After Tang Tianyi left, we helped each other to the side of the road and sat there. Fat brother was crying, obviously beaten badly.

"This son of a bitch, I'll ask someone to clean him up in school tomorrow, TMD!" where did fat brother scold angrily.

We are not fat brother's idea. Who is beaten and doesn't want to fight back? But the forces behind Tang Tianyi are not clear. Being able to call gangsters in the society outside proves that Tang Tianyi is not an easy person to deal with.

I told Jiangshan what I thought. Jiangshan said that no matter what background he had behind Tang Tianyi, he was scheduled for class tomorrow.

Jiangshan, who has always been relatively calm, has also become very angry. Obviously, Tang Tianyi has aroused everyone's public anger this time.

After scolding Tang Tianyi there, we went back separately. Tang Tianyi made us look like this. I have to go back and cultivate myself.

When I went back, steel tooth sister stood outside my rental house and saw me coming slowly. Steel tooth sister quickly came to hold me, looked at my bleeding chin and asked with concern, "is it very painful?"

Of course, the pain is very painful. My teeth almost knocked off. The steel tooth sister helped me to the bed in the house and sat down. Then she went out to buy some disinfectant and wiped my wound with a cotton swab.

Steel tooth girl's action is very gentle. When wiping, she will ask me if it hurts. If it hurts her, it will be lighter. When the disinfectant touches the wound, it really hurts and stings, but that little pain is no big problem for me.

When wiping my chin wound, steel tooth sister knelt on the bed and gently wiped it for me with a cotton swab. I held my head high and cooperated with the action on her hand. I really didn't find that steel tooth sister was so charming and gentle when wiping the wound. I'm afraid I'll blow on my wound with my small mouth when I hurt.

"You are really charming at this time!" I said with a smile, and the pain on my body was relieved with the smile.

"Brother Han, don't move. You have to disinfect the wound first!" said the steel tooth sister very seriously.

Seeing that steel teeth sister is so serious, I have to cooperate with her there. Soon, the steel tooth sister wiped my wound. After she put the disinfectant away, she sat down next to me.

I looked at the steel tooth sister and said with a smile, "there are only two of us in this room. Are you not afraid of lonely men and women? What adverse things do I do to you?"

"I'm not afraid. Big deal, brother Han will make me once. Anyway, I owe brother Han!" the steel tooth sister looked at me and said with a smile.

Steel tooth girl is really cute at this time. I can't help smiling.

Because I was cleaned up by Tang Tianyi, my knees, wrists, elbows were particularly painful. I was going to sleep like this, but the steel tooth sister was very kind and took the initiative to wash my feet.

After washing a hot foot, my feet were particularly comfortable. After I went to bed, steel teeth sister also unkindly slept next to me. At that time, I was a little confused. I thought steel teeth sister would leave when she saw me go to bed, but I didn't expect that she climbed into my bed impolitely.

I looked at her awkwardly and said, "it's so late that you should almost go back. I'm lonely. If outsiders know you're staying with me, I don't know what others will say."

"Others say he is, brother Han, didn't you say I owe you one time? Anyway, you don't have anything to do today, so I'll give you back what I owe you!" she said, and the steel tooth sister got into my quilt and was ready to take off her clothes.

I was really helpless. I quickly stopped the steel tooth sister, smiled and said to her, "I was beaten like this today. Even if I want to get you, I can't do it. It's not too late for you to give it back to me when my injury is cured!"

To be honest, I really want to get a girl with steel teeth. A man wants to get a woman. Besides, the girl with steel teeth still belongs to the kind who takes the initiative to send it to the door, but I thought about it. If I spoil her like this, wouldn't it be like animals?

I Guan Yihan is very colorful, but I'm not the kind of animal that thinks with my lower body. I insert it when I see a hole.

After listening to me, steel teeth gave a cry, and then came out of my quilt unhappily, ready to put on her shoes and leave.

I said if you are not afraid of others chewing your tongue, you can sleep with me. After listening to me, the steel tooth sister climbed into my quilt again with a smile.

Although we both sleep in the same bed and covered with a quilt, I try to stay away from her to ensure that there is no physical contact. I don't want to give my steel tooth sister that on impulse.

But when she slept in the middle of the night, she piled her body beside me and put her hand in my pants.

At that time, I was still awake. I took the steel tooth sister's hand out of my pants and asked the steel tooth sister to sleep well and don't move.

Steel teeth sister fell asleep after a sound. The next morning, I went to the school with steel teeth sister.

We were very close, but there was no contact between us.

After I came to the classroom, I gave Tang Tianyi a hostile look, but he didn't think so at all. He sat there reading and handed sun Han some small notes from time to time.

Sun Han is in the row behind me, steel tooth sister is in the row in front of me, and my deskmate has changed from sun han to Li Xiangning.

Li Xiangning and I have nothing to say. We won't intersect with any in class or during recess. Li Xiangning will talk to sun Han.

I don't know if it's because I was thinking about things with sun Han last night. I didn't sleep well. I was particularly sleepy in class. Anyway, the professional teacher wouldn't care. I fell asleep on the table.

I have fallen asleep, but when I fell asleep, Li Xiangning kept pushing me with her hand. After pushing me a few times, I didn't open my eyes. She increased her strength and pushed me twice.

I really overslept at that time. I forgot that I was in school. I opened my eyes and patted the table vigorously. Then I looked at Li Xiangning and said angrily, "you're nervous. I care about your shit when I sleep. Why do you push me!"

I was very angry and said to Li Xiangning. After I finished, Li Xiangning almost cried. Looking at me, I looked very wronged, and tears swirled in my eyes.

After I finished, I realized that I was in the classroom. I thought I was in the rented house.

After I said that angrily, all the students in the classroom looked at me. The teacher looked at me and shouted angrily, "Guan Yihan, come with me to the office after class. You come to school to sleep. Why don't you sleep at home? How comfortable the home is!"

I was criticized by the teacher and stared at by so many students. I was particularly embarrassed.

After class, I was called to the office by the professional teacher and severely criticized. When I came back to class, Li Xiangning leaned her head against the desk and sobbed in a low voice. I really went too far just now. The steel tooth sister said that the reason why Li Xiangning pushed me just now was to remind me that the teacher asked Li Xiangning to do so.

I know I went too far just now, but it made me apologize to Li Xiangning. I didn't feel very good to speak.

After class at noon, Li Xiangning gave a cold hum and looked at me. Then she packed up her books and was ready to leave. I quickly got up and stopped Li Xiangning.

"Why! Do you want to yell at me again if you haven't enjoyed it yet?" Li Xiangning said angrily looking at me.

"It's really my fault just now. Don't be angry if I invite you to dinner!" I looked at Li Xiangning and said awkwardly. I might not feel much if I said this to others, but my previous relationship with Li Xiangning was too rigid, so I felt a little embarrassed.

"No!" said Li Xiangning angrily.

"Then you say, how can I get your forgiveness?"

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