My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 381: Huge cash flow

Hear the words.

Liao Fang's superior frowned. This is too salty, but when he thought of learning about Shu Fu's shop rules elsewhere, he suddenly understood a little bit.

All right!

If you don't publicize, you don't publicize.

"By the way, what is the name of the donation company?" He asked casually.

"He Chen!"


"Hechen, have you heard of it?"

Liao Fang asked curiously, this name sounds strange, what kind of asset management, and what kind of asset to manage?

"Full name."

The superior asked.

Liao Fang took out a business card and handed it up.

"It really is."


What dumb riddles are you playing? After Liao Fang asked, he listened to the explanation from the superior.

"At the end of April, this company bought the land of the old textile factory and demolished what headquarters it was going to build. I heard that the overall investment was more than 300 million yuan."

"Very rich."

"Zhuang Xi Shuji personally brought in the investment."


While listening, Liao Fang also slapped his tongue.

300 million!

This is a huge sum of money. In comparison, the 15 million for the teaching building is just a small project.

It seems that Shu Fu has a close relationship with the other boss.

"What is the relationship between this Shu Fu and that company?" the superior murmured.

Hear the words.

Liao Fang thought for a while, whispered:

"The last time Shu Fu finished his first Chinese college entrance examination, Zhuang Shuji personally went to pick him up at the school gate. I don't know what he was doing. I probably went to lunch."

"What? Zhuang..."

His superiors did not expect that Shu Fu still had this relationship.

"Are you on the spot?"



He looked at Liao Fang, and it seemed that it was really possible to hold a thick leg this time.

Suddenly, he noticed the time Liao Fang said. After the Chinese test?


"June 7th, noon."


Suddenly, his eyes rounded.

He knew who Zhuang Xi was accompanying that day. He picked up someone in the morning and then left in the afternoon. It was impossible for him to run anywhere in the middle.

And he went to school to pick up Shu Fu.


The reason inside is amazing.

"What's the matter?" Liao Fang didn't know, so he was also the principal, unable to reach the information level.

"This guy, it's not easy."

Liao Fang: "..."

Of course we know it's not easy, but you still need to say it.

Facing Liao Fang’s ‘ignorance’, his superiors didn’t explain much.

Exploring the wind.

. . .

So, Zhuang Xi soon learned about it.


"It's pretty good, so I don't need to promote it."

Zhuang Xi called yesterday to congratulate him, but he didn't know about the donation and didn't care about it.

It is very understanding.

The 15 million project is a big deal for Shu Fu.


Sales of more than 20 million units have brought at least 20 billion yuan in profits for Pilotage. Compared with that, more than 10 million is insignificant.

Shu Fu wanted to salt fish.

Then salted fish.


"That principal's surname is Liao, right?" Zhuang Xi asked.


"How is your usual work?"


When he walked out of the office, Liao Fang's superior knew in his heart that Liao Fang's transfer in the second half of the year was stable!

. . .

at this time.

Shu Fu was at home and looked at the sales data of Linghang. It was obvious that the glory of the first month could not be sustained, and the sales in the second month were half of that directly.

becoming steady.


This is the regular hot sales, so many in the first month are caused by special reasons.

The next step is a long sales period until the new product is released.

Mobile phone sales are good.


The tablet is also good.

It has sold more than 500,000 units within one month of listing. This is already excellent data. After all, tablets can only be used on the Internet, and they are not convenient to carry.

No problem!

Anyway, it's just a supplement to the product line, and I don't expect to sell it well.

Be the first.

That's right.

Even with 500,000 units, it still occupies the world's number one brand in a single month. Apple has slightly disappointed many consumers because of the four reasons.

Even the tablet with its product line has also been implicated.


There is also the reason that the pilot tablet is indeed excellent.





Not inferior to the first-generation IPAD in all aspects, and even in terms of appearance, Linghang is completely slamming it.

Look at the huge cash flow on the account.


Due to the billing period, the cash flow in Linghang's hand is very huge, but most of it is to be settled, and only a small part belongs to Linghang.

Even so, it was a huge sum in ten years.

Ten billion profit!

You know, Penguin's total revenue last year was just over 12 billion.

It is conceivable that at this time, how much envy and hatred are staring at the pilot.

It was because of this that Shu Fu got mixed equity.


Ten percent of the shares were given to Zhu Xianming.


Five points were given to each of the two mobile phone companies.

I only hold 80% of the shares nominally.


Still a little too much.


It must continue to be divided out. Shu Fu doesn't care about the number of holdings on the surface, as long as the actual holding is his own.

Recently, many investment institutions have contacted and wanted to buy shares.

Shu Fu did not completely refuse, but he insisted on a valuation of 50 billion U.S. dollars.


No gambling terms are accepted.

No performance indicators are accepted.

Unlisted repurchase rights are not accepted.


A large number of anti-restriction treaties have made those investment institutions angry enough. So far, none of them have been negotiated. Shu Fu is not in a hurry, and it is not bad for the money.

It's just an opening.

There are real people who are gambled, so take it and play with it.

If not, it is nothing more than left-handed inverted right-handed play.

Three days ago.

The fourth contractor, Schott, took back the company that belonged to him through legal means. In addition, his unrecognized rich father soon found him.

At that time.

Can let Schott's capital into the market.

. . .

As Shu Fu knows.

The other end.

The investment institutions that have been in contact with Linghang wanted to swear, and finally persuaded the board of directors to accept Linghang's high valuation, but they were **** off by Shu Fu's conditions.

On gambling.


rights and interests.


People don't accept it at all.

Investment institutions are simply money-giving boys, they are only responsible for giving money and can't control anything.

But there is no alternative, the pilot is not short of money, and there are tens of billions on the account.

Unlike ordinary entrepreneurs, who lack everything, venture capital occupies the status of the main island.

Mandatory gambling.

Request to be listed.

Request performance.


Once it fails to meet the standard, the founder team will have to give up the equity or leave. You may not get a penny and leave the house alone.

In the face of a company that is not bad for money, investment institutions are at a disadvantage. Although the valuation of 50 billion yuan is a bit recognizable, it is really difficult to accept its terms.

Everyone is hesitating.

The only comfort is that Linghang has a listing plan.

The time is not long. It is said that within two or three years, the specifics are uncertain, but even so, Linghang is not willing to write into the contract when betting on the time to market.

This makes people helpless.


Then let's go through it for a while.

See which fool is willing to lead the shot under such conditions.

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