"I don't want to go back on foot, and I don't want to go back by car. Just go back with me!" Li Xiangning looked at me after class at noon and said with a proud look on her face.

She is pure hypocrisy. In fact, her home is a little far away. Usually she goes back by car, but today she asked me to go back to lunch with her on my back. I looked at Li Xiangning and said that you are asking too much.

But Li Xiangning said plausibly, "what's too much? It's just to let you make some effort! Do you want to cheat? I tell you, it's a mangy dog!"

Seeing Li Xiangning so plausible, I didn't bother to tell her more and recite it. I knew I ignored her at that time. Whether she was angry or not, it's really too late to repent.

After I squatted down, Li Xiangning jumped on me very impolitely, and then put her hands around my neck. If I didn't move, she patted my ass with her hands, and smiled and shouted, "drive! Drive!"

"Be honest with me. People are staring at me. I don't want people to think I have an impure relationship with you!" I said angrily behind Li Xiangning's back.

"Just say you don't want people to misunderstand me as a boyfriend and girlfriend. Are you wrong? I don't think so much about a woman. You think too much. A boy like you also wants to be my boyfriend! Hum!" Li Xiangning said very inhospitably after humming. That arrogant tone disgusted me.

I didn't talk any more nonsense with Li Xiangning. I didn't walk behind her, but her home was really a little far away. I hadn't come for a long time. There was sweat on my forehead.

"You can't lose weight at ordinary times. It's so heavy! It's like carrying a cow!" I said disgustingly.

"My figure is already perfect. How many boys beg to carry me? I don't have a chance. You should be glad you have this chance!", Li Xiangning said very happily. That's what she said. I don't know whether the boys in the school are mentally disabled and keep trying to please Li Xiangning. What's good about Li Xiangning? She just looks beautiful.

"You are so popular in the school. Why don't you ask the boys in the school to carry you on their backs? The reason why those boys are so flattering is to make fun of you! What do you like!" I said angrily while carrying Li Xiangning on my back.

It's not that I want to quarrel with her, it's that she's too arrogant. I've always hated her most. It's her arrogant and superior psychology.

"That's good for you. People who have had girlfriends are still virgins! People like you should be virgins all your life! You can't get women all your life!" Li Xiangning said angrily on my back.

The reason why Li Xiangning knew that I was still everywhere was when she was chatting with sun Han, and she didn't know what they were talking about at that time. She must have talked ill of me.

"I'm a virgin. Aren't you still a virgin now? I think no man is willing to get rid of you. I won't get rid of you for free!" I continued to refute Li Xiangning.

The two of US fought with each other like this, and unconsciously we were outside Li Xiangning's house. After putting Li Xiangning down, I wiped the sweat on my forehead and prepared to go back. Finally, I cleaned up Li Xiangning's affairs.

"Hey, look at your hard work, I'll give you a chance to have lunch with me! I'll give you the chance. Look at it yourself. If you don't cherish it, you won't have this chance in the future!" Li Xiangning said to me after she got off my back.

At that time, I decided not to eat. I said I was like a beggar. What I disliked most was Li Xiangning's superior appearance.

But then I thought, I can't just go. It took me a lot of effort to carry this Li Xiangning back. It's not cost-effective to go like this. I have to let her invite me to dinner. I'll kill her and have a good meal by the way.

Just as Li Xiangning was about to go in, I grabbed her. "Didn't you just say you wanted to invite me to dinner? I thought I would eat poor you and turn you into a beggar!"

Li Xiangning snorted disdainfully, and then took me to her home. There are plenty of ingredients in her home. Obviously, she plans to cook by herself.

After a while, the dish made by Li Xiangning was on the table, but it was really bad. I didn't eat it after one bite. I guess Li Xiangning wanted to hurt me on purpose. No wonder she asked me to have dinner so kindly.

Finally, I made a bowl of noodles in Li Xiangning's kitchen. Li Xiangning asked me to make a bowl for her too. Because I was in her house, I mercifully made a bowl of noodles for her.

Afterwards, I knew that Li Xiangning really couldn't cook. After dinner, Li Xiangning followed me to the school and sat next to me in the classroom.

Sun Han also came early. At that time, there were only three of us in the school. After sun Han came in, he sat in his seat and read. He didn't lift his head. He probably didn't want to see me.

Seeing sun Han like this, my mood was suddenly bad. I also lay on the table reading like sun Han.

Before long, Tang Tianyi also came to the classroom. When he saw me, Tang Tianyi smiled intentionally or unintentionally, then went to sit down next to sun Han, took out a small gift from his pocket and put it in front of sun Han.

"This is a small gift I saw when I was shopping a few days ago. I look very nice and want to buy it for you!" Tang Tianyi said softly in sun Han's ear.

I saw all this in my eyes. When I saw this scene, I was particularly uncomfortable. After listening to Tang Tianyi, sun Han looked up at the little gift. After looking at the little gift, sun Han looked at me again, and then smiled and put the little gift in his pocket.

"Thank you. I haven't received a gift for a long time," Sun Han said to Tang Tianyi with a smile, his eyes full of tenderness.

Sun Han obviously said this to me, because she had been with me for so long that I didn't give her any gifts.

Tang Tianyi saw sun Han smiling and chatting with sun Han there. I really couldn't watch it, so I covered my ears and slept on the table.

Soon, it was time for us to make an appointment. We made an appointment to duel at the broken bridge in the old street at 6 p.m.

We arrived at the broken bridge in the old street at five o'clock in the afternoon. We went early because we had to wait for someone. Brother Kun and brother Liu Lang haven't come yet.

After a while, Liu Lang brought more than 20 people from their school. After coming, Liu Lang was very enthusiastic and handed cigarettes to the people we called at the school.

"If you win this fight, you have to invite me to go whoring once!" Liu Lang said licentiously while smoking.

"If we win this fight, even if we don't have money, we'll raise money to invite you to go whoring!" Jiangshan said with a smile looking at Liu Lang.

We were smoking and waiting for brother Kun. After a while, brother Kun and his brother brought people. Brother Kun and his brother brought more than 80 people, all of whom were dart heads with dragons and tigers.

Seeing that brother Kun and his brother brought so many people, we all smiled and thought that we would win this time.

Brother and brother Kun came with people, smoked there and said something we didn't understand from time to time.

"Han zi, is Tang Tianyi counselling? It's time. Why hasn't he come yet? I'm waiting to clean him up today!" it's six o'clock. Tang Tianyi hasn't come yet. Fat brother said impatiently there.

I have a hunch that Tang Tianyi will definitely come. Counseling is not his style.

"TMD, he won't fool you!" Tang Tianyi didn't come on time, and Liu Lang was impatient.

While we were waiting impatiently, Tang Tianyi brought people. At first, I thought he could only call some gangsters, but unexpectedly, he called more than 100 people this time. It seems that I underestimated him.

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