"It's the man we beat up in the restaurant that day. He found us and gave us money to fight against you. We don't want to conflict with you, but we can't help collecting money to eliminate disasters for others!" the leader yellow hair looked at us with a cry.

I understand. It was Liu Zheng, the son of the restaurant owner, who was behind me. But I really don't understand why he spent so much money to hire someone to kill me. I didn't have a holiday with him.

"When he paid you to fix me, did he say why he wanted to fix me?" I looked at the leader's yellow hair and asked.

"What's the specific reason? He didn't say. At that time, he gave us money and told us to leave, but it can be seen that he seems to hate you!" the leading yellow hair looked at me and said.

The leader, Huang Mao, absolutely dare not lie to me. What he said must be the truth. Then I seem to have to change my goal.

"For the sake of your honesty to me, I'll spare you this time today. If you dare to use any crooked ideas against me in the future, I'll never make you feel better!" I looked at the leader Huang Mao and said.

After I finished, the leader Huang Mao left with people in a very embarrassed way. After those Huang Mao left, sun Han's phone came in time like an alarm clock.

After I answered, sun Han was angry and asked me to go back quickly. She told me something. I hung up and asked Jiangshan to take me back on a motorcycle. After I entered the house, I saw sun Han sitting in bed angrily and seeing me come in. Sun Han looked at me bitterly and asked me what I had just gone out. I said I had just gone out for a walk.

"I haven't been with you for a day or two. I don't know you. You just went to fight. I don't want to talk about you. You're 20 years old. How can you fight like a child every day!" I stood there like a child and let Sun Han scold.

Sun Han was disgusted with my fight. She said that instead of spending time fighting, I'd better use my fighting energy to make money. Sun Han made more money on the live broadcast than I did in the restaurant. That's why she disliked my low salary.

But dislike is dislike. Sun Han is usually very kind to me. Sometimes when I don't have money, she will spend it for me. Sometimes I have to send some of my money back to my parents. Originally, my salary was very low, so most of the expenses in the county were spent on Sun Han's money.

But Sun Han usually doesn't say anything, but if I go out to fight, it's another matter. As long as I go out to fight, sun Han will scold.

Sun Han sat on the bed and sat there angrily after scolding me. I hurried to sit next to sun han to coax her. After coaxing for a while, sun Han's anger dissipated. Sun Han asked me to make good money in the future and stop fighting. I quickly said yes.

After sun Han's anger subsided, I held sun Han and put him on the bed. Then I kissed sun Han on his face, "do you want it again?" Sun Han put his arms around my neck and looked at me and said softly.

"I can't help it. I can't control shigeng as soon as I see you. Who makes you my woman?" he said, and I took off sun Han's clothes and pants.

Sun Han also catered to my actions. Sun Han knew my length and I also knew the depth of sun Han. With sun Han's cooperation, I disarmed and surrendered in a short time.

The next morning, steel tooth sister and I went to the restaurant to work. On the way, steel tooth sister asked me if my rental house was damaged. Do I know who did it.

I told steel teeth that I don't know yet, but I know it clearly in my heart.

Shortly after my sister steel teeth and I came to the restaurant, Liu Zheng also came to the restaurant. Sister steel teeth said that although she refused Liu Zheng, Liu Zheng still chased her online and refused to give up. For this, sister steel teeth was also a great headache.

It was early in the morning and there were no diners in the restaurant. I went to Liu Zheng and asked him to go outside with me. I had something to tell him.

Who knows, Liu Zheng didn't pay attention to me at all. After glancing at me, he asked me what I had to do. If there was anything, he said it face to face here. Why did he have to go out? It's not something shady.

"You pay someone to fix me. It's disgraceful to say it. You don't want sister steel teeth to know what you've done. If you want face, go outside with me and make it clear. Of course, if you really don't want face, it's OK here. I don't mind!" after I said that, Liu Zheng followed me out of the door without me shouting.

Liu Zheng walked out of the door and I followed him. After going out, I grabbed Liu Zheng's collar fiercely, then looked at him and said fiercely: "I haven't had any conflict with you during the time you came. Why did you spend money to find someone to fix me? Even if you beat me, you let them destroy my rented house! What's your heart!"

Liu Zheng pulled my hand open, then looked at me and shouted, "because you deserve it. You already have a girlfriend. Why do you want sister steel teeth to give up on you? You know I like sister steel teeth, and you let sister steel teeth care about you!"

I understand. Liu spent money on someone to fix me because of jealousy.

"So it is!" I looked at Liu Zheng and said with a bitter smile, "if you can't catch up with sister steel teeth, you blame me for your mistake. Why don't you find your own reason? No wonder sister steel teeth won't see you. I can't see anything like you!" after that, I turned away.

"It's because of your existence that I'm blocked. Without you, steel teeth would have liked me! I'm so kind to her, but she's bent on you. Why? Why? I can't compare with you! Why should I be abandoned!" as I was about to leave, Liu Zheng grabbed my clothes and hit me with a fist.

Jealousy makes Liu Zheng more angry. At this time, Liu Zheng is just like Tang Tianyi, angry and conceited.

What Liu Zheng may not know is that it is his pride and sense of superiority that makes others feel a sense of distance from him. Some people are like this. He thinks he is great and he can easily get anything in the world, but when he can't get it, the anger brought by jealousy and vanity will be infinitely amplified in his heart. Tang Tianyi was like this before, and so is Liu Zheng now.

"You already have a girlfriend. Why do you want steel teeth to fall in love with you? I don't accept it!" said Liu Zheng, clenching his fist and punching me again.

I didn't fight back. At this moment, the best way to fight back is not to fight back.

Seeing Liu Zheng so excited and the destruction of the rental house, I'm much relieved. Now I'm worried that Liu Zheng, who has always been eager for steel teeth sister, will do anything impulsive to steel teeth sister, just like Tang Tianyi.

"Stop!" just as I was about to leave, Liu Zheng grabbed my clothes, then looked at me and said fiercely: "I'm going to beat you today! If you fall, you'll have to stay away from sister steel teeth in the future!"

I didn't answer him. I had heard Tang Tianyi's familiar words. I took his hand away and prepared to go back to the restaurant, but Liu Zheng, who was very excited and hostile to me, hit me on the nose with a fist.

I wiped my nose and didn't fight back. Liu Zheng asked me why I didn't fight back. He paid someone to make my rental house like that. Why didn't I clean him up?

"If you think you can make steel teeth like you if you beat me down, feel free. I'll let you down! Instead of focusing on revenge, you'd better focus on other places!" I looked at Liu Zhengyi's words.

"I'm very angry that you asked someone to destroy my rental house, but I decided not to pursue it!"

Then I turned and left.

After that, I would think that Liu Zheng asked someone to destroy my rental house and punched me. Why didn't I get angry at that time. I think maybe I'm a little more mature.

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