After listening to me, Li Xiangning hesitated, then looked at me and said solemnly, "if you promise me something, I'll forgive you!"

"OK, what's up?" I asked. I don't want to owe anyone, especially Li Xiangning. I don't want to owe her anything.

Li Xiangning looked at me and asked me to follow her out. When she went out, she told me that I followed Li Xiangning to the corner of the school. When I stopped there, Li Xiangning looked at me and said, "can you..."

I'm still waiting for her to follow, but she didn't finish saying, "Oh, forget it. I'll tell you when I think about it. You just remember that you still owe one thing!"

After I nodded and agreed, Li Xiangning looked at me and said angrily, "well, I forgive you, but you still owe me one thing to do. You're ready for me at any time. I'll tell you when I think of it!"

Then Li Xiangning left. After Li Xiangning left, I was ready to have lunch, but I met sun Han at the school gate.

Sun Han was waiting at the school gate, probably waiting for Tang Tianyi. After I looked at her back, I went straight past her.

Shortly after I passed by sun Han, Tang Tianyi came out. Looking at Sun Han, he said with a smile: "I've had a bad stomach for breakfast today. Let's go and eat delicious food together. I heard that the food of one family is very delicious!"

In the past, I thought Tang Tianyi was so kind to sun Han because of anger or plotting against sun Han. He couldn't really like sun Han, but now it seems that he really likes sun Han.

Although I hate Tang Tianyi and even hate him, I have to admit the fact that he is really good to sun Han, even better than I was to sun Han.

In the afternoon, Pangge Jiangshan and they came to find me. Pangge and Jiangshan called someone in the school and were going to clean up Tang Tianyi after school in the afternoon. In order to prevent accidents, Jiangshan also asked Liu Lang to call someone in his school. As long as Jiangshan called Liu Lang, Liu Lang would bring someone to help immediately.

Jiangshan and they have everything ready. They come to me just to let me join the war at that time. Of course, I won't refuse. Tang Tianyi played worse than me last night. I'm still in pain now.

After school in the afternoon, fat brother Jiangshan and his colleagues took people directly to the outside of our classroom. At that time, all the students in the classroom were packing books, including Tang Tianyi.

Since he Jun and Ma Tao left the school, there have been few cases of directly blocking the classroom with people in the school.

Fat brother Jiangshan broke into the classroom of our class with people. At that time, all the students in the classroom had not left. Fat brother punched the teacher on the desk and said loudly to the students below: "if you don't want to be beaten, hurry to go, otherwise don't blame my fist for not having eyes!"

Fat brother's reputation in the school is not covered. After hearing what fat brother said, those students hurriedly packed up their books and left. They didn't dare to stay more, or even stay to watch the play.

The students in the classroom are almost gone. There are only sun Han, Li Xiangning, steel tooth sister Tang Tianyi and us left in the classroom. I asked Li Xiangning and steel tooth sister to go quickly. It would be bad if they were injured by mistake at that time.

After listening to me, gang Ya and Li Xiangning quickly packed up their books and left. As for sun Han, I can't speak to her. After all, this is different from the past.

"Han zi, I'll leave sun han to you. After all, she used to be your girlfriend!" fat brother said I didn't have to fight, just watch sun Han. Fat brother was afraid that after sun Han was let go, sun Han ran to complain to the headmaster. Then he couldn't clean up Tang Tianyi at that time, and he was likely to be criticized by the headmaster.

Fat brother said that sun Han used to be my girlfriend. They don't like how to treat sun Han. I have to do it myself.

Tang Tianyi saw fat brother Jiangshan. After they came in, he sat there in a leisurely manner, with a sneer on his mouth. He was always so leisurely and didn't know where he came from.

Frankly speaking, if I were in such a situation, I would be a little afraid. After all, I deal with so many people alone.

Fat brother Jiangshan and others surrounded Tang Tianyi. I went to sun Han. Sun Han looked at me and wanted to pull them away from Tang Tianyi.

I grabbed sun Han, and without thinking much, I picked him up and carried him to the balcony outside.

"What are you doing? Let me go quickly, or I'll beat you," said Sun Han. He kept struggling. Seeing that I still refused to let go, he even clenched his fist and began to beat me.

When she resisted, she accidentally caught the scabby wound on my chin. The wound was broken by her at that time, and blood beads immediately came out of the wound and dropped on Sun Han's clothes.

After taking sun Han out, I put sun Han down. After sun Han cracked my wound, he stood there and looked at me. I didn't know what to say, and I didn't know what to say, just like her.

In the past, we were lovers who could say anything, but now we are strangers who can't say anything. It's really ironic.

"You are always fighting. Tang Tianyi provoked you. So many of you bullied him!" after a long time, sun Han finally opened his mouth because of Tang Tianyi.

"That's what he should fight!" I looked at Sun Han and said fiercely. As soon as I heard her say to protect Tang Tianyi, I felt uncomfortable all over, and my heart was even more angry, like a volcanic eruption.

I was very angry and told sun Han when Tang Tianyi asked someone to beat us last night. Sun Han said she didn't know that Tang Tianyi asked someone to beat us last night.

"I don't care whether you know it or not. I warn you that this is a grudge between us and him. You'd better stay away from it! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you!" I looked at Sun Han and said fiercely, showing her fierce fangs like a fierce wolf.

"You are always so cruel to me!" said Sun Han, looking at me wronged. But even though I was so cruel to her, she was still stubborn. "I don't care how cruel you are to me. Tang Tianyi is my good friend. I won't just watch him get beaten!"

With that, sun Han wanted to run downstairs to find the headmaster. I immediately impulsively pulled her in front of her.

"I don't care whether he hit you or not, but he is my friend, and I won't just look at him like that!" Sun Han looked at me and said very seriously.

I wanted to stop sun Han from going, but I didn't stop her because of what sun Han said.

Because at the beginning, no matter how bad I was, sun Han would silently support me. When I was beaten, she would help me move soldiers. Thinking of this, I didn't stop her anymore.

After a while, sun ha came with the headmaster. The headmaster called us all to the office, criticized us and punished us.

Although fat brother and Jiangshan didn't say anything after they came out of the office, they could see that they had a lot of resentment against me. If I hadn't stopped sun Han, they could clean up Tang Tianyi. As a result, sun Han went to call the headmaster. They just beat Tang Tianyi and kicked Tang Tianyi, and then they were all taken away by the headmaster.

I'm to blame for this. They prepared so well, but they failed because of me.

After I came out, I apologized to Jiangshan and brother Pang. Jiangshan and brother Pang said it was all right. Anyway, they beat the bastard a few times. There will be opportunities for revenge in the future. This time, he was lucky.

I told Jiangshan Pangge that they would invite me to dinner later as a comfort to everyone. Pangge and Jiangshan also readily agreed.

Just as we were going out to dinner, Tang Tianyi stopped us at the school gate.

"You beat me today and just want to leave?" Tang Tianyi said calmly.

He still has blood stains on his face. It should be nose blood beaten by fat brother.

"How do you want to drop! Do you want to be beaten again? It's just that my hands itch!" fat brother yelled at Tang Tianyi.

"You beat me in the school, and I can still pick you up outside the school. It's no fun to fight around like this. It's time to clear up our grievances!" Tang Tianyi said calmly looking at us.

"The old rules are solved! You call all the people, and I'll call them too. You decide the place!"

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