There is a saying that there is no cultivated land, only tired cows. Now I have some experience. At this time, I have little strength and want to sleep. I looked at Sun Han and said with a smile: "good boy, talk about it tomorrow night. I have to go to work tomorrow morning. Go to bed first!"

"No, no, you just slapped me without asking me to finish it well. You provoked me. You have to slap me again tonight anyway. Who asked you to slap me tonight!" Sun Han said, looking at me mischievously, and then tried to make my stone harder with his hand.

"Well, just do it, but I don't have much strength. I lie down and you do it yourself!" after I yawned, I lay down and let Sun Han do it by himself. I was a little tired at work during the day and slapped once at night. I was already very sleepy.

I don't know whether sun Han did it or not. I fell asleep directly.

The nightlife of sun Han and I is very active. Except for the day when Aunt sun Han comes, it almost belongs to the state of a pop every day. Sometimes I want it, sometimes sun Han wants it.

At the beginning of the relationship with sun Han, sun Han was very embarrassed. At that time, I almost asked sun Han, but later they were familiar with each other, so there was no embarrassment. If you want to talk to each other directly, then you can snap.

Sun Han never refused me, but sometimes I refused her. Because I was too tired to go to work, sometimes I really didn't have much energy to do things between men and women, and sun Han understood this.

I work as a waiter in the restaurant. My salary is more than 2000 a month. Sun Han makes a lot more money on the live broadcast than I do. Moreover, I heard from sun Han that some anchors can earn tens of thousands of yuan a day by broadcasting indescribable things to the audience.

At that time, live broadcasting belonged to an emerging industry and the management was not strict, so some people often broadcast some indescribable videos. Some bold female anchors even directly broadcast the process of slapping with their girlfriends. If they were good-looking female anchors, they could earn tens of thousands a day.

I sometimes joke with sun Han. I joke that let Sun Han broadcast our slapping process live and learn from others to earn tens of thousands a day. If we come down in a year, don't we become millionaires.

Of course, this is a joke. Even if sun Han agrees to make more money, I won't agree. Sun Han's body can only be seen by me alone.

Once, someone ordered several tables in the restaurant. On that day, we were busy until 11 o'clock and didn't get off work. Sun Han directly came to the restaurant to find me. Sun Han thought it was not good to stand and wait for me. He also had a meal in the restaurant. I served all the meals.

It was almost twelve o'clock when I got off work. I went back with sun Han's steel tooth sister. After I went back, I just sat down in bed. Sun Han smiled and sat on my lap, then looked at me and said unkindly, "do you want to play uniform temptation with me!"

I'm wearing work clothes. I'm wearing a black vest and a white shirt. It's very energetic. Of course, I don't think I'm playing with sun Han's uniform.

Sun Han's unkind appearance is particularly lovely. It makes people want to have a good love after seeing it.

Holding sun Han's small face, I kissed sun Han. After kissing, it was the last link. As soon as I zipped my pants, sun Han stopped me from picking clothes. Then he took a TT out of the drawer at the head of the bed and asked me to put it on. If I didn't wear sun Han, I wouldn't let me do it.

Although safety measures are very important, to be honest, it's much more comfortable without TT than with TT, but Sun Han doesn't listen to me.

"Put on TT quickly. If you don't wear TT, you can fly today. People have said that it's easy to have children without TT!" Sun Han threw TT in front of me like a housekeeper, and then watched me wear TT well.

I said we haven't worn TT many times. It's okay. Although I'm sophistry, I've put TT on now.

Sun Han let me do it after seeing me wear TT. I won't let her go easily and change all kinds of postures.

After finishing, sun Han lay on my chest, drew a circle on my chest, and then looked at me and asked seriously, "Han, I ask you one thing. What should I do if I really have a child?"

"It's very simple. Give birth to the child and raise the child at that time!" I said with a smile.

"I'm not joking with you. I'm serious. I always feel like vomiting these days. My chest is also painful. My mother told me about the physical reaction of pregnancy before. I seem to be really pregnant!" Sun Han looked at me and said seriously. It can be seen that sun Han is serious.

I seldom wore TT before. I might have enlarged sun Han's stomach. Sun Han and I are dissatisfied at the age of 19. If we are really pregnant, we will be really caught off guard.

"It's all right. Let's go and have a check tomorrow to see if we're pregnant. It's a big deal. Let's raise it when we're born." I comforted sun Han and asked her not to think much.

The next day I asked for leave to accompany sun Han for an examination. I went to the hospital for an examination. It was really the same as sun Han thought. Sun Han was really pregnant. The child had been pregnant for more than a month.

Sun Han followed me back to the rental house with the inspection results. Sun Han leaned in my arms and asked me what to do with my child, whether to give him a good birth or get rid of him.

To be honest, I really had a hard time choosing such a life-threatening thing. I asked sun Han what her opinion was. Sun Han looked at me and thought seriously for a while.

After thinking for a while, sun Han said he'd better kill it. Sun Han said she couldn't live broadcast if she gave birth to the child. Who would like to watch a big belly woman live broadcast, and if she gave birth to the child, sun Han still had to take the child, let alone live broadcast.

Sun Han said that we are young now and it is time to work hard to make money. If the child is born, we have no time to take care of it. Since we can't give the child a good tomorrow, don't give birth to the child.

Sun Han and I have different views. At least this is a life, but Sun Han's words are reasonable. Moreover, the child is in sun Han's stomach, so I agree with what sun Han said.

I took another day off to accompany sun han to knock out the child. Sun Han was originally thin and poor in physique. Abortion would hurt his body. After the child was knocked out, sun Han was particularly weak.

There was no one to take care of sun Han. I had to ask for leave to take care of sun Han in the rental house.

I have long regarded sun Han as my future wife, so I took care of sun Han almost every detail, and sun Han didn't need to move.

"Why are you so kind to me!" Sun Han said contentedly when he saw me taking care of her so carefully and lying in bed looking at me.

"Nonsense, you are my wife. Of course I have to treat you well. I'm not good to you. Who are you good to?", I held sun Han's hand and said with a smile. The time with sun Han is the happiest time in my life. Being able to take care of sun Han is my greatest satisfaction.

"I know you're so kind to me. In fact, you're trying to make fun of me!" Sun Han said playfully, looking at me with a small pout.

Sun Han's body is much better and his complexion is much ruddy. I kissed sun Han's pouting mouth, and sun Han actively catered to me.

When kissing, sun Han put his hand into my pants and helped me fight Feifei with his hand.

"I'm not feeling well yet. I'll help you fight Feifei for the time being. You can bear it for a few days and let you get enough at that time! Any posture is up to you. As long as you can stand it, I'll cooperate with you!" Sun Han looked at me with big blinking eyes and said lovingly.

"OK, I must cry for you!" I looked at Sun Han and smiled.

"As long as you have that skill, I don't care, but let me remind you first. If you do it in the future, you have to wear TT. The doctor said that it's easy to be infertile if you often have abortion surgery. Anyway, you can do it yourself! If you don't have incense in the future, don't blame me!" Sun Han said playfully, looking at me, and his speed has accelerated a lot.

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