Go home.

It's still early.

Shu Fu strolled out and walked to the end of Xingfu Alley, only to see a busy distance in the distance.

Da da!




A lot of machinery is under construction---demolition of the house.

This time it was renovated into a district. Like the previous life, some nail households in Xingfu Lane slowed down the demolition.


I guess I have to start moving now. After watching for a while, Shu Fu turned around and came to a small alley that had not yet been demolished, but was about to be demolished.

There is an old shop here, which mainly sells noodle soup.

Comes often in previous lives.

After being reborn, he was good at cooking and only came here a few times.

Come in.

"A bowl of vegetarian noodle soup."

"Hold on."

The owner is an old man in his 60s and 70s, but with his neat hands and feet, he proficiently began to ramen noodles. Soon, the dough turned into noodles and was thrown into the pot.


Get up.

Add a few vegetable leaves and a bowl of vegetarian noodle soup is ready.

"Slow use!"


Shu Fu tasted it.


Familiar taste, not to mention how delicious it is, but it carries a memory. Although I can take it out of it, I don’t feel like eating here.

Finished quickly.

Ready to pay.

"This meal, old customers, don't need money." The old shopkeeper said kindly.

It turned out to be free for regular customers because it was going to be demolished, ready to retire, and no longer open stores.

Hearing that, Shu Fu was not hypocritical.


When I was about to leave, I saw a group of people rushing into the store, and the first young man shouted:


"Whatever you want."

"It's all free."


A dozen people looked at the product list on the wall, almost all of them were a bit more expensive, like an uncle, almost full of the tables in the shop, which was quite noisy.

Shu Fu frowned slightly.

In the words, it is obviously not the old customers, but the ones who come to take advantage.

Not only eat.

Also packaged.

"Boy, you're so ugly!" One of them said to Shu Fu and stroked his red hair, feeling that his handsomeness was suppressed.


Shu Fu couldn't help but smile, interesting.

Turned and left.


"Ha ha."

"Little white face is just useless."


Seeing Shu Fu leaving, a group of people laughed, feeling that there was another opportunity to talk.

. . .

Walk around.

Go home.

Take out a stack of cut fruit platter from the refrigerator and watch the play through the guard's vision. Up to now, I have seen too many, and I rarely go crazy on the spot.

Dirty work, I didn't have to do it myself.

. . .

the other side.

Finish eating.


A dozen or so people left the old shop swaggeringly. Many homeowners around had already moved out. There were almost no people in the alley.

Why don't you have free stuff?

Are chatting.

A strong man appeared in front of him, and he didn't care.


When passing by.


The red hair at the front was directly slapped.

"At a young age, I dyed a red hair and didn't learn well, so I owe it when I look at it."




As his surrounding companions were dumbfounded, Hong Mao was slapped a dozen times, the ‘trophies’ in his hands hung on the ground, and his left and right faces were all red.

"And you."

After hitting one, the strong man looked at the next young man who killed Matt.

Catch the collar.



It was just a slap in the face.

At this time, the others finally reacted and rushed up with their fists.


The person in the front kicked his stomach and kicked directly.


I spit out what I just ate.

The others were not much better, they were beaten with fists and sceptical life, and after a while, a dozen people could only lie on the ground and wailing.

But the brawny didn't stop, he still fisted together.

beg for mercy?

It's useless!

"Tell you to dye your hair."


"I told you to pierce your ears."


"Call you to get a tattoo."


At this moment, all of them lying on the ground were crying, oh my goodness, it was too unlucky to meet a guy who hates hair and tattoos so much.




If I hit my face again, it will be broken.

Expect someone to call the police, but no one around can see it.

"Look at what you owe you, just get angry."

In the end, one person and one kick are all done.

After the strong man left, a dozen people stood up with difficulty, and found that there was no pain in their whole body. Most people's brains were buzzing, which was slapped.

One by one looked around in fear, the beating was inexplicable.

Dye hair.

Pierced ears.


Did you mess with you?

. . .

at home.

After watching the live broadcast, Shu Fu said, comfortable!

. . .

It was the evening of the same day.

City station.

Although there is no interview with Shu Fu, there is a picture of him accepting the award.

"Today, the provincial college entrance examination scores can be checked. Shu Fu, the third middle school of our city, became the provincial science champion."

"The school and the city bureau gave cash rewards."

"With a total score of 745, he is expected to become the number one scholar in science in many provinces."


As the number one in science in the province, she has another wave of presence. As for whether it is the number one in the whole country, the city and Taiwan have not received specific information for the time being.

But 745 points, a high probability is also the first.

. . .

Many educational and educational publishing organizations were enthusiastic about the news, but when they checked Shu Fu's information, they were a little discouraged because they were not short of the money.

Millions of assets.

The woodcut master, whose works have been presented to the National Museum of China, and only opened for a few days a month, looks like he doesn't care about money at all.


Had to give up.

. . .

The next day.

Some companies, in order to gain popularity and want to award bonuses, but the school did not tell the contact information at all, and Liao Fang refused all calls.

What a joke.

Shu Fu bad money?

Will pick up your tens of thousands of appearance fees? What a dream!

He is very busy now.

A meeting was held yesterday and the reconstruction of the teaching building was confirmed.

I have to report to the Education Bureau. There are a lot of processes that the school has to go through. It's not that you want to dismantle it. Public schools, national assets, and many aspects need to be coordinated.

After finishing the materials, Liao Fang came to the Municipal Bureau.


"Donate the building?"

"Get 15 million yuan in investment?"


Listen to the superior.

Very surprised, I didn't expect Liao Fang to be so lucky.

Picked up a champion and picked up a new teaching building.

"Who donated it?"

The superior asked curiously.

"The line that Shu Fu set up and the investment he was looking for was to support the construction of his alma mater." Liao Fang felt happy. This result is enough for him to go further.

15 million, Liao Fang didn't believe it was Shu Fu's money at all.

"Not only that, but the bonuses he awarded yesterday were all given to the school, specifically to help poor students~www.readwn.com~ So that's it."

The superior couldn't help but feel relieved.


"very good!"

"Such students should be promoted vigorously."

Yesterday, there was a reporter present, but Shu Fu did not donate in person, but gave the money to Liao Fang after everyone left.

This behavior is impressive.

It's not a show, but sincere.

"do not!"

Liao Fang hurriedly stopped and said, "Shu Fu doesn't like to be famous, and he doesn't like to be crowded."

He had learned how much that young man was afraid of trouble.

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