Gang Ya Mei's face was not very good when she was lying in bed. Liu Zhengzheng sat at the head of gang Ya Mei's bed and gently asked her how she was. He went to buy medicine for gang Ya Mei later. Seeing that the house she rented was so simple, Liu Zheng also said that he wanted to help Gang Ya Mei rent a better house. Gang Ya Mei politely declined.

Liu Zheng didn't say anything when he saw me coming. When she saw that my face was swollen, she looked at me and asked with concern, "brother Han, what's the matter with you? Have you been beaten?"

I said nothing. I was beaten a few times. Then I went to sister steel teeth and asked her what happened. Sister steel teeth said that he probably had a cold. After sister steel teeth said that, I went out to buy medicine for her.

After I bought the medicine, I burned hot water for steel tooth sister to take the medicine. Liu Zheng was embarrassed to get along with me and left after a while. Anyway, he was only embarrassed to stay.

After Liu Zheng left, I fed steel teeth sister medicine and was ready to leave, but steel teeth sister asked me to stay a little longer and just sit with her for a while.

After I sat down at the bedside of steel tooth sister, steel tooth sister opened the quilt and sat up, and then hugged me. I can feel the pressure and elasticity in front of steel tooth sister's chest.

Steel tooth sister looked at me with a small face, and then seriously asked me, "brother Han, do you think I look good?"

I looked at the steel tooth sister. From my point of view, the steel tooth sister's face is particularly good-looking. It is estimated that this is because I am relatively tall. I looked at the steel tooth sister and seriously said that you are very good-looking.

After listening to this, she looked at me with satisfaction, then looked at me with some blurred eyes, and then pasted her lips. To be honest, I left a psychological shadow after being scratched by her braces, so when she pasted her lips, I was a little confused and didn't know what to do next.

"Brother Han, don't worry. I've already taken off my braces!" the steel tooth sister smiled at me and said, and then put her little tongue into my mouth mercilessly, hugged my neck and kept kissing.

After kissing with steel teeth sister for a while, I left. I didn't leave until I saw steel teeth sister cover the quilt.

When I went back, sun Han had gone to bed. After calling twice, sun Han didn't respond to me. I didn't care so much. After lifting sun Han's pajamas, I pressed on Sun han to vent. As soon as I got in, sun Han woke up, rubbing his eyes with one hand and beating me with a small powder fist with the other hand.

"What are you doing? If you don't sleep well at night, you make people laugh!" Sun Han looked at me and kept pushing my body with her hands, but her strength was too small to push me.

"What else can I do? What else can I do besides doing you?", I looked at Sun Han and said with a bad smile. I also tried a lot on my waist.

Although sun Han's face was unwilling, his body was very honest, and his legs were like a rope between my waist.

After doing it for a while, sun Han actually pinched my butt and asked me to work harder. She was going to bed when she finished it early, but after it was finished, sun Han asked me to do it again, otherwise I would not be allowed to sleep.

When I finished again, I had little strength. I collapsed on the bed and slept. Sun Han also lay down on my chest and slept contentedly.

The next afternoon was the meal point. I was busy in the restaurant. Sun Han called me, but I didn't have time to answer, so I hung up. But Sun Han then called me again. I really didn't have time to answer, so I hung up.

I was going to call sun Han when the meal point passed. After more than half an hour or so, I finally had free time. I quickly took out my mobile phone to call sun Han, but no matter how many calls I made, sun Han hung up on me. She didn't answer any of my calls and hung up on me.

Don't think about it. Sun Han was absolutely angry. I rushed to the rental house immediately after work at night, but when I got to the door of the rental house, I was stunned. I didn't know what hit the door of the rental house, and the lock was smashed.

After I pushed the door open, I was even more surprised. Everything in the house was in a mess. All the sheets and bedding were on the ground. There were people's urine on it. Sun Han's computer was smashed to pieces. There were fragments on the ground and all the pots and pans were smashed in the bathroom.

Seeing that the rental house was made like this, I was surprised and angry. Who did this!

I called sun Han angrily, but after making many calls, sun Han still hung up and didn't answer. Helpless, I called Jiangshan fat brothers and asked them if they saw sun Han.

Jiangshan said that when he went out to play, he saw sun ha angrily go to a hotel. He should have stayed in that hotel. Let me have a look. After I asked the address, I immediately ran to the hotel. When I ran, I was out of breath.

I went to the front desk and asked sun Han's room number. Then I ran to the door of sun Han's room and knocked. Sun Han was angry in the room and asked me who I was and why?

After I said that, sun Han opened the door for me. After sun Han opened the door, I looked at Sun Han angrily and asked sun Han what happened to the rental house and how it had become like that.

After I asked angrily, sun Han asked me if I had offended anyone recently? I said I offended people there. I haven't offended people these days.

"If you don't offend others, how can the rental house be made like that! I've only been out for a while and come back like that. If you don't offend others outside, who will be full and support to make our rental house!" Sun Han looked at me and said angrily.

Sun Han had something to do in the afternoon and went out for a while. When he came back, the rental house was made like that. I didn't know what to do. Sun Han called me, but I was very busy and didn't answer. Sun Han was very angry and went to stay in the hotel.

"I called you for the first time, but you didn't answer!" Sun Han looked at me angrily and said.

Sun Han said that I must have offended people by fighting outside, so I was retaliated by others. The reason why Sun Han said so was that I didn't fight less outside, but most of them fought for fat brother Jiangshan. Jiangshan and fat brother's family didn't say a word. As long as I wanted to help, people came to help immediately. I have no reason not to help when they need help.

That is, because I was fighting outside, sun Han was disgusted with my fighting. But I really didn't fight this time. I was just beaten.

I explained to sun Han for a long time, but Sun Han didn't believe it. Sun Han said I must have offended people by fighting outside. Otherwise, how could others retaliate.

I'm speechless too. I didn't leave any good image for sun Han before.

But I didn't speak. Sun Han was still there to scold me. It was like I made the rental house like that. Originally, the rental house was made like that. I was also very uncomfortable. After all, it was our love nest for more than two years, and I was also very distressed. Sun Han also scolded me like this. I was angry for a moment. I held up my mouth with sun Han. For so long, sun Han scolded me. I always coaxed her with a smile and never contradicted her, but this time I really couldn't help it.

"How many times have I told you that I really didn't fight this time? Why don't you believe it!" I looked at Sun Han and said loudly.

"You haven't been fighting outside once or twice. If it weren't for your rental house, you would yell at me!" my sun Han looked at it and said wrongfully.

So we quarreled in the corridor and woke up the people in other rooms. People got up and told us before we shut up.

After being told by people in other rooms, sun Han and I shut up. I didn't want to quarrel with sun Han, so I planned to go back.

"The rental house is like that. Where else can you go? Anyway, the room is open. You'll stay here with me tonight!" as soon as I was about to turn around and leave, sun Han stopped me and asked me to stay with her tonight.

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