Of course, I can't be joking. After finishing the expression on my face, I looked at her and said seriously, "to tell you the truth, Liu Zheng is actually quite good. You see, he doesn't look too ugly, and he has knowledge, good family conditions, and..., I want to continue, But she was interrupted by the steel tooth girl.

Steel tooth sister looked at me and said seriously, "brother Han, I know all this. I just want to ask you, should I promise Liu Zheng? Don't always deliberately stray from the subject, okay?"

Although I think I treat steel tooth sister as my sister, to be honest, if steel tooth sister really agrees to Liu Zheng, I will never feel comfortable, but I can't give steel tooth sister anything, which makes me a special contradiction. It's not to let steel tooth sister promise, nor is it to let steel tooth sister refuse.

"If we could meet earlier, I would definitely let you refuse, but in the truth of my life, you're a little late. I can't be responsible for you or do anything for you, so you'd better make your own decision!" I looked at sister steel teeth and said seriously, which is also my heart.

Some people are like this. Just coming one step late is to miss. Missing means you can't stay together.

To say that the woman who knows me best in the world, steel tooth sister ranks third. The first is my mother, the second is sun Han, and then steel tooth sister. Although I didn't elaborate, steel tooth sister already understands what I mean, so she didn't ask me any more.

Last night, Liu Zheng confessed with sister steel teeth, but sister steel teeth didn't answer. Liu Zheng said that he would say those three words with sister steel teeth himself today.

Sister steel teeth and I came to the restaurant early, and then waited for diners to come to serve them as before.

Before the others came, steel teeth and I sat there chatting.

After a while, Liu Zheng came to the restaurant with other colleagues in the restaurant. Today, Liu Zheng was wearing a straight suit and his black leather shoes were polished many times. Liu Zheng still holds a bouquet of roses in his hand. Generally speaking, that bouquet of roses should be 99.

Other colleagues also cheer for Liu Zheng with red heart balloons in their hands. As the saying goes, people are in good spirits when they have a happy event. Liu Zheng walks to gang Ya Mei with roses in his arms. When he sees Liu Zheng coming over with such a bunch of roses, I get up and walk to one side and let Gang Ya Mei make her own decision.

Liu Zheng came to the steel tooth sister without saying a word. Looking at the steel tooth sister, he smiled and knelt on one knee, "have you considered what I told you last night?" Liu Zheng looked at the steel tooth sister and said seriously, with some embarrassment on his face.

"From the first day I saw you, I was deeply attracted by you. I really want to be with you, protect you and love you! Can you give me a chance? I swear I will treat you well!" Liu Zheng said sincerely looking at steel teeth.

Those colleagues stood nearby. After Liu Zheng finished, those colleagues were booing and shouting together. I stood and looked at the news here, but found that the boss had come to the store, but like me, the boss looked at me and didn't speak.

The boss's face is smiling. I can see that if steel tooth sister is his daughter-in-law, he will be very happy. The boss and his ex-wife have divorced for more than ten years. Liu Zheng was raised by him. He loves Liu Zheng very much.

"In fact, you are very good, knowledgeable, handsome and have good family conditions. You can't find any kind of girl you want. I am a rural girl and don't deserve you!" said the steel tooth sister, looking at Liu Zheng. Originally, it was a euphemistic refusal, but the people who want to love are so cheap. I don't belittle Liu Zheng until the Yellow River, I have a deep understanding of that psychology and taste.

"I don't mind it. If you promise to be with me, we'll buy a house in the city in the future. As long as you promise me, I'll promise you anything!" Liu Zheng said excitedly. He was a little excited. It's not difficult to see from his eyes that he really cares about steel teeth. But in this world, most of the sincerity is betrayed.

"I think you've really misunderstood. I mean, there's a big gap between us, and there's already someone in my heart," said steely girl, looking at Liu Zheng. In fact, the steel tooth sister is also very embarrassed. She can't refuse. It hurts people if she refuses.

"There is someone in your heart. Who is it? I will try my best to be better than him. As long as you give me a chance, I will surpass him!" Liu Zheng still refuses to let go. It can be seen that he really likes steel teeth, but no matter how humble he is, the result will be the same in the end.

"No one can replace him in my heart!" when the steel tooth sister said this, she looked at me, and I quickly picked my face. It has nothing to do with me, and I don't want to get involved.

"Forgive me. I'm really sorry!" sister steel teeth apologized to Liu Zheng and walked away.

Liu Zheng knelt down on one knee and looked at me again. Then he walked out of the door with roses and saw that his son's confession had failed. The boss's face was suddenly bad, and I saw all this.

Liu Zheng didn't come to the store all day, and the boss didn't look better. He didn't smile at us.

The next day, gang Ya Mei told me that Liu Zheng had chatted with her through the chat software again. Liu Zheng told Gang Ya Mei that she would take action to make Gang Ya Mei fall in love with him, and gang Ya Mei didn't say much about it.

After the confession incident, the relationship between Liu Zheng and me has become a lot stiff. In the past, Liu Zheng saw me smiling and talked to me politely.

But after the confession, Liu Zheng hardly spoke to me. Sometimes I took the initiative to talk to him, and he didn't pay attention to me. Later, I simply didn't talk to him. Anyway, my childhood was still the same without him.

One day, steel tooth sister was ill and didn't come to work. I had planned to see her after work at night, but after work, I walked alone on the night road. After a while, several dark shadows caught up with me. I looked back and found that it was the five yellow hairs that took advantage of steel tooth sister that day.

Before I spoke, the five yellow hairs grabbed my collar and punched me without saying a word.

They were still five. Of course, I couldn't beat them alone. I was knocked down by them three or two times.

"Fuck NIMA, I let you go last time. If you dare to come, I will never let you go this time!" after I was knocked down to the ground, I looked at the five yellow hairs and said fiercely. I knew I shouldn't have let them go so easily at the beginning.

The leader's yellow hair slapped me in the face and said fiercely, "you're alone this time. How do you think we can deal with you!"

Then the leader's yellow hair kicked me hard. Although I couldn't beat them, it was impossible to be beaten like this. I fought back when I was beaten, but the result was more violent.

Nosebleed, bleeding from the corners of my mouth, footprints all over my body, and my face was swollen.

"You TMD are arrogant again. Be honest in the future. If you have a girlfriend, don't flirt outside. Be honest, or you will be punished later!" after kicking me, those yellow hairs left arrogantly.

These yellow hairs threaten me. I don't think it's anything, but I have girlfriends who flirt with women and have a relationship with them. It's none of their business.

I dragged my aching body back to the rental house. Sun Han saw me like this and asked me if I was fighting outside again.

Sun Han hates me fighting outside now. When I fight outside, sun Han will scold me. Sometimes he can coax sun Han for a long time.

After wiping some medicinal wine, I left and planned to see the steel tooth girl.

After I went, I found that Liu Zheng was also there.

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