What is the government council?


How old is the official?

How powerful is it?


Questions and questions popped up in the Ban family's mind. They were all very strange names, but before they asked them, Ban Xian simply explained them.

"The management of the entire center will be divided into four courtyards."

"One. The Council of Government Affairs."

"Second, the Supervisory Office."

"Three, the Military Academy."

"Four. Commercial Institute."

"Among them, the Government Affairs Council is slightly higher than the other three and a half-level, and the chief presides over its work."

"In addition to the chief, there are five second seats in the Council of Government."

"The heads of the other three courts each occupy a seat, but they don't participate in the daily management of the government affairs institute, and the other two are specialized second seats for the government affairs institute."

"When an important decision is encountered, six people will vote, and more than half of them will be able to implement it. As the chief of the government council, there are two votes, and the remaining five people have one vote."


"As the chief, my main job is..."


Upon hearing this, the class family members had a preliminary understanding of the highest authority in the future, a very unfamiliar structure, but they sounded so terrible.

At the same time, he was relieved.


Although lower than expected.

But the chief is not bad, the highest officer on the bright side.

After learning about the names of the other five second seats in the Government Affairs Council, he smiled bitterly.

A total of seven votes.

Ban Xian has two votes.

If other people report to the group, the chief is a decoration.

Once isolated, the only role is to be a mascot, to sign documents and orders, etc., and nothing else can be done, let alone the right to dismiss other second seats.

Because the removal of the other second seats requires five votes.


But this is reality.

After calming down, Ban Xian's eldest son asked, "What does the Supervisory Yuan do?"





"To exercise judicial power, and to judge cases in the future, it will not be done by the person in charge at the local level, but by a special type of person, so as to avoid laymen."

"It is controlled by the State Council, but it is difficult to interfere. Just like you have committed a crime, if I want to protect it, I can't directly intervene. I need to vote to make a decision."

"So, remember to obey the law."


"At the same time, there is also the right to monitor hundreds of officials..." Ban Xian explained.

Finished listening.

The family took a breath.

The power of the Supervision Institute is so great, and then I thought of the two remaining courtyards. The Military Affairs Institute understands them well, similar to the Ministry of War. The Commercial Institute sounds weird.

"From now on, no royal merchants are allowed."



"Imperial franchise will be implemented."

"At the same time, many projects will be launched, construction of cities, road construction, water conservancy, bridges, and many other industries will be managed by this department."


Everyone was surprised, and it was another powerful department.

No wonder it can have the same status as several other hospitals.

"The Ministry of Industry and Construction is also under its management?"


"This will also be the department with the largest number of people in the future."

Ban Xian was thinking about the next series of construction plans, especially roads. If nothing else, the number of people in the Ministry of Industry and Construction will soon exceed 10 million.

state Road.

State road.

House Road.

County Road.


It has been extended to the village, and the standard is very high.

All the previous official roads had two or three horse-drawn carriages side by side, but in the new road construction standards, this can only be regarded as an ordinary county road.

Not only the width, but in the planning, the density of the entire road network will also be several times that of the current one. The widening is only part of it, and many new roads will be built.

I really can't afford it if I don't have a family background.

. . .

This night.

Most of the people in the Ban family didn't fall asleep, they thought they could...

In reality, he was only a minister. Although he was the chief, it was only nice in name, and it was easy to be emptied.

Although not satisfied, one by one can only quickly accept this reality.

Don’t think too much about the privileges, just a little bit curious, who is the biggest boss of the whole thing? Ban Xian didn't mention a word at the dinner table.

. . .

early morning.

A news spread in the state city.

"The new dynasty is called Nanqing?"

"Good name!"

"It's better for the new dynasty, and life is much better."


Supporting a piece, finally waited until this day, it was a bit strange, why didn't the news of enthronement and the capital, but the establishment of the fourth courtyard first.

Although puzzled, but can make up for it.


A reason for everyone's approval spread.

"Ascension to the throne, of course, we must prepare well. Now we have just won the battle, a hundred wastes are waiting to be developed, the court system is determined, and the palace must be established."

"If you use the former dynasty, you have to go to the imperial capital, but the walls of the imperial capital are now collapsed."

"It takes time to repair."

"If you create a new one, it will take time."


This reason is very good.


Anyway, what everyone cares about is not who is enthroned, but whether those policies can be implemented and implemented all the time. It is also a good thing to build a central system first.

At the same time, many people were moved.

That is the center of the new dynasty, the four major courtyard system, should have great authority.

If you get in now and get a part-time job, your life will be safe.

One by one is looking forward to it, looking forward to seeing the recruitment notice.

It's not noon yet.

They did see the new notice and it was a recruitment.


"Why not?" After reading it, he suddenly looked disappointed.

"That's right!"

"I know the Ministry of Industry and Construction, but what's the matter with these messy departments? And many of them have to be sent to work in other states, even counties and towns."

"Who goes to this kind of position~www.readwn.com~ In the notice, there is nothing about the fourth hospital, but some weird departments. It sounds pretty good, but many people go to the center.

Rather than some small institutions, and have to leave their homes.

As a cashier?

What a trouble!

I have been in a cold window for so many years, and I am about to overflow all my talents. I just wait for something to do. How can I be attracted to this kind of work.

what's going on? Could it start to recruit the Fourth Hospital of the Central Hub tomorrow?


Then wait, good food is not afraid of late.

. . .


They are destined to be unable to wait. The Fourth House of the Central Central Committee may seem to need a lot of people, but it is not because these four are coordinated and managed institutions.

The existence of the guards made Shu Fu's subordinates work instead of people who didn't need to move their mouths.

Such as the Food Reserve Department.





The four main tasks, collection, will actually be taken care of by a guard sent to the town.

The next three steps are done by others, without much technical content.

This has led to this department of the central hub, even without recruiting anyone, because core data can be quickly transferred between the guards.

Really needed.

It is warehouse management.

It's a freight crew.

It is a sales clerk.

It's Mr. Accountant.

All are grassroots positions.

These scholars want to soar into the sky. They can only say that they think too much. Of course, they need to use them, but they must start with general work first and take their time.

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