Sun Han looked into my eyes, then bowed his head for a while and asked in a low voice, "did you really drop out of school today?"

I said yes. Sun Han raised his head, looked into my eyes and said, "so where are you going to go after you drop out of school, continue to study or not?"

I said I didn't know yet, "what I want to know most now is what you mean! I don't want anything else!" I looked at Sun Han and smiled.

Sun Han looked at me, bit his lips and thought for a while. Then he looked at me and said, "it was you who broke up. Now it's you who said to make up. In fact, I never thought of breaking up with you. It's you who want to break up with others!" Sun Han looked at me very wrongly and said.

The deeper meaning of sun Han's saying this is that he agreed to my request for peace. After sun Han finished, I went forward and hugged sun Han tightly. I haven't hugged sun Han like this for a long time. Sun Han feels good in his arms.

After holding sun Han for a while, I held sun Han's face and kissed her on the lips. Sun Han stood on tiptoe, hugged my neck and responded to me with her little tongue.

After a kiss, I looked at Sun Han and smiled. Sun Han beat me with her small powder fist. Looking at me angrily, he said, "I haven't found it before. It turns out that you are a cheapskate. You are angry when you see me having dinner with other boys, and you have to break up with others! Hum!"

I coaxed sun Han nearby and kept saying sorry to sun Han. In fact, sun Han was not unreasonable. After talking to me, she said she was also responsible for these things. She should have made it clear to me before going to have dinner with Tang Tianyi.

I say these things are over, don't say whose fault it is, just be together in the future!

I took sun han to the restaurant and had a good meal. After school in the afternoon, I met sun Han at the door. When sun Han saw me, he came up with a smile and took my hand. Everything was the same as before.

I asked sun han to go back to the rental house with me. Sun Han smiled and nodded. It was already dark when sun Han and I moved our things to the rental house. Sun Han came out in his pajamas after taking a bath, and her hair was still wet. I helped her dry her hair as before, and sun Han began to broadcast live.

Sun Han has prepared a lot of materials and emotional stories for the live broadcast, but this evening is very different. Sun Han told the audience about me and her story. From the beginning to the end, I have been listening carefully. After listening, I feel really warm in my heart.

Those audience friends also typed 99 words on the screen and brushed the screen in various ways to wish sun Han happiness.

Because sun Han and I made up today, she went down after a live broadcast and sat there chatting with me.

"Han, do you remember your birthday?" Sun Han leaned against my thigh and asked me to gently lift her hair. She said it was very comfortable. When I helped her lift her hair, sun Han asked me.

I said of course I remember. I remembered that another week would be my birthday when sun Han reminded me.

"Han, what birthday present do you want for your birthday? You can tell me that I will try my best to buy it for you, but it can't be too expensive!" Sun Han looked at me and said.

I said you were my best birthday gift. What birthday gift would I want with you? Sun Han reached out and pinched my nose. "I haven't spoken to you for a long time, and you have learned to talk in love!"

I said I learned it for you from the Internet. Sun Han snorted, but I can see that sun Han is very useful.

Sun Han's pajamas were loose. She leaned against my thigh and her bulging chest was under my eyes. Although I didn't see sun Han's chest for the first time, I still had a reaction when I saw it.

When sun Han didn't notice, I reached out and slowly touched it from sun Han's collar, and there was a momentum below.

"What are you doing? Why are you so bad!" Sun Han grabbed my hand across his clothes, but when it was more embarrassing, there was a movement under me, and then it was right on Sun Han's head.

Sun Han sat next to me on my lap and grabbed something under me like a gangster. After catching it, sun Han talked about my place with his fingers and said angrily, "look, I'm not honest just now!"

Seeing such a lovely and attractive sun Han, I couldn't help but hold sun Han on my lap and kiss her sweet lips.

After kissing, I opened the trouser chain, took out the already tall and straight Dongdong inside and put it in sun Han's hand. Sun Han despised it, took a look, and then looked reluctant to help me get it up.

"I knew that you coaxed me back to fight Feifei for you. I guess I have only such a role in your eyes!" Sun Han said that he accelerated his pace a lot and almost let me disarm and surrender.

While holding sun Han and kissing, I rubbed my hand against sun Han like a thief.

Under sun Han's extremely fast hand speed, I soon disarmed and surrendered, and made sun Han's hands full of them. Therefore, sun Han didn't stop talking about me, saying that I should have told her she was ready to prepare paper towels. "You always do this. You never say it when you want to finish. Every time you make people's hands full of them, sticky and smelly!"

I looked at Sun Han with a bad smile and said, "if you don't believe it, search the Internet. People say that the ingredients here are protein, which is better than eggs!"

"Oh, if you say so, next time I'll put a bottle in it and give it to you to eat!" said Sun Han, looking at me unconvinced after wiping the things on his hand.

After coaxing sun Han for a while, we went to bed. When I went to bed, I deliberately put several island films and fooled sun Han that it was very comfortable to do that kind of thing. Girls were more comfortable than boys. Let Sun Han lie down and let me do it once, but Sun Han wouldn't be fooled by me and resolutely rejected me immediately.

"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking. You just want to lie to me and let you do it. People say that girls hurt for the first time. You think I'm a fool. Before marriage, I'll help you fight Feifei with my hands. Don't push an inch, or Feifei won't fight you!" after that, sun Han got into my arms and slept naughtily.

I have gone through the procedures for dropping out of school, but Sun Han and I have made up. Strictly speaking, I have violated my gambling agreement with Tang Tianyi, but what's the matter? Anyway, sun Han finally chose me, not Tang Tianyi.

The next morning, I moved sun han to the school. At the school gate, we just met Tang Tianyi who came to the school for class. After Tang Tianyi saw that sun Han and I came to the school hand in hand, his expressionless face suddenly became very angry.

He rushed up and knocked me to the ground, and then punched me hard in the face, "what did the gambling say at that time? If anyone lost, he had to get out of school. Don't pester sun Han, but you TMD didn't abide by it!"

Then Tang Tianyi punched me in the face again. Seeing this, sun Han quickly came to hold Tang Tianyi, but Tang Tianyi ruthlessly pushed him away.

Tang Tianyi looked at Sun Han who fell to the ground and said fiercely: "he is such a waste. I can't compare with him! But you just like him and don't like me. It's a pity that I have been so kind to you. You treat my kindness as a donkey's liver and lung. I tell you, Tang Tianyi hasn't dared to treat me like that since he was a child. I won't let you go!"

Tang Tianyi almost went wild. He roared like a mad dog, and his eyes were full of anger.

As the saying goes, love is as deep as hate, which must be so.

After I got up, I didn't say anything more to Tang Tianyi or start with him. I went to sun Han and pulled sun Han up from the ground.

But as soon as I pulled sun Han up, Tang Tianyi rushed up again, grabbed my collar and punched me in the face.

I asked sun han to go to school first. Tang Tianyi is so angry that he almost loses his mind. I'm afraid sun Han will be hurt if he stays here.

"I won't make you feel better!" Tang Tianyi said loudly there.

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