"I haven't lost yet!" I said with all my strength. After being beaten by Tang Tianyi, my strength seemed to be drained, and all that remained was pain.

Jiangshan fat brother Liu Lang and brother Kun are looking at me. I can see that my brother is very disappointed with me this time. I want to stand up and defeat Tang Tianyi, but it is very difficult for me to stand up.

Tang Tianyi stood in front of me and looked at me. He was waiting for me. I stood up, because only when I stood up, he could continue to beat me down.

I'm not willing, I'm not willing to be defeated like this, because failure means I lost sun Han, completely lost sun Han.

"Hey, if you don't admit defeat, get up quickly. I'm waiting for you!" Tang Tianyi looked at me condescending and said casually, but his face was full of pride.

I tried my best to stand up, but my body couldn't bear it. I just got up a little, and my body hit the ground heavily.

"Ah long, your brother is really like you. It's very likable not to admit defeat, but winning or losing is in front of him. Don't compete. What's the big deal of losing once in a fight!" the man stepped directly over me and said to his brother with a smile.

What he said was nice, but what he did and his expression were disguised. He hit his brother's face. I could see that his brother was very angry, but this was the case. Nothing he said could change the fact.

"It's normal to lose a fight. I'll bother you to come today. If you don't mind, we'll go to dinner later!" said my brother with a smile, but his face was obviously bad.

"I can't eat, but my cousin is too heavy. I should give some medical expenses!" the man said, took a few hundred yuan bills from his wallet, stuffed them into my pocket, and then left with Tang Tianyi.

Seeing Tang Tianyi's proud back, I clenched my fist and hit a fist on the ground. I'm not reconciled!

Jiangshan and Pangge sent me to the hospital together. The doctor said I had an internal injury and had to be hospitalized for observation. I stayed in the hospital for a few days.

Thinking that I can't see sun Han again after that, I have a special feeling in my heart. After breaking up with sun Han, I think sun Han has no weight in my heart, but now I understand that I'm paralyzed. Sun Han's position in my heart has always been very important.

Unfortunately, it's too late to understand. I lost a mess in gambling with Tang Tianyi and was beaten like a dog by him.

Jiangshan and brother Pang will visit me in the hospital after school. Li Xiangning's steel tooth sister also followed brother pang to visit me in the hospital.

Seeing my sad face, Jiangshan asked me what happened. Anyway, I had to go through the dropout procedures after I was discharged from the hospital. I had nothing to hide, so I told Jiangshan and brother Pang when I bet with Tang Tianyi.

"In that case, do you want me to call sun Han for you? At least you've been together for so long. Say goodbye to her when you leave school," Jiangshan said to me after listening to me.

In fact, I also thought about what Jiangshan said. I must see sun Han before leaving school, but it will have to wait until I get out of the hospital. I want to appear in front of sun HA as before. It's like saying goodbye to him once.

After they left, I was left alone in the hospital. If sun Han was broadcasting live, I would take out my mobile phone and watch it quietly in front of her audience, from the beginning of her live broadcast to the end of the live broadcast.

I thought sun Han didn't find me because I didn't brush gifts or send a message in her live studio, but Sun Han found me. Of course, I didn't know until later.

What I never knew was that sun Han set me as her "special concern". She knew everything I did on the live software, including entering her live studio.

On the day I was about to leave the hospital, fat brother rushed to the hospital. When fat brother found me, he gasped and said to me, "han zi, you hurry up and go to school with me!"

I said, "why do you go to school? I'm still wearing hospital clothes. Fat brother said angrily:" you're still going to stay in the hospital. Tang Tianyi will confess to sun Han after class in the afternoon. You don't hurry now, but you won't sing if you're late! I came to tell you because you're my brother! What should I do? You can do it yourself! "

Tang Tianyi is usually very kind to sun Han. If you add a little sweet words and sugar coated shells, I think sun Han may really promise him. I don't want to see such a result.

I said whether I had to go to the hospital to accept something first. Brother Pang said impatiently, why do you care? Isn't it the same when you come back? After that, brother Pang hurriedly took me out.

I came to the school with fat brother in sick clothes. Fat brother was absent from class to inform me. When we arrived at the school, the school had just finished class. When people in the school saw me in sick clothes, they were looking at me with crazy eyes.

But I ignored so much. What I want now is to stop Tang Tianyi from confessing to sun Han, but Tang Tianyi had already started when we got to the playground.

According to brother Pang, Tang Tianyi didn't go to class directly in the afternoon. He spent the whole afternoon preparing roses and hearts in order to express his love to sun Han in the afternoon.

On the playground, Tang Tianyi was wearing a black and textured suit, a tie, a very handsome hairstyle, holding a large bunch of roses in his hand, surrounded by a love with roses, surrounded by red heart balloons, and the scene was grand. He was about to catch up with others to get married.

Such a romantic scene naturally attracted a lot of onlookers. Soon the playground was full of people. There were so many people that we couldn't see the situation inside. Brother Pang and I ran upstairs to see it.

When we went upstairs, sun Han just came downstairs. When we saw such a romantic scene in the playground downstairs, sun Han was obviously stunned.

Seeing sun Han coming downstairs, Tang Tianyi held the rose and stopped sun Han downstairs.

When sun Han looked at Tang Tianyi dressed so handsome and formal, his face became as red as a shy red apple. Indeed, a handsome man like Tang Tianyi dressed like this. It is estimated that few girls will be indifferent.

When I saw here, I was actually ready to leave, but I had thought clearly. If sun Han really promised Tang Tianyi, I would bless her and silently drop out of school.

"Come here, I want to tell you something!" Tang Tianyi was so well prepared that he even got the microphone. As soon as he spoke, the whole school heard him. After saying that to sun Han, Tang Tianyi led sun han to the center of rose love on the playground.

Sun Han obviously didn't respond. When sun Han reached the center of rose love, Tang Tianyi knelt on one knee like a prince, looked at Sun Han affectionately with roses and said, "Sun Han, classmate, I want to tell you that I like you! Are you willing to be my girlfriend?"

"I've met many girls in my life, but it's the first time I've seen a girl like you. Since I first saw you, I've felt you. I'm ready to leave for a long time, just to say those three words to you today. I declare you!" after Tang Tianyi finished, there were shouts of being together all around. In addition, there are countless jealous eyes of girls.

"Classmate Tang Tianyi, i... i... I", sun Han obviously hasn't thought about it, but looking at Sun Han's coquettish appearance, I think it won't be too long since he promised.

When I saw Tang Tianyi kneeling down on one knee to sun Han, I thought of all kinds of things in the past. When I thought of those things in the past, I felt even worse.

I looked at Sun Han on the playground upstairs, smiled bitterly, and then prepared to leave. It seems that I can only choose blessing after all.

I don't know why. When I looked at Sun Han, sun Han seemed to be caught in sight by something. He happened to see me upstairs.

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