My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 563: An edict to provoke Dayan's dignitaries

one day!

In just one day, in front of the Great Yandian and high-level ministries.

Take jobs collectively!


The messengers of Baicheng and Qianzhai looked dumbfounded

impossible! Why are you making trouble so quickly? That is the power center of Dayeon Future, so sure? There are no signs or wind.

It's totally unscientific!

It stands to reason.

In their thoughts.

It is the first to use the old ministers, such as those outside the palace.

After all, managing a country requires competence and experience.

Lu Jin had no foundation and no background. Even if he didn't use it all, he would still use some of the ministers pushed up by the vassals. Anyway, those vassals were dead.

With both kindness and power, it is not difficult to subdue.

According to estimates.

At least half a month.

Many months.

Dayan Chaotang can be fully operational.

But what's the matter after you set it up the next day? Even with great speed, it can't be so unreasonable.

I wanted to wait for the 400,000 troops to come over, and with the ‘cooperative’ relationship between the two sides, perhaps some people could be elected to the Dayan’s power center to deepen the relationship.

But now, let alone doors, there are no windows.

The main positions are already occupied by people.


Was Lu Jin deceived by someone?

With doubts, came to the palace again.

"These are the people that Brother Erhuang left for me at the beginning. They also played a big role in quelling the chaos of the feudal lord. They have worked hard, and they should be so."


This explanation left the messengers of Baicheng and Qianzhai speechless.

Because it was reasonable, Lu Jin would tell him what it was.

Involved in the king.

Involved in the former emperor.

Involved in the current emperor.

There are so many royal secrets, how many conspiracies and plans from all sides are full of them, how can it be told to outsiders that they have always been sealed as secret codes.

If you want to know, you can only check it yourself or use your brain to analyze it.

When asked about this, both parties understood that it was impossible to take the opportunity to intervene in the power center of Dayan.

Before leaving.

The messenger of Hundred Cities could not help but said: "Your Majesty, you must be careful of Nanqing."


Lu Jin responded with a smile.

. . .

The next day, early in the morning.

Emperor Dayan once again fell into tension.

"What happened outside?" Through the window, I saw the sergeant who came and went on the street from time to time.

"It seems to be arresting people. I have arrested a lot."


"I don't know, the people who were arrested are not ordinary people."


Today, the whole city is also banned. Fortunately, the Southern Qing army distributes some relief food, and some families who run out of food will not starve to death, looking out the window.


Although I don't know what I'm doing, it's obviously arresting people.


"What's the matter?" Qianzhai envoy asked the imperial army at the door.

"Oh, it's okay. When we caught some wealthy and unscrupulous businessmen, in times of crisis, they were hoarding goods and raising food prices. Many people were starved to death."

"Your Majesty has an order, arrest them all."

"No matter who is involved, don't let one go."


There are good reasons, but I always feel a little weird.

When he came up, he attacked the grain merchants, and it was so cruel.


There is a taste of Nanqing, but I didn't think much about it. Lu Jin had a good relationship with Nanqing. It was reasonable to listen to some suggestions and enrich the treasury.

Before a series of battles.

The national treasury and the Neiku food have been in a hurry for a long time.

Gold and silver are also depleted.

If he didn't want to find a way, Lu Jin estimated that he would become the poorest Emperor of Dayan. Not only did his predecessor leave no money, but he had to pay a large amount of military expenses to Nanqing.

The throne is not so easy to sit on.

. . .

It's just that, next, the messengers of Baicheng and Qianzhai, how can they not think of such a big impact.

Royal family.

State Qi.


Old minister.


As long as the people who had made a fortune on the grain line were all taken, the imperial capital was closed and the whole city was forbidden. It was too late for these people to escape.

In fact, these are just a few.

Most of them have actually fled to Yuancheng. When the princes fought, some began to withdraw. They tried their best to go to the territory of the northern vassal and then turn around.

Take away a lot of gold and silver, land deeds.


People walk.

The punishment is not less.

"For all those involved in this matter, the land will be confiscated, and the property will be confiscated."

This order was printed with the seal of the emperor to inform the public.


The messengers from Hundred Cities and Qianzhai were directly confused. They arrested people yesterday, and today’s trial involves not only some grocers, but also the people behind the scenes.

Oh my!

Is Lu Jin crazy?

Do you know how many people are involved?

If it goes on like this.

Almost the entire upper strata of Dayan could be implicated, and Lu Jin didn't even let go of the royal family.

Is this going to be self-defeating from the world?


Seeing the Nanqing army running on the street, he couldn't help being silent.


Lu Jin's move was to offend the entire upper class of Dayan, but when you think about it carefully, it is not the current upper class of Dayan who offends, but the people in the past.

Nanqing stepped in.

The imperial capital melee.

Run off one after another.

It can be said that if Lu Jin is willing, he can reorganize the entire upper level of Dayanxin.

If all the previous upper-level industries were confiscated, but because the collective ran away and lost local power, how much threat would these legacy be?

Very small!

Although there is.

But as long as Lu Jin strongly supports a group of upstarts and gains a firm foothold, what should he worry about?

"Perhaps this is Lu Jin's strategy to break the situation." Qianzhai messenger analyzed.

"The foundation is too shallow. If the Southern Qing Army leaves, those powerful and powerful will probably collectively overhead Lu Jin. Therefore, Lu Jin will directly weaken his strength."

"Even if I came back, it would be difficult to shake Lu Jin."

Thinking of this, I really hammered it.

If other princes enthroned, it would be absolutely unreasonable to do so.

But the nine princes are different. They have been transparent and puppet emperors.

Once the power is in hand.

How can I speak lightly.

Even if it offends the entire five powers of the royal family, state officials, nobles, old ministers, and big households, they will not hesitate to do so, otherwise, the imperial power may be unstable.

. . .

Just when I thought this was the limit of Lu Jin's methods.

The next day.

On the fifth day of Lu Jin's accession to the throne, the people of the imperial capital lifted their foot restraint, and another edict came down.

After reading it.

The messenger has no idea what to say, the content is too exciting:

All the names of the princes who participated in the rebellion have been revoked, not only that, but the princes and daughters of the vassal, the princes and princesses...the ranks of the royal palace.

All hit to the end.

Become a flat-headed people.

It can be said that there is only one prince in the entire Dayan Empire.

---West King!

The rest, all lose their identity.

Not only that, there are also some big melons.

For example, the tenth princes and the eleventh princes, who intended to rebel, have already committed suicide. Similarly, all the high-ranking personnel of the prince's mansion related to them have been implicated.

at the same time.

There is also a major new regulation.

That is, in the future, the prince will no longer hold the land, and can only stay in the imperial capital forever, and cannot leave without permission.

The last item is even more outstanding, almost to overturn those old powers in one stroke.

All the nobles and clans who fled to Yuancheng, as long as they are involved in the murder case or the food case, one of them is counted as one, and all the knighthood treatments will be cancelled.

The messengers from Baicheng and Qianzhai were frightened.

Only food case before.

Now add homicide.


The attack surface expanded again, and it was another round of harvesting.

It seems that Lu Jin is completely going to turn his face with the noble class of Dayan.

Except for crazy, all of them can't be described. It's not difficult to imagine how much a sensation will be caused if these are passed to the first expensive refuges in Yuancheng.

However, the sensation is a sensation.

I can't do much if I want to.


Nor will he escape to Yuancheng for refuge.

In one month, if Nan Qing wants to come back and make trouble, how will Lu Jin face those expensive counterattacks after one month? It's looking forward to it.


I like the feeling of watching a theater.

This kind of eating melon outside the business is really sweet!


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