It was in the morning.

The Fourth Court has been established, and the preparations began when the state city was occupied a few months ago. A large area of ​​the building was demolished and a new building was rebuilt on it.

Not high, only three floors.

But quite solemn and awe-inspiring.

Obviously, the state city of Zhongzhou cannot be the capital of the future planet. It is just that it will be used first, and if it is moved later, it can also be used as the state office.

Seeing the words on the listing, people passing by stopped one after another.

"It turns out that Xiu came to do this."

"So lovely!"

"That is, the central organization, of course it is not ordinary."


In fact, I have seen these buildings a long time ago, but I have never known what they are doing. Now I am in awe of them. This is the core of the power of the new dynasty!

Most people are nervous just passing by, and there are a large number of soldiers standing guard around the building.

Wearing black armor.

Sharp eyes.

Majestic and mighty.

Ordinary people dare not look at him.

. . .

Ban Xian sits in his office in the government administration building.

There is no meeting.

No office.

I signed for an hour in the morning, and finally signed some appointment documents. After that, I continued to view the classics and ponder the original intention of the legislation.

Each of the master's men is too strong and hardly any heavy work is his turn.

It's not bad these days.

. . .

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

A county seat sixty miles north of the state town.

"What is it that suddenly called us here?"

"I don't know!"

"Bring new people?"


Many people were called to the county office with doubts, and at the same time they saw many new faces. The first reaction was to bring new people.

When the people arrive, the county prime minister speaks:

"Calling everyone here today, there are two things."

"One, report some information."

"From now on, Xinchao: Nanqing."


"The central management is composed of four major courtyards, namely the Government Affairs Council...Four sets of groups, extending downwards, all the way to the county level, there will be corresponding institutions."


"From now on, the Nanqing Code will be issued and implemented by the Government Administration Council."


A series of news made most of the people present feel excited. If the four teams are extended to the county level, will they have a chance to go up?


The people of the county government, except for the county princes, are almost all of the same rank.

But soon.

They know that they think too much, not only is it difficult to get in the position, but also the newcomers are also extravagant hopes.

First, the core positions of several counties were airborne, and then I heard that a strong town-level grassroots organization was to be formed, which was still occupied by a group of people.

Looking left and right, among the people I knew before, I didn't get a single position.

Not only that, but many of them have to work in the town as their deputies.

Suddenly felt injustice.

At this moment, Xian Cheng looked at them and faintly said:

"If in the next job, you feel that your work ability is better than them, or even only reach the same level, you can also go to the position."

As soon as this remark came out.

Everyone has a lot of balance.


Than just compare.

It's all a head, so why would it be worse than others.

. . .

After the meeting.

Each left and came outside the city, there were already a large number of soldiers waiting.

Two hundred people in each town are all from other places, and they have also avoided the influence of the countryside.

Same as the county government.

There was also such a process before the defensive camp. A group of people were parachuted down and became their superiors. As for the original superiors? Said it was transferred to further study.

For one year.

"Sir, what do you learn for further studies?" a soldier asked curiously.

"One. Literacy, at least one thousand can read and write before it can be considered as up to standard."

"Two, various military skills."

"Three, advanced arithmetic."

"Four, the Imperial Code."


Hear the words.

The soldiers slapped their tongues, too much!

Not to mention anything else, just say the first thousand words, which is a terrible thing for myself. I would rather train hard than learn.

Broad fear!

I'm really not good at dealing with words.

"My lord, how many do you know?" Then another soldier asked carefully.

As soon as I heard this.

The officer looked at him with a smile, "You should ask me if I know a few, and you will have to learn some basic things with me every day."

"Leave aside, the Imperial Code can at least be read, and there are no uncommon words on it."


Suddenly, there was a look of admiration around him.


It turned out that it was not only the superior, but also the husband.

. . .

The next three days.

With powerful scheduling capabilities.

State capitals.

The counties and townships.

All the guards took office. Under the deterrence of two hundred soldiers in one town, and the local powerful and powerful squires ran away before, there was almost no storm.

. . .

Thirty miles south of Nanyuyuan Imperial Capital.

A small town.

early morning.

At the southern gate of the town, a huge notice was hung on the wall, surrounded by many people. Although most of them were illiterate, there was no need to ask someone to ask, because some people read it.

On the wall stood a soldier in armor, holding a loudspeaker.

"New Dynasty and New Deal."

"1. Starting today, gambling shops and brothels are not allowed."

"If you find it, investigate and deal with it seriously."


"2. Abolish 17 kinds of unreasonable taxes such as door tax, coffin tax, and D tax related to individuals. The new dynasty will never levy such taxes in the future."


"Three, agricultural tax reduction and exemption."

"Family farming less than two fields will no longer be levied agricultural tax. If more than two fields are cultivated, the tax rate will be stepped and adjusted according to the number of family members."

"details as follows......"


"Four. The Zhenya accepts the old case and reiterated that it will retrospectively review the serious cases of disability, death, and robbery that were misjudged and misjudged due to various reasons in the previous dynasty."


"Five. In the future, the empire will severely crack down on a series of social harmful acts such as mountain bandits, road tyrants, theft, robbery, and population trading ~ Among them, both buyers and sellers of population trading will be severely punished."


"Six. Increase the concubine tax. From now on, the new concubine will pay one hundred taels of gold for the first one, and one thousand taels for the second one."



The people were very excited about it. Most of them have nothing to do with the individual, but the relevant part really benefits them.

Agricultural tax.

Miscellaneous taxes.

It is related to almost everyone.

Most people don't have two fields at all, which means they don't have to pay any more food in the future.

In addition, almost all miscellaneous taxes have been abolished, which directly makes many people feel lighter. The people of the new dynasty really feel the new atmosphere.

As for other New Deals, they are also very supportive.

Fight crime.

Close the casino.

Retrial of the old case.


It is simply not too good news.


There are also some people whose faces are not very good, such as the object to be targeted in the notice.

He also hurried to hear the news.

Open a casino.

Open the brothel.

Thief thief.

Human tooth dealer.

The oppression of the good and the skillful and the plundering and so on, one by one, suddenly felt a little nervous. If this is carried out, many people will have no way to survive, and they will be in a bad mood.

No, save yourself.

Rules are dead and people are alive, so they don't believe that money can't make the way.

Although the dynasties have changed, what remains unchanged is human nature.

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