Maybe it's because fighting makes me brave, so I'm not afraid of those yellow hairs at all. Those yellow hairs are short and not strong. If I fight alone, I'm not afraid at all, but there are many of them, which is a little difficult to deal with.

Seeing that I was so afraid of things, the leader Huang Mao took Liu zhenghang lying on the ground aside, and then looked at me arrogantly. Without saying a word, he punched me in the face without any sign. I couldn't avoid being knocked down by his fist.

"Shit, I thought you had a cow. This hanging pattern still wanted to learn from others. Shit!" before I stood up, the leader's yellow hair kicked me in the stomach. Like other yellow hairs, they were not idle and punched and kicked me.

I lay on the ground with my head in my arms and was beaten. At this time, I thought that Jiangshan fat brothers would come early, otherwise I would be beaten into a pig's head today.

The leader's yellow hair hit me very well. At this time, a powerful hand put on his shoulder and broke him to the ground. This hand is fat brother, and only fat brother is so powerful.

After the leader's yellow hair fell to the ground, he scolded fiercely: "fuck TMD, who just got me to the ground!"

Fat brother grabbed his collar and lifted him from the ground like a chicken. Then he looked at him and said casually, "I did it just now. What's the matter? Do you have any questions I need to answer for you?"

Fat brother's strong arm believed that the leader's yellow hair had felt it. After fat brother finished, he said with a smile: "brother, don't worry, I have no doubt. I'll get out of your way!"

Jiangshan pulled me up from the ground, looked at me and said, "han zi, you can't do this. You've been put down like this. Did you roll the sheets with sun Han and make your body empty?"

"Shit, don't you see there are five of them? I'm not Bruce Lee. How can I fight alone!" I looked at Jiangshan and said angrily.

The leader, Huang Mao, saw that I was with fat brother. He hurried to the waist and wanted to escape. At this time, I shouted, "stop! Didn't you hit me very well just now? Now you know you're afraid?"

"Brother, we just made a mistake. I'm really sorry. If you have a lot of adults, let us go!" those yellow hairs looked at me and said. If they hadn't come, I think they would have hit me better.

Just when I wanted to take a breath for myself, the boss came back. The boss was a good man. Seeing that I was going to beat those yellow hairs, he quickly came up and asked me what was going on and why I wanted to beat people.

I told the boss the whole story. The boss said that peace is the most important thing. It's almost the new year. Don't worry so much with others. Those yellow hairs are not fools. They handed me 200 yuan for my medical expenses, and then ran away.

I'm not happy to let those yellow hairs go, but the boss asked fat brother Jiangshan Liu Lang to have a free meal in the restaurant, and my grievances dissipated.

Jiangshan fat brother, when they had dinner, there were no guests in the restaurant, so I sat down to eat with them.

When I first met, I was only 17 years old. Now I'm almost 20. I think it's really fast.

Brother Pang and Jiangshan have graduated. They both work in brother Kun's Di bar, and Liu Lang helps sister Qian watch the billiards room.

The big guy thought of it with infinite emotion. He picked up the bottle and began to drink. We kept drinking like this until we couldn't drink any more.

Fat brother Jiangshan and they both drink well, and Liu Lang and I are drunk. Jiangshan was going to take me back. Anyway, she came off work, but steel tooth sister said she could take me back, and Jiangshan and fat brother sent Liu Lang back.

I'm confused, but I'm still a little sober. Liu Zheng said he sent steel tooth sister back and sent me back by the way. He said it's inappropriate for steel tooth sister to send me. Steel tooth sister said it's all right. She can send me. Thank Liu Zheng for his kindness.

Steel tooth sister helped me walk on the night road. Because I drank a little too much, I didn't walk very steadily. I accidentally stepped on something and sprained my foot. My body unconsciously fell on steel tooth sister. I instinctively wanted to catch something, but I accidentally caught steel tooth sister's chest.

I have to say that the breast enhancement exercise of steel tooth sister was really effective. The chest of steel tooth sister was really much larger. I couldn't help pinching it at that time. It was soft and elastic.

After I pinched it, I quickly took my hand away, and then walked awkwardly. I woke up a lot when I was so fooled.

"Brother Han, are you blushing when you touch a girl's chest for the first time?" the steel tooth sister looked at me and said with a smile. She didn't blame me for my actions just now, but smiled with a smile.

I touched my cheek, then shook my head and explained that I blushed because of drinking. Unexpectedly, the steel tooth sister was more happy when she heard what I said. Looking at me, she smiled and said, "brother Han, you speak so clearly. Do you deliberately pretend to be drunk and want to attack others' breasts!"

"Heaven and earth conscience, I definitely don't have this idea. It was an accident just now, really, it was an accident just now! How can I be that kind of person!" I looked at the steel tooth sister and quickly explained.

"Well, well, I didn't say anything about you. I don't blame you. Anyway, you should do me. Who makes me owe you?" the steel tooth sister said when she looked at me.

I coughed and asked sister steel teeth how many times I had to get her. Sister steel teeth and the lovely counted her with their fingers and said it more than ten times, but she couldn't remember how many times. She also blamed me for not getting her. If I had gotten her, she would remember.

I found an excuse to do it when I'm free. Now I want to go back to bed. The steel tooth sister said Oh, and then whispered, "don't blame me yourself. Anyway, I won't pay you back if you don't do it!"

After muttering, sister steel teeth helped me back to my rental house. Sister steel teeth sent me to the door and left. I walked into the rental house alone. At that time, sun Han was taking a bath. I took off my clothes and walked towards the bathroom.

The bathroom in the rental house was unlocked, so I gently pushed the door and opened it. Sun Han was taking a bath at that time. When she saw me coming in and asked me to go out, she had to take a bath!

"What's the meaning of taking a bath? Let's take a mandarin duck bath together!" I hugged sun Han, and then pressed sun Han against the wall. Sun Han had to put his legs between my waist and let me try to get her.

After finishing, sun Han and I rubbed each other's backs. After taking a bath and returning to bed, sun Han asked me to do it again. When I finished again, I had been drained and was very sleepy. I fell asleep holding sun Han.

The next day, gang Ya was late again because she chatted with Liu Zheng too late.

Liu Zheng not only chatted with gang Ya Mei on his mobile phone in the evening, but also didn't stop in the restaurant. He talked about foreign customs and customs with gang Ya Mei and said that he would take Gang Ya Mei out to travel when he had time, but Gang Ya Mei obviously didn't care about him.

The boss loves his son very much and sees that Liu Zheng is interested in steel tooth sister. The boss sometimes asks steel tooth sister to leave work early and Liu Zheng to have dinner and see a movie or something, but steel tooth sister didn't go to dinner and see a movie with Liu Zheng, but worked in the restaurant until I got off work.

One morning, gang Ya came to my rental house early. At that time, I was still sleeping in bed with sun Han.

I got up vaguely to open the door for the steel tooth sister, asked the steel tooth sister what's the matter, steel tooth? Let me wash quickly and tell me something.

After I washed, I went to work with sister steel teeth. On the way, sister steel teeth told me that just last night, when Liu was chatting with her, she confessed to her. Sister steel teeth asked me what to do?

I smiled and said what to do, do what you want!

Steel tooth sister looked into my eyes seriously and asked me, "brother Han, do you want me to promise?"

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