My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 562: You have no chance

Learned that Lu Jin was stable in the dynasty.

The people cheered for joy, and finally came to a conclusion. These days, it is almost impossible. One by one, the princes dared not write like this in the script.

Can finally.

The result is as unexpected as in the script.

---The Nine Princes.

A court lady turned out to become the new emperor of Dayan. The image metaphor is:

People sit at home.

The throne comes from the sky.

Is there a proper counterattack?

Full of drama, this is not lucky, who is? Originally, I was a little shaken about the imperial power, and I couldn't help but believe it again.

Otherwise, if it is not a gift from God.

No matter how it is said, it is impossible to have Lu Jin's turn. This is not the son of heaven. How can it be justified?

. . .


Some people are happy, others are unacceptable.

"Do not!"

"Why is it Lu Jin? Damn, why didn't he die in the hall."

"The prince is not convinced!"


At the Eleventh Prince's Mansion, Yoyo woke up and learned the result, was so angry that he threw things and cursed.


Just one step away.

The throne belongs to him. At first, he was a little more stable and didn't stumble. Perhaps it was quite different. I really didn't expect Xiwang to be such a good person.

Ping down the feudal lord.

From the front of the palace.

Follow the emperor.


It sounds like a joke.

But instead of guessing something that is simply impossible to guess, Lu Jin asked to tell the world about the content, from a personal point of view, he was more willing to believe something.

In that case, the throne is really only one step.



It's more than a hundred million mistakes, and I missed a life.

On the side, the eleventh prince's protagonist bowed his head and was silent, a little regretful in his heart.



The current nine princes are guarded by the forbidden army. It is too difficult to kill.

Even, now is not the time to consider the throne, but to think about the future.

You can understand how serious the killing of the king is. I thought that even if Lu Jin knew that he was a puppet emperor, there was nothing serious about it.

Unexpectedly, the feudal king fights light.

Lu Jin completely secured the throne.

In this way.

The act of killing the king.

It will definitely kill people.

"His Royal Highness, how about... to admit a mistake?" a pro-servant suggested hurriedly.


The eleventh prince was dissatisfied and admitted his mistakes. Why was he wrong?

Besides, maybe Lu Jin didn't realize his intentions. He said that he accidentally fell while holding the vase when he ran away. This is a reasonable reason.

After speaking out.

The protagonist wants to hit someone.


It is reasonable that your uncle, you are a prince, running away with a vase, although it can be explained as self-defense, but Lu Jinxin also has to do it, what if you don't believe it?

Everyone has to die.

Another persuasion.

"Okay, first..." The eleventh prince let go impatiently.

Before the words fell, a person rushed outside the door, and shouted in panic:

"No, the forbidden army is here, and I want to arrest your Highness."


A few minutes later, the eleventh prince was pressed to the ground, face to the ground, trying to struggle, but there was an opponent.

"Your Majesty has ordered that the eleventh princes intend to kill the emperor, and the crime is not tolerated, so ask to be cut on the spot." The lieutenant of the Forbidden Army said coldly.

"Do not!"

The knife fell and blood splashed.

Without passing through the clan mansion, the eleventh prince was in a different place. Before he died, his face was full of horror and unwillingness. How dare Lu Jin, he was the eleventh prince.

Your brother! ! !

. . .

That night, the royals in the other courtyard shivered.

The next day.

early morning.

Outside the palace, a group of people shivered.

Waiting for a night, many people were very cold. It was not summer, and it was just spring. In order to show sincerity, none of them went back to sleep in the carriage.

"Why haven't you summoned yet."

"It's cold."

"Not at all sympathetic to the subjects."


Tucao inwardly.

Thinking about it, Lu Jin must still be asleep.



Yesterday, the overall situation had just been decided. Today, Lu Jin will inevitably start the formation of the court. The opportunity is not far away. As long as he stays for a while, he can embark on the road to prosperity.

At this moment.

Step on!

Step on!

There was a sound of horseshoes.

When I turned my head, I saw that many people dressed in court clothes came outside the palace, all with fresh faces.


"None of us can get in, let alone you."


Contemptuously said: You are late.

But, the next second, the collective dumbfounded.

I saw a post to the imperial army one by one, and even let it in.

"Why let them in."

"We came first."


They rushed to the front and questioned them.

One listen.

The head guard glanced at them lightly.

"All said, you have no hope. Your Majesty has long been selected for the various ministries in the front of the temple. If you have not received the notice, it means you can go home and wash and sleep."


"This is impossible."


These ministers who took office only yesterday couldn't accept it at all.

It has already been decided by default. Doesn't it mean that there is no place for them in the court? Lu Jin didn't use them at all, and the long-awaited power was gone?

How does this work.

How could this be.

Rang Rang one after another, to be fair.

"If you don't give fairness, you will die here."




Unfortunately, the chief guard didn't care at all, and pointed to the palace wall not far away.

"Go, hit it."

"One was killed, I personally pay, and each person has a pension of twelve taels."

This almost choked everyone to death.

Listen, is this human? Let them go to the collision, pay back the pension, twelve taels, who is disgusting, in the end, none of them went to the collision and shouted in place.


The chief guard drew his sword and said loudly:

"Outside the palace, how can there be no room for noise?

Now, those people are honest.

After one hour.

The group of people came out, gritted their teeth and licked their faces to say hello.

One of them stopped, looked at them, and smiled slightly:

"You have no chance."

"From the beginning of your flattery to the feudal king in front of the temple, it was destined that it would be impossible to enter the court in this life, and the official posts given by the feudal king are now null and void."

"From then on, you are all common people."

"From now on, Dayan will never be hired as an official."

After speaking, he walked away.

The people present were all dumbfounded, which completely cut off their future.

Not only did they dismiss the officials given by the original feudal lords, but they also never hired them and were demoted to the common people, which represented their path to power and ministers, and it came to an end.

One by one, like a concubine.

This time, it is really cold.

"Not satisfied!"

"We also have the heart to serve the and the ability to govern the country."

"Your Majesty, the minister is wrong."


Some Sapo rolls around, unwilling to accept, the gap is too great, even if it is not reused, it will not be excluded from the power class of the Dayan Empire.

Never hire.

The future is cut off.

No, I have to struggle a bit.

However, they were soon caught in prison by the Forbidden Army. Everyone only thought it was a few days in prison, but they didn't expect that they were greeted by a liquidation from beginning to end.


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