My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 351: Want to live?

"My bank is connected to another world (!

Just when Yan Yue was eating at Zhou Qian's house.


Nanyu Empire.



"Protect the generals."



In an inn, the two sides fought fiercely. One side was soldiers wearing Nanyu Empire-style armor, and the other was a group of people wearing black armor.

Also well trained.

With mental arithmetic and unintentional, the armored soldier fell into a decline.

There were nearly three hundred people, which quickly dropped to more than one hundred.

"Master Soldier, there are too many thieves, and your subordinates are swearing to kill you. Run."

The captain of the squadron confronted one of the protected persons with humanity.

Hear the words.

The man was not ready to run at all.


As the general soldier, Ban Xian drew his sword directly.

He directly broke out of the protection circle. Although he has commanded the troops for many years, his martial arts has not fallen.

However, the opposing team was so powerful that the soldiers suffered heavy losses.

Especially if the other party touched the poison with a knife, a single wound would cost a person.


"Die to me!"


Seeing the large number of casualties under his men, Ban Xian's eyes reddened. These were all his personal soldiers. After many years, it seemed that all of them would be lost here.

Not reconciled!

This trip has been very careful, but unexpectedly, he was still ambushed by the enemy.


In fact.

Before departure.

He received a letter from an unknown source, saying that someone wanted to kill him on the road, but only said about it, without specifying the location.

Along the way, people are very alert.

Unexpectedly, the location of the ambush would be in the official inn.

Even Zhongzhou hasn't come out yet!

If it hadn't been for a subordinate who noticed that the staff at the station was wrong, he would stop eating and drinking in time.


Has long been easily handled by people one by one.


It's crazy!

As the Zhongzhou General Soldier, he commanded the military affairs of a place and went to the imperial capital to report on his duties. Before he left his own territory, he was ambushed by the culprits in an official post.

I couldn't help but feel cold!

Can set up this bureau.

And motivated.

There were not many suspicions in his mind.




Did not leave much time for him to think, the battle continued.

"Master Soldier, run!"



The deputy captain of the guards vomited blood and lost his vitality.

Suddenly, grief came from the heart, and with the dozens of his subordinates left, he began to break through outwards. It is indeed not worthwhile to die here in such a wasteful manner.

Only if you are alive can you get revenge.


And the guards just rushed out of the station.

"Let the arrow!"

A voice came from outside.

"not good!"

Ban Xian cried secretly in his heart and wanted to go back, but it was too late.

"Protect the generals."

Some guards stood in front of him.

call out!

call out!


"Protect the generals!"


A series of sharp arrows took away more than a dozen soldiers. The opponent's archer was very professional. Within a second of shooting this arrow, the next wave of attacks had arrived.

"Protect the generals!"



I wanted to fight back, but the situation was irreversible. After a few breaths, no one could stand up.


At this time, the voice called to release arrows sounded.


Then there was a weak light, and a person walked out of the darkness.

"It's you!"

Ban Xian's eyes widened suddenly, full of hatred. This person was nothing else, he was his deputy and the deputy general of Zhongzhou, but he was not his direct line.

In addition, there is another identity---a member of the Fu family in the imperial city.

The relationship between the two parties has always been incompatible.

"How about it, before dying, want to scold me?" The deputy commander smiled.

"no problem."

"I'm listening, speak up!"


That madness made people want to get a punch, and Ban Xian was silent, and didn't say anything more, just if cursing can solve the problem.

The more you scold the other person, the happier.

beg for mercy?

Don't think about it!

Not to mention that the other party has achieved this level, there is no room for relaxation.

Even if it can be eased, he is unwilling to trade with dignity. The generations of heroes in the family have not allowed him to commit suicide, to die, and to die decently.

Seeing this, the deputy commander shook his head slightly.


"In that case, then..."

"and many more."

The deputy commander was about to give an order to shoot an arrow when another voice sounded in the dark night.


In the eyes of everyone's surprise, a man in armor walked out of the stables of the station. Looking at the style, he did not belong to the two sides, and he had never seen him anywhere.

Soon, it came to Ban Xian.

Without looking at others, he stared at Ban Xian and said:

"Want to live?"

Ban Xian was taken aback, what happened?

"Who are you?"

Seeing this man, the deputy general yelled and dared to interrupt him.

This time.

Ban Xian knew that he was not the deputy commander, but he looked at each other suspiciously.


The man gave a faint utterance, and Ban Xian was shocked. Of course, he had the impression of these two words. The inscription at the end of the letter to him before was these two words.


"Want to live?"

The other party asked again.


The general soldier looked at the front, the archer, looked at the back, a bunch of black armored soldiers, on such an occasion, who gave you the courage to say such a thing?

Could it be a big one? Can the deputy commander be suppressed?

"Who are you?" The deputy commander was anxious and ignored himself.

Raise your hand.

The archer is in place.

"I ask you one last time, if you want to live, those who besieged you will die at the cost of everything you have. If you want to die, I will leave immediately. This matter has nothing to do with us."

"You don't have much time to think about it, ten, nine, eight..."

Listening to the countdown, the commander was a little dazed.

Such a multiple-choice question suddenly covered his face, really a little caught off guard, suddenly at a loss.

"Six, five..."

The countdown continues, neither fast nor slow.

at this time.


Ignored again and again by this guy who didn't know where he was, and heard that he was going to kill them. How could the deputy commander stand it, he would shoot these two men into horse targets.

"four three..."


"Want to live!" Ban Xian gritted his teeth and shouted.

For nothing else, just for that sentence: revenge.

If the other party just wanted to reconcile with the mud, he wouldn't be willing to die. The guards followed for so long, and now they all die here.

This enemy, he couldn't just sit back and watch.


How does the other party fulfill the promise?

"it is good!"

The armored man in front of me nodded and smiled.


The deputy commander panicked inexplicably and directly ordered, and the archer let go of the arrow feathers in his hand.

call out!

call out!

call out!

The dense sword feathers directly covered the two of them.


They found that at the moment of shooting the arrow, the man directly pressed the general soldier to the ground, and blocked all the fatal attacks with his armor.



Without shooting dead, hundreds of archers were taken aback in this scene.

What an excellent armor!

The defense is so strong.


Thinking about it, the movements on his hands didn't stop, and he was ready to suppress them with arrow feathers.

Reaching out to the quiver behind, an archer felt a pain in his skull as soon as he touched the tail of the arrow.

call out!

call out!

call out!


"The enemy attack, there are archers in ambush!"



The black armored archers panicked, and there were other ambushes around.

Wherever he can take care of the front, quickly aim the target behind him and put it slowly and aimlessly. Although he can't see it, he can know the approximate direction from the arrow feathers.

The deputy commander also hurriedly looked for shelter.


Just hiding by a stirrup, he looked up, dumbfounded.


"The enemy is..."

"The other party is too..."


The archer on his side was reducing at a rate of more than 30 breaths. Before he could even finish his words, he went to see the ancestor, and the deputy commander stayed.

God knows why the archer on the opposite side has no arrows in the dark night.

But for five or six breaths, our archers are collectively reimbursed.

"Master Fu, come in!"

One of the men outside the inn shouted.

One listen.

The deputy commander ran desperately, and at this time, it was better to be safer in the post.

Passing by Ban Xian's place, I saw that strange armored man raised his head and glanced at him.

The look made the deputy commander almost frightened, what kind of evil look, what a terrible expression it was.





As if seeing the scariest look in the world.

I've never seen it before growing up so big.


I was so scared that I fell and tried desperately to crawl into the post. Before, most of his men had been fighting with the soldiers at the post. When they entered the post, they were safe.

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