Steel tooth sister came out of the room accompanied by sister Qian. After coming out, steel tooth sister stood next to me. I took out a paper towel to wipe the dry tears on her face, and then took her out.

I don't know what brother Kun whispered with grandma Chen at that time. When we came out, grandma Chen smiled and asked us to stay and play for a while. She called some girls for us to play.

Brother Kun said that he had something to tell Grandma Chen. Let's go first. Sister Qian saw that her brother stayed, and sister Qian, who was worried, stayed with her brother. I don't know what the three of them are doing behind.

Fat brother Jiangshan Liu Lang originally wanted me to play with them for a while, but I had to send sister steel teeth back first and let them play first.

On the road, steel tooth sister walked side by side with me. Steel tooth sister sincerely said thank you to me, saying that it was thanks to me this time, otherwise she didn't know what to do.

I said this is what I should do. We are all rural children. We should help more at ordinary times. I said I have to go to work well in the future and let the steel tooth sister be careful when she is alone.

Steel tooth sister gave a clever sound, and then walked side by side with me on the road. Steel tooth sister's little hand carefully climbed onto my hand like a thief, and then held my hand. It was really a little cold at night. Steel tooth sister's hand was also cool. I didn't say anything. Holding steel tooth sister's hand was regarded as warming her hand.

Steel tooth sister took my hand, her face was full of satisfaction, and a smile finally appeared on her little face.

Just as we were about to arrive, sun Han appeared on the road. When he saw me holding the steel tooth sister's hand, sun Han's smiling face immediately changed his face, and then angrily turned and left.

Obviously, sun Han was angry when he saw me holding steel teeth sister's hand. Steel teeth sister quickly let go of my hand and asked me to catch up with sun Han. When she said this, steel teeth sister was obviously not happy, but it was most important to coax sun han to be happy at this time. I let steel teeth sister go back alone and then quickly catch up.

After I ran up and caught up with sun Han, sun Han Li ignored me and walked in front of me.

I quickly grabbed sun Han and asked her if she was angry. Sun Han glanced at me disdainfully, then turned his head to one side, "I'm not angry. How can I be angry? Why am I angry!"

I also said that I was not angry, which was a sign of anger. I quickly explained to sun Han that I just saw the cold hands of steel tooth sister and helped her warm her hands. I just treated her sister all the time.

As a result, I explained for a long time. Sun Han only said that this is your business and has nothing to do with me!

Finally, I coaxed sun Han for a long time. Sun Han followed me back to the rental house. After a pop, sun Han's anger disappeared, but Sun Han asked me to keep a little distance from steel tooth sister. Sun Han said she knew I was good to steel tooth sister, but she and I were lovers. If I got too close to steel tooth sister, people would misunderstand me.

I understand what sun Han meant. After kissing sun Han for a while, I went to bed with sun Han in my arms.

One night two days later, it was the day agreed by my cousin and me. My cousin asked me to have a practice meal with her. Naturally, I wanted to go.

When it was time, I changed my work clothes and arranged my clothes. Then I came to the restaurant my cousin said.

When I arrived, my cousin had already sat down in the restaurant. After I sat down, my cousin looked at me with a sweet smile, then handed the menu to me and asked me to order.

After ordering the dishes, my cousin smiled and asked me how I was at school now. I smiled and said I hadn't read it for a long time. My cousin said that she hadn't seen me for a long time. She didn't know my current situation.

Think about it, my cousin and I haven't seen each other for a long time. After that, we haven't seen each other for almost a month and a half.

I don't know why. Although I haven't seen my cousin for a month and a half, I feel that I am more than a little strange to my cousin.

At dinner, I asked my cousin why she went away. My cousin said she wanted to transform into a singer, and a company had invited her. My cousin said that her greatest wish in her life was to be a singer. Now that she had a chance, she didn't want to give up and work hard. Even if she didn't succeed, there would be no regret.

My cousin's singing is really nice. I also wish my cousin can realize her dream after going out. After all, people have to have dreams, otherwise they will be no different from salted fish?

"Cousin, you have to be careful when you are alone outside. There are many bad guys outside!" I looked at my cousin and said.

After listening to what I said, my cousin smiled, then looked at me and said with a smile, "you sound like a good man. Do you remember what you did to me?"

My cousin said that I threatened her with a small video. When it came to this, I deliberately took a picture of my brain, and then looked at my cousin and said with a smile: "of course I remember this. You didn't let me do it at that time. As a result, it hasn't been done many times, even now!"

"Why? You haven't killed me for such a long time," my cousin smiled at me.

"Seriously! A beautiful girl like you is a normal man who wants to do it!" I looked at my cousin and smiled.

My cousin and I laughed and talked for a long time. For the first time, I found that I could chat with my cousin so happily.

"While we are happy today, let's drink some wine to help cheer up!" said my cousin and asked someone to bring two pieces of wine.

As far as I know, my cousin can't drink much wine, but she drank almost five bottles of wine this night. Her little face was red. When she finished paying the bill, she couldn't even walk steadily.

I said I sent her back, but my cousin asked me to take her to open a room. Although I was a little confused after drinking some, I was still conscious. My cousin asked me so. Naturally, I would not refuse.

Soon, I helped my cousin to a hotel. I didn't know what the God meant. After I went to the front desk and asked, I was told that there was only one couple room. I asked my cousin whether to open it? My cousin looked at me vaguely and nodded.

After opening the room, I sent my cousin to the room. This couple's room is really a couple's room worthy of the name. There are pictures of sexy beauties hanging on the walls around. I was dishonest after drinking wine. I had some fantasies when I saw those photos.

After lying down on the bed, my cousin closed her eyes and began to sleep. She didn't say a little mouth. Cousin's face is red and looks very cute.

Today's cousin is wearing a small shirt and a pair of black trousers. Of course, what attracts me most is my cousin's upper circumference. My cousin's chest belongs to that kind of pride. The small white shirts she wears are almost burst. Through the buttons between the shirts, you can also see the color of my cousin's cover, which is black and white.

For any normal man, my cousin is a beauty. Especially at this time, my cousin is already asleep. It's impossible to say that I don't have any evil thoughts.

It's a pity that I didn't get my cousin. What I wanted to do most last semester was to get my cousin, and now the opportunity is in front of me. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

I called my cousin twice, but she didn't wake up. I took off my cousin's little white shirt as carefully as a thief. Just as I was thirsty and wanted to untie her mask, my cousin suddenly woke up and saw that I was loosening her mask. My cousin took my hand, but to my surprise, my cousin didn't say anything about me, Just asked me if I wanted to get her?

I nodded carefully. My cousin looked at me and let go of the hand holding me, then closed her eyes and went to sleep.

I was ready to take off my pants, but I hesitated to see my cousin drunk. If I violated her while she was drunk, how would I face her when she woke up? Who knows if my cousin said nonsense just now because she was drunk? After thinking about it, I still controlled myself.

I buttoned up my cousin's buttons and helped her cover the quilt. Then I left the hotel.

The next morning, my cousin sent me a private message through the private message function of the live broadcast software. My cousin said that she was actually a little sober last night, and she was ready for me.

My cousin said she had given me the opportunity, but I didn't cherish it. No wonder she did.

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