When sun Han's eyes looked at me. I was like being sucked by a magnet, and my eyes connected with sun Han. At that moment, it seemed that sun Han and I were the only ones left in the world. When I saw me still wearing sick clothes, sun Han was obviously stunned, and then his eyes continued to stare at me.

In fact, my mood at this time is almost tumultuous, but I still try to squeeze a smile from my face and smile at Sun Han. This is the first time I have smiled at Sun Han since breaking up.

Sun Han obviously saw my smile, but she turned her eyes away and shifted to Tang Tianyi.

"I know what I did today is really sudden, but I swear to God, I really like you!" Tang Tianyi knelt on one knee and looked at Sun Han with hot eyes, but Sun Han didn't pick up the rose in his hand.

"Classmate Tang Tianyi, I know you have always been very good to me, but..." Sun Han was a little embarrassed when he said this.

"It's all right. Just say what you have. I don't mind!" Tang Tianyi was eager to know what sun Han wanted to say.

"In fact, I have always regarded you as my best friend!" Sun Han said with some guilt when looking at Tang Tianyi. Indeed, Tang Tianyi was not generally good to sun Han during this period of time.

When sun Han said this, he had politely rejected Tang Tianyi. When Tang Tianyi heard sun Han say this, the smile on his face stopped abruptly.

"Well, it seems that I'm amorous. I think too much. I thought you were as interested in me as I am!" Tang Tianyi looked at Sun Han and said, his voice almost choked. It can be seen that Tang Tianyi really likes sun Han.

"I'm sorry, I think we're still more suitable to be friends than lovers!" Sun Han looked at Tang Tianyi and said with great guilt.

"To refuse is to refuse. You don't have to say this. To put it bluntly, you just think I didn't close Yihan. I really envy him. He's so bad in all aspects, but it can make you remember him firmly!" Tang Tianyi said, threw the rose on the ground, then stood up and patted the dust on his knee, and his face became cold.

Tang Tianyi angrily smashed all the roses on the playground to the ground. The crackling sound soon attracted the headmaster. The headmaster took Tang Tianyi away, and the crowd dispersed.

To tell you the truth, Tang Tianyi is much better than me, but in the final analysis, sun Han refused Tang Tianyi.

"Tang Tianyi was taken away by the headmaster. Now it's time for you to perform. What are you doing here? Go quickly!" fat brother asked me to find sun Han there.

I also want to find sun Han, but my clothes are patient clothes. If I go like this, my image will be greatly reduced.

"What are you talking about at this time? Hurry up!" fat brother was impatient to see that I didn't go. He put his foot on my ass and asked me to find sun Han quickly.

Under the pushing of fat brother, I came to the playground. The crowd on the playground had dispersed, but Sun Han remained where he was.

After I got to the playground, sun Han's eyes shifted to me. I walked towards sun Han awkwardly. When I approached sun Han and smelled the familiar aroma on her, the feeling of long lost in my heart surged into my heart again.

"Well, why don't you promise Tang Tianyi today?", I looked at Sun Han and said awkwardly. I don't know why. I feel a little embarrassed talking to sun Han now.

Sun Han looked at me with a pout and said, "it's my freedom whether I refuse or not. Why should I tell you? I'm not your who!".

When sun Han said this, she was obviously angry. Obviously, she was angry with me, but I don't know why she was angry.

"It's getting late, I have to go back to the live broadcast!" Sun Han left directly next to me before I reacted.

I was going to stop her, but I thought about it and decided to talk about it tomorrow.

After I went back, I went through the discharge formalities. Accompanied by brother Jiangshan fat, I went back to the rental house and took out the dress that sun Han had bought me. The dress was bought for me when sun Han made the first pot of gold. Although it was not very expensive, I didn't like it, and sun Han also said that I looked good in that dress.

I always keep that dress. I usually keep it well except when I go out alone with sun Han.

I asked Jiangshan to help me buy some roses. Tomorrow is my last day in school. There are two important things for me to go to school tomorrow. The first thing is to make up with sun Han, and the second thing is to go through the drop out procedures. I completely lost the gambling game with Tang Tianyi. I am willing to admit defeat. Of course, I will abide by the gambling agreement at that time.

When everything is ready, I'm going to have a good sleep and do everything tomorrow.

Just as I was about to go to bed, sister steel teeth knocked on my door. Sister steel teeth learned from brother Jiangshan that I was going to drop out of school and came to me.

"Brother Han, what are you going to do if you drop out of school?" the steel tooth sister looked at me sincerely and asked.

I said I haven't thought about it yet. Let's talk about it at that time. The world will have my destination.

"Don't drop out of school. I still want to stay with you until graduation," said steely girl, looking at me.

I said you study hard. There are no endless feasts in the world. Why are you so pessimistic? The steel tooth sister said that since she was so old, I was the first person to treat her so well except her parents. She was reluctant to let me go.

When I heard this, a warm current flowed through my heart. I was thinking that someone who is so bad will be reluctant to give up. It's really lucky. It's estimated that the girl who is reluctant to give up me in the whole school is also the girl who is steely.

"Don't be so pessimistic. Maybe we'll meet soon!" I said to the steel tooth with a smile.

After calming down her mood, she asked me if I planned to make up with sun Han tomorrow. She knew all my plans for tomorrow from Jiangshan.

I nodded and said yes. After all, I've been with sun Han for so long. If I leave, I'll tell her at least.

Steel teeth sister said that if there is anything you can help, call her at any time. She is on call, as long as I call her.

I was satisfied with her words. After chatting for a while, the steel tooth girl left. After I had a good sleep, I went to school at noon the next day.

After I finished the dropout procedures in the school, the school bell just rang at noon.

I came to the school gate wearing the dress that sun Han bought me and waited for sun han to come out at the school gate.

Soon sun Han came out, and Tang Tianyi followed behind her. Although sun Han refused Tang Tianyi yesterday, it can be seen that Tang Tianyi still refused to give up.

When sun Han came to the school gate, she saw me. When she saw me, she stopped for a moment, then looked away and continued to walk forward.

"Sun Han, I have something to tell you!" I went to sun Han and looked at him and said sincerely.

"I have to go to lunch. Let's talk about something later!" Sun Han said coldly, and then continued to walk forward.

"I have gone through the dropout procedures today. Maybe this is the last time I am in school. I have a few words to say to you!" I grabbed sun Han and said sincerely.

Sun Han looked at me and nodded. I took sun Han outside the basement she rented. When I saw the familiar basement, sun Han was stunned and his eyes were wet.

"Do you remember this dress? You bought it for me when you made the first money. The quality of this dress is very good. We have broken up and it is still the same as the new one." after that, I smiled bitterly, then looked at Sun Han and said seriously: "Today is my last day in school. At this time, I want to ask you something seriously. Do you still love me?"

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