Tang Tianyi shouted loudly. After that, he grabbed me and punched me again. I didn't fight back. He punched me a few times. Soon, fat brother Jiangshan arrived and saw me beaten. They hurried to pull Tang Tianyi away.

"Fuck NIMA, try again. Do you think I dare to clean you up?", after fat brother pulled Tang Tianyi away, Tang Tianyi kept resisting there and wanted to rush up and continue to hit me. Fat brother shouted so fiercely there that Tang Tianyi calmed down.

"Wait for me, I won't make you happy!" Tang Tianyi looked at me and said after calming down. Then he went back with his shoulder bag on his back. Instead of going to school, he went back directly.

Sun Han came over and asked me how I was and if there was anything wrong. I said I was fine. It was just a small thing. I asked sun han to go to class first. After all, it took only a few minutes.

Sun Han looked at me with some worry, and then returned to the school. Looking at the familiar school in front of him, I lit a cigarette and went back the same way. I remember that when I was in school, I could only smoke in hiding, otherwise I would be punished. When I was in school, I was afraid of being punished for smoking, but now I quit school, and the cigarette is still the same, But my heart is empty and not a taste. Although I am also fooling around in school, I still feel reluctant to leave school.

After I returned to the rental house, I played with sun Han's computer for a while, then went to buy Sun Han lunch and waited for sun han to eat after school at noon.

But at noon, sun Han didn't come back on time as before. At first, I thought sun Han had something delayed, but Sun Han didn't come back in the afternoon.

I called sun Han, but Sun Han's cell phone was off. After school, I went to the school to find sun Han, but steel tooth told me that sun Han didn't go to school at all in the afternoon.

When I heard what sister steel teeth said, I was a little uneasy. Sun Han never played with me. There was definitely an accident.

According to gang Ya Mei, Tang Tianyi hasn't been to school all day. Combined with what happened today, I speculate that sun Han's sudden disappearance is absolutely related to Tang Tianyi.

I want to find the bastard Tang Tianyi, but I don't know where to find him. I asked Jiangshan to help me find out the news. After all, the rivers and mountains in this county are too familiar with me.

I found Jiangshan and eagerly told Jiangshan about sun Han. Jiangshan told me not to worry. It's not difficult to see from the last time I was beaten by Tang Tianyi that the power behind Tang Tianyi is not ordinary. If I go to Tang Tianyi so rashly, it will undoubtedly be a sheep into a tiger's mouth. Tang Tianyi is eager to clean me up at this time.

Jiangshan said he had to go to his brother and brother Kun first. After all, brother Kun has seen a wide range of the world and is much more useful than us in dealing with things.

Jiangshan and I went to find brother Kun. After we talked about the matter with brother Kun, the faces of brother Kun and his brother showed embarrassment. Brother Kun said that Tang Tianyi's cousin and they were sworn enemies and had always been making trouble behind the surface peace. Tang Tianyi must have helped behind his back. If brother Kun helped me, It means breaking face with Tang Tianyi's cousin.

Brother Kun said that if they broke their face with Tang Tianyi's cousin, it would not be a small fight between us children. It would be difficult to do things at that time.

It can be seen that brother Kun doesn't intend to tear his face with Tang Tianyi's cousin. That is to say, brother Kun can't help in this matter.

My brother told me not to worry. He would try his best to help me. The most important thing now is to find sun Han first, but in the vast crowd, I went there to find sun Han.

After I came out of brother Kun's Di bar, I looked for sun Han everywhere. I walked all the streets in the county and still found nothing.

I met Li Xiangning when I was looking for sun Han in the street. I really had no choice at that time. I ran to ask Li Xiangning if she had seen sun Han. Li Xiangning and some of her girlfriends were wandering in the street. After I asked her, she said no.

Seeing that I was so anxious, Li Xiangning later mercifully helped me find sun Han, but still got nothing.

I looked for sun Han in the street until early in the morning, but Sun Han seemed to have evaporated from the world and could not see her.

I stared at the passers-by like a psycho in the street for fear of missing sun Han, but in the end, there was no one in the street, and sun Han still didn't appear.

Steel teeth sister heard that I had been looking for sun Han in the street. I didn't go back in the early morning. Steel teeth sister came to the street and called me back. Steel teeth sister comforted me and told me not to worry. Maybe sun Han went there to play.

But I knew very well in my heart that sun Han would never disappear so suddenly.

I finally fell asleep after tossing and turning. The next morning, sun Han came back, but Sun Han's face was full of loneliness, grievance and helplessness. His clothes were untidy, and there were even several holes in his white dress, like torn holes.

Sun Han came back with a light step. In fact, I didn't know when she entered the house. After sun Han entered the house, he quietly packed his clothes there. When she pulled the suitcase, she woke me up. When I woke up and saw that the person in the house was Sun Han, my hanging heart finally put down.

I was so excited that I was like seeing my mother's child. I rushed over and hugged sun Han from sun Han's back. "You went there last night. Why did you come back today? I had a hard time looking for you last night!"

Sun Han stood straight and looked at the front without saying a word. For a long time, sun Han said blandly, "I don't miss books. I'm going to drop out and go home!"

I smiled and said that I didn't study anyway. If you don't miss school, I'll go back with you. Anyway, we have hands and feet. Even if we leave school, we can still survive.

"I came back today. In fact, I have another thing to tell you! Let's break up!" said Sun Han. He took me away with her hand, opened the door and dragged the suitcase out.

When I heard this sentence, I was like being beaten by thunder. I stood in place for a long time before I reacted. After I reacted, I rushed out and grabbed sun Han's hand. When I pulled sun Han, I found the abnormality on Sun Han. There were traces on her white arm, which were obviously pressed out, and there were tears on her clothes.

When I saw these, I immediately understood everything. I looked at Sun Han and asked eagerly, "who did it, the bastard Tang Tianyi?"

Sun Han didn't answer me, but his tears flowed out of his eyes wrongly. At this time, what sun Han needed most was comfort. I held back my anger and held sun Han in my arms.

Sun Han cried in my arms for a long time. After crying, he said thank you to me and said we'd better break up.

I shook my head and said to sun Han very seriously and definitely, "no, I won't be stupid again this time. I won't break up anyway!"

"I don't deserve you anymore. You can find a better one!" Sun Han just calmed down, but after a few words, his tears flowed down again.

I comforted sun Han for a long time. She was in a very low mood. She kept saying that she would break up with me and that she didn't deserve me.

Under my comfort, sun Han's mood stabilized and told me something about what happened yesterday. Sun Han said that she met Tang Tianyi on her way back yesterday, but Tang Tianyi asked someone to pull her to the car, took her to a house and raped her.

The next morning, Tang Tianyi raped her again before releasing her.

After that, sun Han cried out of control again. When I heard sun Han say these things, my heart was as heartache as being cut by a knife. I was heartache sun Han. Of course, in addition to heartache, my heart is more angry, and my chest is full of anger.

After putting sun han to sleep, I bought a 20cm knife from outside, wrapped it in a newspaper and put it in my coat, and then went to Tang Tianyi's place.

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