Under sun Han's small hands, I soon finished. The relationship between sun Han and I has always been very harmonious, but as we spend more and more time together, problems come one after another.

Time passed quickly. In the twinkling of an eye, another year passed. The steel tooth sister graduated and worked in the restaurant in half a semester, and I was still working in the restaurant. Because I worked in the restaurant for a long time, the boss asked me to work hard. At that time, I was asked to be the restaurant manager. The salary of the restaurant management was almost twice that of the waiter.

Of course, I accepted it happily. This is another winter vacation. Like several times before, steel tooth sister didn't go home for the new year and chose to work in the restaurant with me. Steel tooth sister said that the salary of working in the restaurant during the new year is high. It's better to work hard and earn more money than go back.

Under the washing of time, the steel tooth sister looks much better than when I was at school. She wears a horsetail, an air bangs and glasses. She is quiet and good-looking. Steel tooth girl is a good girl with perseverance. She insists on doing sports and breast exercises every day.

The persistence for a long time has made steel tooth sister's figure very slim. The healthy physical beauty is particularly popular. It has also attracted a lot of diners for the restaurant. The boss is very good. Seeing that steel tooth sister is so diligent, she will give steel tooth sister hundreds of dollars more when she checks out.

The boss is a middle-aged man nearly half a hundred years old. His long-term hard work has made his hair gray, but he is different from other bosses. He is very kind to the employees. If the employees have something urgent, he also asks them to pay in advance. The reason why I have worked in this restaurant for almost two years is because the boss is good.

On that day, we went to work as usual. After a while, a man in suit and shoes came in with a briefcase. The man was very young and looked two or three years older than me.

The man was dressed very formally, so I looked at him more. He looked regular, but he was full of bookish anger. After he came in, he asked me if my boss was in. I said the boss had just gone out and asked him what was the matter. He smiled gently, then said it was all right, and then found an empty seat to order.

After dinner, she paid and left. Not two minutes after he left, when I went to collect the dishes, I found that his briefcase was still intact on the seat.

Because she had to serve dishes to other lovely people, she asked the idle steel tooth sister to go out with her briefcase to see if the man had gone far. If not, she would return his bag to him.

Steel tooth sister went out for a long time before she came back. When she came back, she had given the briefcase to the man.

The next day, we knew that the man was the boss's son. He studied abroad and has now returned to work. This time, he came back to spend the new year with his boss.

The boss's son is Liu Zheng. He is about the same size as me. His skin is white and tender. He has the same skin as a girl. He speaks politely and rarely polite.

Liu Zheng has no shelf, because there is still some time before the Chinese New Year. He is also idle. He simply comes to the restaurant to help. Like me, he works as a waiter, but when he first brought the plate, he overturned the plate and scattered the soup and vegetables on the ground, but he is the boss's son and was not fined.

I don't know if it's because steel tooth sister sent Liu Zheng a bag, so Liu Zheng has a good feeling for steel tooth sister. When she gets off work at night, she takes the initiative to send steel tooth sister home, but she refused.

After that, he took the initiative to ask for the contact information of gang Ya Mei. According to gang Ya Mei, Liu Zheng had to chat with her every night until late at night, which led to gang Ya Mei being late for a few days in the morning, but the boss didn't impose a fine. I suspect there is something fishy in it.

One afternoon, we were all working diligently. It was time for dinner, so there were more diners and we were busy.

Just when we were busy, five yellow hairs came into the restaurant. They were wearing very low pants and saw their hips. The head shape was the legendary kill Matt. It was so high that it was almost on the roof.

After the five yellow hairs came in, they arrogantly found a seat and sat down. After sitting down, they pushed dishonestly and directly put their legs on the table. There was mud on the shoes, which soiled the table.

After the five yellow hairs sat down, the steel tooth sister walked over with the menu. The steel tooth sister looked at the five yellow hairs and smiled politely: "Sir, what do you want to eat?"

As soon as the five yellow hairs saw the steel tooth sister, they looked straight as if they saw gold. One of them turned his eyes like the leader's yellow hair, and then got the menu to the ground with his leg on the table.

The blind man could see that he was intentional, but the steel tooth sister didn't say much. She bent down to pick up the menu, but when the steel tooth sister bent down to pick up the menu, the five yellow hairs took the opportunity to peek at the steel tooth sister's chest through the steel tooth sister's collar.

After picking up the menu, she put it on the table and asked the yellow hairs what to eat. Obviously, she didn't know that the yellow hairs were taking advantage of her.

The leader Huang Mao also planned to repeat his old skill and got the menu to the ground. Just as the yellow hairs looked at the steel tooth sister and was ready to take advantage of the steel tooth sister, I went over, but before I came to the steel tooth sister, Liu Zheng had already come to the steel tooth sister and picked up the menu for the steel tooth sister.

Liu Zheng angrily put the menu on the table, then looked at the Yellow Maoyi and said, "you shameless, really shameless!"

"They just let you pick it up on purpose to see where you are!" Liu Zheng pointed to the steel tooth sister's chest, looked at the steel tooth sister and said shyly.

Steel tooth sister understood and hugged her chest with her hand. Then she looked at the yellow hairs angrily and anxiously. She wanted to swear, but she was worried about the number of yellow hairs.

At this time, Liu Zheng opened his mouth, and the yellow hairs said in righteous words: "you are not welcome here. Get out of here and don't hinder your eyes!"

The five yellow hairs obviously came to look for things on purpose. They would be afraid of Liu Zheng. After Liu Zheng said so, the yellow hair in the lead immediately stood up, grabbed Liu Zheng's collar and said arrogantly: "you think you're really hanging, and you want to learn from other people's Heroes to save the United States! You don't see what kind of hanging you are!"

Said the leader Huang Mao also pushed Liu Zheng to the ground. Although Liu Zheng has high knowledge, it is really useless to deal with these people. Liu Zheng was the kind of thin and tall man who was pushed down by the yellow hair of the leader.

It happened that Liu Zheng was also a person who loved face. After being pushed down, he continued to stand up and argue with those yellow hairs, but he was knocked down by yellow hairs with a fist just after saying a few words. "You TMD chirp crookedly. It's too annoying. It's obviously itchy looking for a fight!" he said that those yellow hairs were going to fight Liu Zheng.

"It's illegal for you to hit people. If you dare to do it, I'll call the police!" Liu Zheng said plausibly when he was knocked down.

Although what he said is true, it is obviously not the practice of a wise man to say this under such circumstances.

I quickly took out my mobile phone and called Jiangshan Pangge. When I called, Jiangshan Liu Lang was wandering in the street. It was not far from the restaurant. They were going to the red light district.

I said I needed help here. Jiangshan and Pangge asked me to wait two minutes and they would arrive.

At this time, those yellow hairs had already started on Liu Zheng and said fiercely, "I want to see if the police will catch me if I beat you today?"

The steel tooth girl wanted to hold the yellow hair, but she was pushed away by the yellow hair.

I hurried up to help the steel tooth girl up, and then went to pull the frame.

"You TMD, don't mind your own business, or you'll clean up together!"

"OK, you try!"

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