, the state army was sad.

. . .


Outside the state city, the state army camp.


Ban Xian looked at the battle report and sneered. When will there be someone who will tear down the station, the henchman sent there is not betrayed, but the other lieutenants are not necessarily.

It's okay!

As long as there is no big loss, it is in the controllable range.

Fortunately, let the other party taste some sweetness and swell for a while.

In fact, I didn't count on those soldiers. The real hard dish was a rare soldier of the new master. The number was not large, there were only about 300 people, who were good at night attacks.

At this time, under his arrangement, he has already mixed into the front line.

Independent one battalion.

I haven't moved before, just have to wait for other aspects.

Once acted.

It is the beginning of the countdown to the unification of the three states, which requires a lot of preparation work.

And at this moment.

"Master Bing, a letter from the prefectural animal husbandry."

After Ban Xian took over.

one look.

Asked when he would remove the military alert in Zhongzhou, Ban Xian couldn't help but smile and withdrew? What do you want, without a military alert, how to command the army and county soldiers?

In order to take control of Zhongzhou for the first time at that time, it is impossible to withdraw.


You can't say so clearly either. At the end of the letter, write: The order will be withdrawn after 20 days!

Hold the opponent first.

. . .


Zhou Mu received a reply, expressing his helplessness, who told him to have soldiers in his hands and have big fists!

Twenty days is only twenty days, which can give a lot of people an explanation.

Afterwards, someone sent the message.

Receive a letter.

Some people can only continue to wait.

"The trapped beast is still fighting."

"Shanzhou is defeated, or deadlocked, even Ban Xian won't be able to stop him."

"Unfortunately, Ban Xian is afraid of death and dare not go to the front line, otherwise..."


Ban Xian nests in the state army camp, and many strategies cannot be implemented. For example, I thought that when Ban Xian went to the front line, the supervising army would take him directly.

However, they did not leave the camp and stayed in the camp on the grounds of healing their wounds.

The supervising army can only follow Ban Xian's henchman to the front line.

This creates a problem.

The momentary failure of the front line does not make Ban Xian anything wrong.


Staying in the camp was only a short-term safety, and it was impossible to protect him. The last meeting, everyone had already noticed that Ban Xian would jump for the last time.

Can you get a good result if you are worried about by the Queen Mother?

. . .

Mountain state.


Ban Xian's henchman Lu Tian rubbed his head.


In this raid, I wanted to have a big victory in the first battle, but I didn't expect it to fail. The loss was not big, but the impact on morale was not small.

Just when I was watching the sand table.

"grown ups!"

One person walked in.

"It's you!" He looked up and saw that Ban Xian was accompanying him.

I didn't know each other before, but I didn't think too much about Ban Xian's many subordinates, how could he know all of them. This time, when he came over, Ban Xian appointed him as the secret line liaison.

Such as the battle report on the front line.

One is going to the state army letter camp, and the other is going to be given to him.

In this way, the accuracy of the battle report received is guaranteed.

ten minutes later.


"Leaking secrets?"

Lu Tian stared angrily, his face was incredible. If he was only a spy for the rebels, he would have recognized it, but he took the initiative to send intelligence to the other party.

The purpose is to want him to lose.

This is annoying!


He punched it on the sand table.


"Damn it!"

"This group of people should be cut all the time."


The feeling of being stabbed by one's own person is really heartwarming.

Ban Xian fought without playing, and it was impossible to stop him. As Ban Xian's confidant, all he could do was to relieve Ban Xian from his guilt by taking advantage of Shanzhou's great victory.

Efforts may be able to keep the position of the general soldier.

Now that someone dismantles the station, how can he not be angry.

"My lord, calm down!"

"This matter, Master Bing has already arranged"

Lu Tian was taken aback, he had expected it a long time ago? why not.....


I sighed in my heart, even if I expected it, I didn't necessarily know who it was.


"This time the leak, our spy has collected relevant evidence and can pick out people at any time, but this is not the most important thing now."


Half an hour later, Lu Tian's face revealed excitement.

it is good!

Sure enough, after the goal, there is still such a backhand.

Just, night attack? Are hundreds of people reliable?

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