Before I went, I went to find sister steel teeth and asked sister steel teeth to help me watch sun Han. Sun Han is in a very low mood. I'm afraid sun Han can't think of anything stupid for a moment, so I asked sister steel teeth to watch sun Han.

I kept looking for it according to the address sun Han said, and finally let me find Tang Tianyi.

After I found the house mentioned by sun Han, I knocked on the door. It was Tang Tianyi's son of a bitch who opened the door for me. When Tang Tianyi opened the door for me, he was wearing pajamas and looked leisurely. I saw that it was Tang Tianyi. After he opened the door, I took out the knife from his clothes and chopped it at Tang Tianyi.

"You dare to do that to sun Han, I'll kill you today!" I've never cut people with a knife. This is the first time I cut people with a knife, but at this time, I have nothing but anger in my heart.

Tang Tianyi didn't think it was me outside the door. After opening the door, he was inadvertently cut in the palm of his hand by me, and the blood suddenly came out like a fountain.

Tang Tianyi saw me holding a knife and covering my wound. He was stunned and ran in. While running, he also shouted to the inside: "cousin, help me. Someone wants to kill me!"

I chased in with a knife. After I went in, I found that the man with a poisonous scorpion on his neck was also in Tang Tianyi's house, and there was a coquettish woman with the man.

The poisonous scorpion wore a bathrobe and sat very leisurely in the armchair. After hearing Tang Tianyi's cry, the poisonous scorpion pushed away the coquettish woman on her thigh and stood up.

After seeing me coming in with a bloody knife, the poisonous scorpion didn't dare to act rashly. After all, the knife doesn't have eyes, and things will happen when it goes down.

"Ah long's brother, don't you put down the knife? Let's talk about something slowly. It's not a good choice to use the knife these days!" the poisonous scorpion looked at me and smiled, but now I'm completely dominated by anger; I can hear you there.

I pointed to Tang Tianyi around the poisonous scorpion with a knife and said fiercely, "you dare to treat sun Han like that. I must kill you today!"

Just as I was about to cut Tang Tianyi with a knife, I didn't know when two tattooed men came in behind me. They kicked me to the ground and robbed the knife in my hand.

After the poisonous scorpion took my, his face changed immediately, and there was a smile. "You really thought you could kill with a knife. Don't look at your hanging pattern. You are such a waste and want to kill. It's ridiculous." the poisonous scorpion disdained to throw the knife aside, and then came over and stepped on my hand.

It is said that ten fingers connect the heart. The poisonous scorpion still turns and steps on my hand with his shoes. The pain makes me scream uncontrollably. I was pressed on the ground by the two tattooed men, and my hands were trampled by poisonous scorpions. After Tang Tianyi bandaged his hands with cloth, he squatted down in front of me and looked at me disdainfully and said, "I thought you didn't know I had given sun han to QJ. Sun Han is a good girl, but it's a pity that she is blind. You are a garbage residue, which is comparable to me, but she likes you! I'm so kind to her!"

"If it hadn't been for last night, I didn't know you were so bad. You've been with sun Han for so long. Sun Han is still a place. Are you impotent? Ha ha, it happened that I helped you bud sun Han last night. Don't thank me!" Tang Tianyi said to me with a smile.

When I heard Tang Tianyi say that, I howled angrily, scolding Tang Tianyi and struggling constantly, but I roared hoarse and struggled hard, but I couldn't move, just like a pig held down by a butcher.

"Let me tell you something. I was so comfortable when I made sun Han. She kept struggling there. I made her cry. Tut Tut, I really want to do it again!" Tang Tianyi saw that I was very angry and spoke there to annoy me.

I was completely angered by him, but no matter how angry I was, I could only stare at Tang Tianyi.

Tang Tianyi smiled carelessly, then his face changed, slapped me in the face, looked at me coldly and said, "you are a complete waste, garbage, idiot! Your girlfriend sun Han gave it to me. What can you do with me? You can only stare like this!"

Then Tang Tianyi punched me hard again, looked at me angrily and shouted, "Tang Tianyi has a poor pen, looks more handsome than you, has more money and cares more about people than you! But why did sun Han choose you as a garbage instead of me? Why?"

After that, Tang Tianyi hit me a few more punches almost madly.

"Why! Why!" Tang Tianyi grabbed my collar with a ferocious face, then looked at me fiercely and asked.

I glared at Tang Tianyi fiercely and bit his hand cut by me when he didn't pay attention. After I bit it, my mouth was like iron pliers and tightly bit Tang Tianyi's wound.

Tang Tianyi's blood flowed into my mouth. The fishy smell made me more crazy and bit tighter on my mouth.

"Let me go, let me go!" Tang Tianyi kicked me hard in the head. He took the next chair and hit me hard.

The iron chair hit me hard like a mallet. I was hit by the chair and spit blood directly. I couldn't carry it. I finally released my mouth.

The wound on Tang Tianyi's hand was torn open by my teeth. Tang Tianyi covered the wound with his hand and stared at me fiercely. Then he picked up the knife lost by the poisonous scorpion and took it in his hand.

"Don't you want to kill me? It's OK for me to kill you today!" said Tang Tianyi, fiercely walking towards me with a knife in his eyes.

"Hey! I can't kill him now! How can I tell his brother if I kill him! Let him live for the time being! Pack up a few times and let him go!", when Tang Tianyi was about to stab me with a knife, the poisonous scorpion stopped him.

Tang Tianyi threw away the knife very upset, then kicked me in the stomach, and then asked someone to carry me and throw me out.

I staggered on the road. My body hurt terribly and my head was dizzy. After a few steps, I fell to the ground.

Later, sister steel teeth picked me up and sent me back. Not long after I left, sun Han woke up. When sun Han heard that I went out, he knew I was looking for Tang Tianyi. He quickly asked sister steel teeth to find me. On the way, sister steel teeth just met me with black and blue wounds, so he helped me back.

After helping me back, the steel tooth sister sent me to the hospital. There is no doubt that I have to be hospitalized again. The old injuries are not over yet, and the new injuries are everywhere.

After I was hospitalized, my fat brother jiangshankun came to see me when he heard the news, and sun Han's steel tooth sister took care of me by my side.

My brother asked me how the injury came from. I didn't hide anything from my brother from childhood. After my brother asked, I told my brother the truth.

My brother asked me to recover well. He will help me settle this account with the poisonous scorpion.

After staying in the hospital for a while, fat brother Jiangshan and Kun brother all left. There were only three people left in the hospital, my steel tooth sister sun Han.

"Why are you so impulsive? You went to find Tang Tianyi alone! As a result, you were beaten like this," Sun Han looked at me with great concern and carefully squeezed my hand.

"I can do anything for you, as long as you don't leave me!" I looked at Sun Han and reluctantly smiled.

"I don't deserve you anymore. You can still..." Sun Han wanted to say this again, but I blocked it with my mouth.

"I don't want to hear you say this. Don't say it in the future. No matter what you do, you are my favorite!" I looked at Sun Han and said. I didn't know I could be so affectionate.

Sun Han said she had planned to give it to me for the first time on my birthday, but she didn't expect such a thing to happen. Because of this, sun Han was very sad and inferior, and felt that she was sorry for me.

But I love her more than her body.

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