My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 434: The minecart is assembled

She admitted that she was inferior.

In other words, it is far inferior, just to say that the terrible memory at that glance is simply a kind of crushing.

In addition, it is hand speed.

It took only ten minutes, and Shu Fu took only ten minutes to complete a content that she would have to draw on a photo for one or two hours.

She can only look up.

Do not.

Kneeling and watching.

And, it's not just her.

The so-called masters in the world will be silent when they see it, because they are too enchanting.




Chen Ran picked up the painting and kept nodding his head, his eyes couldn't move away.

"Student Shu, can you give this to me?"

After she recovered, she looked at Shu Fu expectantly, as if she had thought of something, and added another sentence.

"Just as your final exam for this course."

At this level, she really didn't think there was much to teach.

on the contrary.

They all want to apprentice Shu Fu.


"Can it be designed for the final exam?"



The classmates were in an uproar with an unbelievable look. What did Chen Ran just say? Not only did he praise Shu Fu's paintings as good, but also directly regarded them as works for the final exam.


Are you kidding me? Is the drawing so good?


The classmates come together.


"Student Shu painted this?"



They were shocked one by one. Not only was the painting well done, it was simply impeccable. If it weren't for some lines to reveal that it was a sketch, I would think it was a photo.


The two male classmates looked at Shu Fu as if they were looking at monsters.

They actually all have sketching skills.

I wanted to show off with this.

What material.

Being crushed by the piece of paper in front of me is considered a career, and I deeply know how superb craftsmanship it is to draw such a work in ten minutes.

The kind that I can't catch up in my entire life.

"Thank you, Teacher Chen." Shu Fu agreed with a smile.

Now, this course is considered to be completed.

"Haha, I have to thank you."

Chen Ran quickly put it away like a treasure.

Looking at Shu Fu, he is not only satisfied, but also a little admired. Sketching is also a craft, and he has a level that you can't reach in a lifetime.

Therefore, the young belong to the young, but the winners come first.

"However, in the future, if you can come at least once every month, just one class will be enough. It can be regarded as giving pointers to your classmates." Chen Ran continued.

In fact, she also wanted to be guided.

So under the banner of classmates.

"no problem."

Shu Fu nodded and agreed, he still has time to come once a month.

Besides, they are all in the same class, and those expectant eyes are not easy to refuse.

Hear the words.

The students cheered.

"Very good!"

"Student Shu, I didn't expect you to be so good."


The twittering stopped for a while, and they returned to their seats and started the test. As for Shu Fu, he did not leave immediately, but looked at Chen Ran's paintings.

He pointed.


The female classmates all saw their eyes lit up.

The order of the whole class is reversed.

Worthy of being their new male god, so good that there is no edge!

. . .

After class.

Chen Ran reluctantly left, and Shu Fu was quickly surrounded by his classmates, thinking of drawing a sketch for them, and some even came up to hold his arm and play coquettishly.




"All painted, but only one for one person, no one has too many."


The female classmates have a triumphant expression.


Came to the greenery outside the teaching building and painted one by one.

As for the second class? No!

But the afternoon is full of classes, and they are all theoretical courses.

If I want to come, it is also a buffer for the morning sketching class.

After all, this is really to be hand-painted. After the class, many have to be consolidated.

One and a half hours later.


The students regarded it as treasures, and hung them up when they were ready to go back.

. . .

Chen Ran returned to the office.

After a while.

Shu Fu's name spread among the teachers of the department. After all, the department is so big, teaching and office are all in the same building, and the news is easy to spread.

The dean called Chen Ran to the office.

"Ms. Chen, your painting..."

"Can't give it to you, Shu Fu gave it to me."

Chen Ran looked at the dean warily, as if he was coming to grab her child.


The dean is speechless, I will still rob you of nothing.

"Just take a look."


"It's true, I also have one." As he said, the dean took out one.

At this time, Chen Ran believed that it was not necessary.


The two sides exchanged views.


It was indeed painted by Shu Fu, and the technique is very distinctive.

"Why is this Shu Fu so good? Which famous master did he learn from?" Chen Ran asked curiously.

Hear the words.

The dean smiled and shook his head.

"Do not."

"Do you think that his craft can be taught by any famous master?"


Chen Ran nodded, this ability really only depends on talent.

"In fact, what Shu Fu is best at is not sketching." The dean continued.


She couldn't help but froze. Isn't this the best?

"He is actually a woodcarver. That's right, as you think, he carves wood, but don't look at Shu Fu with your current eyes."

"Just at the beginning of the year, his work was exhibited in the National Museum."

"Even, as soon as the exhibition was over, it sold three million yuan, and it was still using ordinary wood."


After listening to the dean's narration, Chen Ran no longer knew what to say.

Do you want to be so good?

You are just a freshman!

To be able to go to the National Museum, which one is not a master in the industry, and finally sold for a astronomical price of 3 million yuan, who can do it for a living master?

No, none of them.

Anyway, she wants to break her head, none of the existing masters can match it.

This master is not a jade carving or carving of precious objects. The material value of those things is far higher than the added value and cannot be counted as the craftsmanship price.

All right!

Let her digest it.

. . .

After Chen Ran left, the dean couldn't help being shocked. He also heard Wei Jie talk about this matter a few days ago, but he didn't expect such a talent to come out of the college.

To know.

The difficulty of entering the National Museum of Art is not generally high.

Anyway, there are only a handful of faculty members currently serving.

Shu Yi.

I had heard this name before, but I didn't care too much. I didn't expect to enter the academy.


A student with good craftsmanship and a master who has already become famous in the industry are not a concept.


I couldn't help calling Wei Jie, and he was silly.

. . .

the other side.

After hanging up the phone, Wei Jie smiled bitterly.

Do you think Shu Fu is so capable?

Too naive!

The Jiang family knew that Shu Fu was the chairman of Linghang Technology. As a neighbor, he was buzzed by the news during a game of chess on the weekend.

Chairman of Linghang Technology.

The market value of 50 billion US dollars.

Will soon be the richest man in China.


A series of news made him almost didn't lose his mind at the time, and he was worth 200 billion yuan. It happened to a freshman, dare you to believe it?

. . .

the next day.

Shu Fu still went to class and met with the teachers of various subjects. Because of the sense of presence and the dean's second conversation yesterday, the teachers were not dissatisfied.

On the contrary, they are all very happy.

Describing Shuangjue, a master in the industry.

For such students, the teacher is also under a lot of pressure. Whether they don't come, they can relax.

After all, in front of a genius, the content of the class is likely to be naive in the eyes of the other party, and the teacher will be uncomfortable to be looked at by such a pair of eyes.

. . .

That evening.

East island.

After all parts of the minecart are produced.


Countless parts are flying, and gradually assembled into a complete minecart, the size of a small hill can almost block the huge door of the warehouse.

The diameter of the tire alone is three meters and six ~ ~ and one is 1.8 meters in size, which is only half the height of a tire.


After the last part is connected.


The diesel engine started, and all aspects of self-checking began. Five minutes later, the self-checking was completed. The huge minecart drove out with black smoke, not into the rainy night.


Almost every half an hour, the minecart joins the mine queue.

At two o'clock in the morning, the assembly of twelve mine cars was completed.

Since then, there is no longer a lone minecart at work.

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