Although I am also bruised everywhere at this time, compared with sun Han, I think sun Han needs the most comfort at the moment. Sun Han was originally relatively calm, but at the thought of what happened that night, sun Han couldn't control his emotions and cried silently there.

I hold sun Han in my arms and keep comforting sun Han. At this moment, I am the best object to comfort sun Han.

Sun Han was crying in my arms. Seeing that sun Han was so sad, I felt very uncomfortable. It was really useless to think about myself. I went to settle accounts with Tang Tianyi. I didn't clean up the people and was humiliated and beaten.

Originally, sun Han came to the hospital to take care of me, but it became that I comforted sun Han in the hospital. Sun Han was very depressed. I always held her in my arms. I was afraid that if I let her go, her mood would be even lower.

After staying in the hospital for four days, I was much better. My brother took sun Han and me out and said he wanted to seek justice for sun Han and me.

That night, my brother called more than 100 people. Jiangshan fat brother Liu Lang also volunteered to fight and said he wanted to help me fight back. But this time is not the same as before. In the past, brother Kun asked someone to help us with his bare hands, but this time everyone took the cold shining knife.

Before departure, brother Kun came to visit second master Guan. After that, brother Kun took me to find the poisonous scorpion with a knife.

When we found the poisonous scorpion, Tang Tianyi, the poisonous scorpion, was eating in a restaurant. My brother directly surrounded the restaurant with more than 100 people. After my brother took me, sun hanjiangshan and others into the restaurant, he overturned the poisonous scorpion's table without saying a word.

With a crash, all the food, soup and chopsticks on the table were scattered on the ground. My brother put out the cigarette end in his mouth and inserted the knife in his hand into the table.

The poisonous scorpion didn't respond. After his brother overturned the table in front of him, he threw his chopsticks on the ground. Looking at his brother, he said calmly: "Aaron, I have to wait until I finish eating!"

"Today, this matter must be solved immediately! Your cousin gave my brother's girlfriend to QJ. What's the matter?" my brother said angrily looking at the poisonous scorpion.

"Young man, who hasn't been impulsive? It's really my cousin's fault. Let's just open up and say, how much money do you want, I'll compensate you!", the poisonous scorpion looked at his brother and said calmly, looking like he doesn't need money.

"Although money is the most important thing in this world, it really can't be solved by money. You beat my brother the other night!" my brother said angrily looking at the poisonous scorpion, but the poisonous scorpion was very calm.

"Your brother almost killed with a knife a few days ago. If I hadn't asked someone to stop him, he would have squatted in the Bureau today! Beating him would be regarded as helping him with interest!" the poisonous scorpion was very calm. On the contrary, his brother was played by the poisonous scorpion like a monkey.

Tang Tianyi snorted coldly when he saw me, and then smiled with disdain. Sun Han hid behind me and didn't dare to see more. Sun Han didn't speak. Instead, Tang Tianyi smiled and spoke, "Sun Han, let's have a relationship anyway. Otherwise, you'll marry me. I'm definitely better than him to you!"

When Tang Tianyi said this, I almost broke out, but before I opened my mouth, sun Han stood up behind me, looked at Tang Tianyi angrily and said, "I've always regarded you as my best friend, but you treat me like that!" Sun Han looked at Tang Tianyi angrily and said, and tears also fell out.

"Ha ha! Friend?", Tang Tianyi sneered twice, looked at Sun Han coldly and said, "I don't regret what I did to you that night. If I don't possess you, you will give him your body sooner or later, but this time it seems that I took a big advantage and got your first time!" Tang Tianyi said with a sneer.

Tang Tianyi had just finished. I was already furious. I clenched my fist and hit Tang Tianyi. I knocked Tang Tianyi to the ground with one punch. I wanted to do it, but my brother stopped me.

"Fuck NIMA, I'll kill you today!" I said, looking at Tang Tianyi with gnashing teeth. I felt that my teeth were about to be bitten by myself.

Tang Tianyi stood up from the ground, looked at me and said with a disdainful smile: "hehe, it's no use how you beat me. Anyway, you just pick up the second-hand goods I've used. By the way, you'd better take sun han to check it when you're free. Maybe she has my seed in her stomach. It's uncertain. She'll let you be a cheap father at that time. It's really cheap for you!"

Tang Tianyi obviously spoke deliberately to stimulate me, but obviously, I was really annoyed by him. Staring at Tang Tianyi like crazy, I wanted to cut him thousands of times. I was willing to be reconciled until I had had a chance, but my brother asked Jiangshan fat brother to pull me aside.

The poisonous scorpion also pushed Tang Tianyi behind him, then looked at his brother and smiled, "Aaron, it's just for a woman. There's no need to fight so much. If you really can't swallow this tone, OK, it doesn't matter. I'll find a woman who hasn't sprouted that day and let your brother have a good time?"

"I haven't known you for a day or two. We are all the same people, and I don't want to conflict with you! It would be great if we can solve the problem without hands, but if you don't let my cousin go, I'll just fight with you. We're not fools. We both know each other's strength. Half a catty is against eight Liang! You can't kill me, and I'll kill you "I'll kill you!" said the poisonous scorpion calmly, then lit a cigarette and smoked leisurely there.

"Poisonous scorpion! You are arrogant now. If brother long hadn't been in the Bureau, you would be a driving horse now!" brother Kun couldn't see it anymore when he saw that the poisonous scorpion was so arrogant. He pointed to the poisonous scorpion and said angrily.

"It used to be before, now is now, can't speak in the same breath!" the poisonous scorpion was very calm in the whole process, but brother Kun was worried and angry.

After that, the poisonous scorpion snuffed out the cigarette end, then took out a bank card from his pocket and put it on the next table. Looking at his brother, he said calmly: "Aaron, there are 100000 yuan in it, which is regarded as the compensation for your brother's girlfriend!"

Then the poisonous scorpion said the password to his brother. His brother looked at the bank card and didn't reach for it.

"It looks like you're not going to let my cousin go! Well, I'll accompany you to the end whatever you want!" said the poisonous scorpion, took out his cell phone and made a call.

After a while, more than 100 people came from a distance, holding guys like steel pipes and iron bars, and confronted the people called by my brother.

Obviously, these are the people called by the poisonous scorpion just now. The number of people called by the poisonous scorpion is almost the same as that called by his brother, and they are all waiting for the guys. If it really starts, it's hard to say whether they win or lose.

More than 200 people at the scene were holding guys there. It was the first time I saw such a scene. I was still a little afraid. If it really started, I would die.

My brother looked at the person called by the poisonous scorpion outside the restaurant, then reached out and took the poisonous scorpion's bank card in his hand, and then said to the poisonous scorpion, "I took the money, but I have another condition. If you promise this thing, you will understand it. If you don't promise it, I won't let you out of here today!"

When my brother said this, his eyes were full of killing intention, and his face was also gloomy.

The poisonous scorpion asked his brother to say what the conditions were, and he thought about it.

"Your cousin is not allowed to appear in my sight from tomorrow. Go as far as you can. If I see him again, I promise to let him die!" said my brother coldly.

"Oh, you think you..." Tang Tianyi was stopped by a poisonous scorpion just when he wanted to speak.

"OK, I promise you!" the poisonous scorpion pushed Tang Tianyi behind him and looked at his brother and said solemnly.

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