My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 352: Sacrificed all of you

"My bank is connected to another world (!


Hei Jiaren collectively returned to the post and closed the door. Although they believed that there were many people, it was night, and the outside was dark, and God knew how many people were ambushed by the other party.

Take a moment to relax.


Only then did Ban Xian look up. Although he didn't see the situation just now, he heard everything.

"Get up! Come with me!"

One listen.

Immediately stand up and follow.

Over the corpses of a group of archers, Ban Xian smacked his tongue slightly.


All the archers on the ground were killed by one blow.





It's all the key to the head.


How is it trained? This is the night, the station has light, but it is not strong. Under such conditions, it has achieved such a shooting record.

too terrifying!

At least his subordinates have no such ability.

Looking left and right, I was surprised that a figure was not found.

. . .


When I came to the opposite side of the official road, the post was built next to the official road. There was a small forest on the opposite side. After hesitating, Ban Xian stopped and didn't move forward.

"Didn't you mean to kill them?"


The other party looked at him and said lightly:

"It's safer here. Do you want to kill all of them yourself, or you need their bodies."

Hear the words.

Ban Xian was stunned, can he choose?

But what does it mean to kill yourself? Am I going to deliver food by myself?

"Can you do it yourself?" Ban Xian asked in surprise.

"Well, don't worry, it won't still have combat effectiveness."

After thinking about it, Ban Xian gritted his teeth, "I want to kill myself."

With so many of his own guards, all of them were lost just now. He wants to personally avenge this grudge.

But, for the next second, stare at the other party.

"Why don't you come out earlier? Otherwise, my guards won't die."

He really wanted to ask.

One listen.

The other side looked at him.

"First, we only know that someone is going to attack you, but we don't know where it is."

"Second, please note that before this, we have nothing to do with each other. You and your life are not important until we become our own people."

"Third, do you think..."

After hearing a few reasons.

Ban Xian couldn't help being silent.


Unless you agree to the conditions of the party, why should people save you? And if you and your subordinates are intact, and none of them is lost, how can you agree to the conditions?

It can be said that this is an unsolvable closed loop of logic.


But it is bright and not perfunctory.

"Save me, what do I need to do?" Ban Xian asked instead.

"You will know."

Without saying anything, he looked at the location of the post.

. . .

Inside the inn.


More than two hundred black armored men still alive guarded each entrance nervously, staring outside.

The deputy general was panicked. In any case, today's action was considered a failure, and Ban Xian was not killed. Once he escaped, many things would be difficult to do.

Kill Ban Xian.

One is right.

Ban Xian is dead, he is the general soldier.

The second is resentment.

Once molested a female citizen, Ban Xian interrupted his third brother's leg.

These days.

When there was an opportunity, news from Shanzhou kept coming, saying that there was a large-scale conflict, and each village was taken down by a new force.

The biggest forces have been threatened.

The melee is about to start.

Smell this.

Many people see the opportunity, and Shanzhou will fight for life and death. Let's take advantage of it.

Obviously, the position of the general soldier was very important, and this was how the imperial capital was able to report on duty.

Ban Xianhui will report to the Ministry of War. It happens to take this opportunity to get rid of Ban Xian.

As for the consequences?


Planting directly on the head of the Shanzhou rebels can also make Ban Xian's diehard loyalists a lot of help.

The Fu family is the queen dowager force, and Ban Xian belongs to the first emperor's favor. It is not a way. Even if some veteran forces track down, they will not be more concerned about a dead person.


Now that Ban Xian has escaped, the situation is completely different.

Once exposed, those old-fashioned families may make trouble with this. Although there is a queen mother who is backed up and is not too afraid, they will eventually get a lot of harassment.

. . .

The inn is very quiet.

One minute.


five minutes.


ten minutes.

There was no sound outside.

"Will you leave?" a subordinate said.


The deputy commander didn't know, but knew that no matter whether he left or not, there was a big trouble next.


When I am depressed.


"Puff!" A black-clad man fell to the ground, thinking that he was unable to stand still, but when he tried to struggle to stand up, he found that he couldn't help.




After that, the black armor fell to the ground one by one.

"not good."

"Vice Commander General, someone prescribes medicine." A collapsed black man shouted.


Vice Chief Soldier's expression changed drastically. Thinking back, where did he prescribe the medicine? It shouldn't be dinner, right? Impossible, suddenly, as if thinking of something.

"Hold your breath!"

"Cover with a towel!"

One listen.

Some people who hadn't fallen to the ground hurriedly followed suit. However, they poured another batch while looking for water.

Dipped in water.

Cover up.

However, it was found to be useless. In less than five minutes, no one could stand firm in the entire post. The deputy commander was standing in the corner, and fear could not help rise in his heart.

The opponent is not gone, nor is it waiting for reinforcements.

But... always in action!

at this time.


The blocked door was kicked open.

Seeing Ban Xian and a man walk in, looking at the situation inside, Ban Xian was a little bit startled, feeling strange when he was pushed in just now.

Kicked away, only to find that the enemies inside had all lost their combat effectiveness.

Even if some barely stood up, their legs and feet trembled.

Can't hold a sword at all.

"solve quickly!"


The man came outside the station and did not participate.

Ban Xian nodded.

Raise the knife.

First came to the position of the deputy commander, with hatred in his eyes.

Class house.

Fu family.

Both are royal families.


First army.

The Ban family is very strong and belongs to the founding hero of the Nanyu Empire, but the people are not very prosperous. Almost every generation is single pass, and no other big family is prosperous.

But it's not bad.

For example, his only sister, who became the second prince and concubine, was still a concubine.

The current queen mother is the side concubine of the second prince.

However, in an accident, my sister died of an illness.

Although it seemed accidental, she knew from the escaped maid that it was the hand of the side concubine, and it was far more than a side concubine force.


What about the evidence? There is no proof to speak.

Moreover, at that time, the competition for the crown prince was fierce.


Fifteen years ago, the Ban family began to gradually move away from the center of power in the imperial capital.

after that.

Ban Xian's father returned to Zhongzhou for the elderly, and Ban Xian was the deputy general soldier. One year later, the second prince won and became the emperor. The concubine then became the queen.

The fourth year of the Second Prince's accession to the throne.

The rebels in Zhongzhou's army were ineffective in encircling and suppressing the two states and were dismissed, and Ban Xian was promoted to the army's army.

Just want to do a big job and prepare to fight.

However, the former cheap brother-in-law emperor died after only five years in power.

The young emperor ascended the throne and the queen mother supervised the country.


Stop Ge.

Because the Queen Mother thought the cost was too great and wanted to use the siege policy, Ban Xian had to respect it.

In fact, at that time, he had no fighting spirit at all.

Because even if you do meritorious service, the Ban family will be better in the future?

Talk about it!

The person who killed his sister in the first place controlled Nan Yu, and he was too embarrassed. It was a disaster.

Therefore, it has been very low-key, just doing something within its limits.

Unexpectedly, some people still want him to die.

Just now.

That magical contract gave him unlimited expectations for the future.

Queen Mother?


Fu family?


In front of the new BOSS is all scum.

He already knew a little about its layout. Thinking of this, he felt excited. With the unification of the three states, the Nanyu Empire would lose the entire coastal area.


One by one.

Since you want me to die, then...I will sacrifice all of you and fight back to the imperial capital!

In this empire, it would be nice to have another owner!

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