After half an hour.

The first furnace of steel gradually cooled and formed.



On the conveyor belt, it slowly slid out of the factory building, then was lifted by an automated hoist, placed in a huge flatbed truck, and sent to a factory not far away.





Soon, it became a side of the minecart bucket.


Using the first furnace of steel, multiple faces are welded together to form a complete mine cart body. The mine cart is seriously insufficient when the steel plant is started.

Therefore, it is the first production target.

Ten vehicles will be produced first, and then we will meet the demand.

Then began to build a second steel plant, in this cycle, first increase the production capacity, and then divide a part to produce other metal products.

Because it is multi-furnace continuous steelmaking.

Therefore, the interval between each furnace is about ten minutes.

The body is constantly increasing.





In just one hour, ten huge car bodies were completed.


The task remains arduous.






Even after optimization and standard transformation of many parts, hundreds of spare parts are still to be manufactured.

Inside the plant.

Looking at the rows of tightly packed machine tools, Shu Fu breathed a sigh of relief. One of the symbolic products of modern heavy industry technology, the giant minecart, is a bit difficult to build.

There is something to blame.


If you produce processing equipment from the earth, don't even think about it. There are not many equipment in the world, and you suddenly lose it, which is simply exciting.

And now, as much as you want, krypton gold will do.

If it's fast, ten minecarts can be produced in two days.



Not at all.

In terms of the number of precision machine tools in front of us, the top ten mining truck equipment companies in the world have just caught up. It is not that those companies have no money.

Mainly because of limited sales.

There are so many companies that evenly share the global demand every year, and the market share is not much.

He is different. At this moment, he can't wait to produce hundreds of thousands of units, and the demand for other industrial processing is horrible, this is only a few billions.


The investment in this area has just begun, and want to smash an excellent industrial system out of billions?

It's noisy!

Eighty-eight billion yuan is just the beginning.

The current self is just the first step, and the road ahead is long!

. . .

Next to one of the large CNC machine tools.

Through the glass, Shu Fu looked at the situation inside. He used to like to watch metal processing, especially the feeling of automation and cutting layer by layer.

I feel so cool!

Now, I saw it with my own eyes.

A metal block is being ravaged inside, turning into an engine crankshaft step by step.

The cutting tools are broken, and the processing speed is very fast.

Although the main body of the machine model is owned by MAG, the tool has been upgraded to a certain extent because of its excellent alloy technology.

The overall processing speed has been increased by more than half.

The service life of the tool is also tripled.

that's all.

One quarter of an hour.

The crankshaft of the diesel engine is manufactured, and then the next metal block is continued to be ravaged.

As for the other machine tools, they all have their own division of labor, manufacturing different metal parts, and then collectively transporting them to the bound warehouse.

That's right.

Assembling work is still Shu Fu.

no way.

Although the degree of automation is high here, it is mainly high in material transportation, smelting, and metal processing.

The assembly work is much worse.


The smart devices assembled by the terminal are already being developed and tested. After some time, it should be able to greatly reduce his assembly work, but now it can only be tiring.

. . .

Looked for a while.

Go back to the warehouse.

Shu Fu flipped through the thick technical data of the minecart.

Eyes closed.

The strong memory and excellent composition ability made Shu Fu's mind a clear part, and each of them could tell a message.

Immediately afterwards.

These parts began to be assembled together quickly.


It looked like a minecart.

As soon as the mind moves, the minecart is scattered into parts again. This is Shufu's training method. The more familiar it is, the faster it can be assembled, just like a car.

Within the bound building range.

three minutes.

He can disassemble a car into its most basic parts and assemble it in ten minutes.

This skill.

It seems so general.


Think about it carefully, and use it in other places, such as a battleship, if it is redesigned and a large number of riveting and welding are replaced by mechanical connections.

If you really train to a certain level.

As long as there are enough parts, it is not difficult to get dumplings in one boat for half a day.

In fact.

The subordinates are already doing the same. Some of the ships made on the alien planet are shifting to this aspect, abandoning riveting and welding, and adopting mechanical connections.



Refer to the engine sold in Yuancheng, and then think about the carpenter's connection method.

Using the transfer function inside the binding building, there is no need to worry about how to achieve it.

. . .

Seven o'clock in the morning.

Shu Fu woke up.

I simulated too many times last night, and it was a bit bothersome. I just slept directly for three hours, and under the strong physical fitness, he has completely recovered.

Had breakfast.

Go to school.

Today is the first day of class.

Although I have said with the dean that you can skip class depending on the situation, it does not mean that you will not go for a whole semester. At least you have to respect the teachers?

I have to brush my face in the first class.

. . .

Come to the sketching classroom.


"Student Shu, sit here."

"Have you had breakfast? I have buns here."


No girl classmates greeted him. Although the dinner party the day before yesterday made them feel like nothing, but at least they belonged to them during class.

Do not ask for anything.

It's also eye-catching to look at.


It was almost time for class, and a female teacher in her thirties came in.

"My name is Chen Ran, your sketch teacher."

"Hello teacher."


After some interaction, the roll call began.

"Shu Fu!"


Seeing Shu Fu standing up, Chen Ran couldn't help but glanced a few more times. The dean specially warned that Shu Fu could go to class freely in the future, and he nodded in his heart, which was not bad.

They all study art and have a natural affinity for beautiful things.

Of course, there is another remark from the dean, saying that it has a solid foundation.

Otherwise, she would not allow students to fool around for a semester.

The first impression is good.

Being able to come today can be regarded as an expression of respect for the teacher, but she is still a little skeptical about the craftsmanship that the dean is full of praise

After naming the names, start to find out.

Not everyone has a foundation in sketching, and many have no foundation at all.

Therefore, the painting is also simple, a plate of fruits.


Chen Ran looked at Shu Fu and said directly:

"Student Shu, you also know that you are special. In this way, you can find an angle around yourself and sketch it out in your own way."

"Requirements, diverse and substantial content, I hope you can play to the highest level."

Upon hearing this, the surrounding students were taken aback.


What's so special? Is it so handsome?


Shu Fu nodded and agreed.

After thinking about it, he went directly to the podium and patted twice.

"Look here, everyone."


The classmates gathered their eyes together, and their heads peeked out of the drawing board, with a look of doubts on their faces.

"All right!"

"You guys continue."


The classmates were at a loss. Chen Ran was also slightly surprised, but didn't ask much. Standing next to Shu Fu, he saw that he took out a pencil from his pocket.

Next, it was the moment when Chen Ran doubted his life.

ten minutes later.


Since the facial expressions of more than a dozen classmates had to be drawn, it didn't take five minutes to complete. In fact, he did use the current highest hand speed.

Look at the painting and look at the time.

Chen Ran looked at Shu Fu with fiery eyes.

This craft.

It made her feel a little urge to sacrifice her knees.

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