My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 373: What kind of monsters has Nanyu Empire trained?

A big battle of this scale.

Use hundreds of soldiers to make a comeback?

It sounds a little less. In fact, Lu Tian still plays the drums in his heart, but out of trust in Ban Xian, he decided to give it a try according to his deployment.



Then gathered all his men.

"Night attack? Chief soldier secretly trained? Good at night combat?"

When I heard that this was the secret training of Ban Xian, I didn't think too much about it. People are the general soldier of a state. It is not difficult to get a secret soldier of hundreds of people.

In the crowd.

Someone sneered secretly.

very good!

Private training of secret soldiers, +1 guilt.

Generally nothing, but if someone really uses this to buckle the hat, one buckle is accurate.

at this time.

"Can it work? Need so many people to cooperate?" A sharp voice sounded.

Everyone sees that it is the commander of the imperial court supervising army, which is held by an eunuch.

His men also brought two hundred forbidden troops.

If Ban Xian was there, he would not have a say in fighting.

But Lu Tian?


A deputy commander-in-chief is only, and he doesn't have so many worries.

"Subordinates believe in Lord Chief Soldier."

Lu Tian didn't explain much, and directly pushed to the general soldier.


The supervising army didn't say any more, as long as the responsibility for the failure lies with Ban Xian.

No need to stop.

. . .

After the decision was made, everyone dispersed and deployed their own defenses. This time the action was much larger than the last time. The last time the main temptation was made, this time it was a total attack.


All camps.

All have to move.


The premise is that the night raid plan is really successful.

If it is unsuccessful, there is not much loss, because the people behind will only start tomorrow morning.

The night attack is tonight.

Therefore, at most furiously.

A certain camp.

"A ridiculous plan."

"If you don't fail, I'm sorry for your stupidity."


Regarding this night attack plan, the man said hehe, in the dark night, hundreds of people want to attack the defense line of at least tens of thousands of people?

What a dream!


He drafted a secret letter.

It's all symbols, not a single word.


Who vented the letter and wrote a plain text?

Even if such content is discovered, without corresponding decryption rules, it is impossible to know what is written in it.

Subsequently, the secret letter was given to a confidant and asked to send it farther away.

. . .

Soon, the opposite learned.

"Night attack?"

"Stupid, just a few hundred people, who think you are."

"Ban Xian, getting old!"


Everyone laughed loudly.

I'm really old, expecting a few hundred people to change their occupation, okay, then let's not be polite, and kill all the elite soldiers trained by the general army here.

The two failures were enough to greatly damage the morale of the state army.

"I made arrangements immediately and set up ambushes along the way." One of the men said.

"Do not!"

The coach waved his hand and refused.

"Put it in, if you set up an ambush along the way, it's easy to think of a plan leaking."

People's main force will not start until tomorrow, and this time the results will be several hundred.

There is no need for this person to let the other party determine the leak.


"Tonight, surprise them, haha!"

The staff quickly went down to arrange.

. . .


Standing on a mountain top, Lu Tian looked at the lights in the distance. That was an important line of defense for the enemy and the first target of this night attack.

That's right.

There is more than one goal, but five.

As planned.

The three first lines of defense and the two second lines of defense are in the plan tonight.

The difficulty of such a task is more than arduous, it is simply impossible.

And when the other party knew it, it was no different from Ming Gong.

The arrow is on the string.

Had to post.

He only hopes that the layout of his own generals will not be a farce.

Bow your head.

Looking at the time, there are still three laps before the attack begins.

. . .

Qingping Island.


Shu Fu continued to be an assembly worker willing to assemble the delivered parts one by one, and then transport them to the outside with a heavy-duty truck until the final assembly.

Hard work makes me happy!

Assemble on one side.

Shu Fu is also paying attention to the situation in Shanzhou, watching the battle through the eyes of the guards.

Under the night.

One by one, the figures shuttled through the forest, and they didn't follow the leaked route at all, but in another direction, a direction that the other party thought was impossible.


The guards are good at surprises, and the time is one hour ahead of schedule.


The thunder was rolling, but it didn't rain.

No moonlight.

However, in the eyes of the guards, it had no effect.


A little hunter lurking in the jungle was about to sneak into the creature that broke into his territory, but unexpectedly was nailed to the tree by a sharp blade in the next second.

Lose interest.

Draw a knife.

go ahead.

The hidden dangers in the jungle can't affect the pace of the guards at all.

Thanks to the night, if it's daytime, it's easy to attract attention.

It didn't take long.

The field of vision was slightly bright. Although there could be no enemies in this direction, some people were still arranged to grill under a simple wooden shed.

call out!

call out!

The few people who were still chatting happily a second ago did not look down.

The figure passed through the sentinel and disappeared into the jungle.

. . .

Finally came to the defensive line, a large number of fortifications, making it easy to defend and difficult to attack, one by one received orders, tonight tonight, but did not know about the sneak attack.

The brazier was burning on the stone wall.

A soldier on the wall looked at the dark distance and yawned.


He suddenly covered his mouth and couldn't believe that he had died like this, and he didn't call out a single enemy attack.


Fall to the ground!

Puff! Puff!


A large piece of it was poured around it.

"Enemy attack!"

A miserable voice marked the official start of the battle.



The heavy rain began to fall.


"The enemy is over there, ah!"


"Be careful, the enemy's archer is very accurate."


"Devil, this is a group of demons!"



After half an hour of fighting, the rest of the people collapsed.


This is a group of killing gods, terrible battle loss ratio, making them desperate.

. . .


For the actions of the guards, Shu Fu did not have much sympathy.

War is killing people.

Besides, according to the investigation, these guys are not innocent.

When building the defense line, a large number of surrounding villages and towns were looted.

Many people have innocent blood on their hands. Although not everyone deserves to die, this default behavior also makes him uncomfortable.

Since other people choose to watch these evil deeds, don't say they are innocent.

Moreover, in the first battle, the opponent must be frightened and the heart trembles at the sight.

. . .

After one hour.


Thousands of people squatted on the huge open space of the defense line, one by one, like a concubine. There was no more momentum than half a minute ago. At this moment, there was only one word in my heart.


too frightening.

What kind of monsters has Nanyu Empire trained?

That cooperates.

That combat power.

It's a blast. It stands to reason that the more melee, the more unpredictable the outcome.

And now, they have seen what is ultimate cooperation. Under the melee, there is no way for the opponent to survive, and they are so terribly trembling.

If you want to survive, you can only surrender.

A coach sitting in the crowd has no fighting spirit at all.

When the first soldier surrendered, the whole situation was out of control.


Knowing the actions of the other party, they were still defeated so miserably.


The opponent changed the attack direction.


The time is also ahead of the intelligence.

But when he thought of the battle just now, he couldn't help but smile. If he did it again, even if the opponent attacked on time and planned, he would definitely be able to stop it?

To be honest, he didn't report much hope.

People who haven't fought against this group of people can't understand its horror at all.

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