The old rule mentioned by Tang Tianyi is to make an appointment. The most practical and best way to solve any conflict in the school is to make an appointment. Everything is solved after a fight.

Brother Pang has a violent temper. As soon as Tang Tianyi finished speaking, he almost rushed up to fight. He doesn't care about the appointment, but the impulsive and irritable brother Pang was held by me and Jiangshan. Jiangshan told me his views. Tang Tianyi is not a simple person. What he said is really not bragging. If we are outside the school, he can still ask someone to clean us up.

It's not a way to call around like this. What Jiangshan said is not unreasonable. "OK, just follow what you said! I'll inform you when the time comes!" I looked at Tang Tianyi and said. After all, the main contradiction between me and him was the generation of the main contradiction.

Tang Tianyi nodded and left with a cold hum. We also went to the restaurant for a meal.

In the next two days, Jiangshan also went to the gangsters in the county to inquire about Tang Tianyi. Jiangshan said that he had to find out the forces behind Tang Tianyi first. As the saying goes, know yourself and know the enemy, and you will be invincible in a hundred battles.

But after two days of inquiry, Jiangshan didn't find out what Tang Tianyi's background was, but one thing is certain. Tang Tianyi is definitely hard to deal with.

Since the appointment with Tang Tianyi, we have been preparing for the next few days, but Tang Tianyi is very leisurely and doesn't care about the appointment at all.

He was as loyal to sun Han as ever, and showed all kinds of kindness and hospitality. The girls in the school envied, envied and hated sun Han. However, no matter how good Tang Tianyi was to sun Han, sun Han didn't seem to have much change in his attitude towards Tang Tianyi.

But I don't know why. Seeing that Tang Tianyi is so good to sun Han, I have an inexplicable worry in my heart. To tell the truth, I'm actually worried that sun Han can't stand Tang Tianyi's sugar coated shells. He is really with Tang Tianyi and determines the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend.

At the beginning, I really thought sun Han was interested in Tang Tianyi, but after so many weeks of observation, I know I really wronged sun Han at that time. Maybe she really just regarded Tang Tianyi as a good friend, but I have always misunderstood her.

But even now I know everything, but Sun Han and I have broken up. It seems unrealistic to want to go back to the beginning.

But I don't want sun Han and Tang Tianyi together. I'm really confused in the face of such a situation. I don't know what to do. My mood is getting worse and worse. I can't laugh.

One afternoon after class, I was going to find Jiangshan and them. On the balcony, I saw Tang Tianyi and sun Han. Sun Han leaned against the balcony and looked at the scenery in the distance. Tang Tianyi stood beside her.

Sun Han was wearing fresh clothes and a horsetail. The breeze brushed her cheek and gently blew her bangs. It was a different charm, which made me stop and look more.

Sun Han is actually far away from me, but I don't know why. She still found my eyes. She turned her head to look at me, and then turned her head away again. I'm embarrassed to look at her again.

Just as I was about to leave, fat brother Jiangshan just came upstairs to find me. When he saw me looking at Sun Han, Jiangshan called me downstairs.

"Can't put it down yet?", Jiangshan looked at me and said.

I said, after all, we have been together for so long that we can forget it for a while. Jiangshan patted me on the shoulder, "if you can't let go, go and catch her back! I think you still like each other. As long as you are willing to catch her with your heart, it shouldn't be difficult to catch her again."

Then Jiangshan said, "don't say I don't take you as a brother. As a brother, I remind you that if you don't act again, sun Han will be robbed by Tang Tianyi. Do you really want to watch sun Han be robbed by Tang Tianyi!"

Of course, I don't want to just watch sun Han robbed by Tang Tianyi, but what can I do? I've broken up.

"You're afraid of a hair. If you can't, you'll cheat her out. Then the overlord bows hard and cooks cooked rice directly. Of course, she's obedient to you!" fat brother thinks I have no idea, so he gives me an idea, but it's a bad idea. It's not feasible at all.

"I don't want to say anything more. After all, it's your own business. I want to remind you again that the fundamental reason why all this happened is because of sun Han. If sun Han is really with Tang Tianyi, even if you can beat Tang Tianyi, you'll still lose!" Jiang Shan looked at me and said heartily.

I know Jiangshan said these words for my good, but I think I need to make a good plan for making up with sun Han.

After we talked for a while, we went to have dinner together. After we had dinner, sun Han was broadcasting live. In fact, I really want to watch sun Han's live broadcast, not for anything else, just to see her, but after breaking up, I try to control myself from watching her live broadcast.

When I opened the live broadcast software and saw sun Han's familiar face, my heart surged again. I didn't love sun Han anymore, but it turned out not to be so.

When I was sitting in the restaurant watching sun Han's live broadcast, fat brother also came to join the fun and asked me to teach him to play the live broadcast.

But after I taught him, he directly searched his cousin's live broadcast. However, my cousin's live broadcast is much more serious than before. If it's still the same as before, wearing exposed live broadcast, I think fat brother has to go to the toilet to discuss life events with five girls.

After watching the live broadcast for a while, we discussed how to deal with Tang Tianyi. When Jiangshan said that he would ask brother Kun for help. Brother should help me. Then he would call some people from the school and ask Liu Lang to call some people to help. It should be possible to clean up Tang Tianyi.

After the discussion, Jiangshan contacted Liu lang. it may be a little difficult for Liu Lang to let him study hard, but it only takes one phone call to ask him to help fight.

Liu Lang readily agreed to us. Then we went to find brother Kun. After finding brother Kun, brother Kun scolded us and said we would know if we didn't study hard all day. But after scolding us, brother Kun said he would help at that time, and brother also said he would help at that time.

After everything was ready, I found Tang Tianyi before class the next day and told him the location. We made an appointment where we had a group fight with he Jun. I hope this time will be the same as last time.

"I believe you should be ready in these days. Please kindly remind you that you will call more people at that time, or you will die miserably!" Tang Tianyi said coldly, looking at me and looking like he doesn't care about everything.

"Thank you for your reminder, but do you dare to bet an extra game with me?" I looked at Tang Tianyi and said calmly.

Tang Tianyi was obviously interested and asked me what I wanted to bet. He would accompany me to the end.

"If you lose then, you'll have to get out of school and stay away from sun Han. Don't tangle with her any more!" I looked at Tang Tianyi and said with confidence.

"OK, it's a good bet, but if you lose, you have to get out of school and don't have any contact with sun Han!" Tang Tianyi said with a smile, looking at me and not afraid at all.

"That's settled! See you then!" Tang Tianyi said casually with a cold hum as he looked at me.

The reason why I put forward such a gamble, I think I am sure to win, because this time we can call all the people we can call.

But in the final analysis, I underestimated Tang Tianyi's strength. I always thought I could definitely defeat him, but I never thought that the power behind him was so powerful.

After an appointment, we entered the classroom. After I sat down, Li Xiangning looked at me and said, "you still owe me one thing. Do you remember? Wait after class at noon. I'll tell you then!"

"OK, OK, listen to you!" I looked at Li Xiangning and said impatiently.

Soon it was time to finish class at noon, but I didn't expect that Li Xiangning would make such a request.

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