"Fuck! Han zi, don't talk to him and start to fuck him!" the fat man said loudly, grabbed the boss's collar, and then threw the boss to the ground with all his strength.

In fact, it's not necessary for fat brother to say that at this time, I'm already angry. I'm still in charge of 3721. I rolled up my sleeves and started.

Without saying a word, I grabbed Liu Zheng and didn't say anything to him. I punched him in the face.

"I didn't even bother you about finding someone to destroy my rental house. Why did you intensify your efforts to deal with me!", I shouted, clutching Liu Zheng's collar. I really don't understand why he still dealt with me like this after I made such concessions.

"Because of you, the steel tooth girl won't like me! Why do you say that?" Liu Zheng looked at me and said.

After that, Liu Zheng also punched me severely. Liu Zheng and I fought together. The boss was surrounded by Jiangshan and they beat him. I stopped when Liu Zheng was beaten black and blue by me. At this time, the restaurant owner was beaten and shouted there.

After we stopped, we left. The restaurant owner and Liu Zheng were badly beaten. According to Jiangshan, the restaurant owner had at least two broken ribs. My salary was not enough for his medical expenses, but in the final analysis, he deserved it. I gave him a chance. He found it himself.

After chatting casually, Jiangshan fat brother and they left. I went to find the steel tooth sister first and told her that she didn't want the money. Although the steel tooth sister said nothing to me, she was obviously unhappy on her face. I didn't know how to comfort her. After saying a few words of sorry, I left.

When I went back, sun Han was cooking lunch for me. After I entered the house, sun Han's first sentence was to ask me if I got my salary. I said no, but I beat up the boss and the boss's son.

When sun Han heard me say this, he changed his face, looked at me and said angrily, "Guan Yihan, how old are you? Why are you still like a child? You don't get your salary and beat others up. You're so powerful!" Sun Han looked at me and said angrily.

Then I was scolded by sun Han. Sun Han said that I was worthless and knew to fight. Originally, the salary was not high, so I didn't think of a way to get it. Now it's OK, people have also called others, and the salary must be less.

I coaxed sun Han for a long time. Sun Han didn't forgive me. When sun Han was in bed at night, she told me that she had told her family about me on the phone. Her family said that she wanted me to prepare 100000 yuan of bride price money within two years, or she wouldn't let sun Han marry me.

That's why Sun Han is so angry at me for not getting my salary.

I didn't speak for a long time. Sun Han turned his head to look at me, looked at me and asked softly, "do you think my family wants too much bride price money?"

After I smiled, I pretended to be relaxed and said, "how can it be? I think your family needs less money for the bride price. How can you only be worth 100000 yuan for the rest of your life?"

"Hum! That's not because you gave me a discount!" Sun Han said mischievously, drilled into my arms, and then held my chest in his hand.

I am a rural child. 100000 yuan is really a large amount for me. I just coaxed sun han to say so, but it is really difficult for me to make so much money in two years.

Although it's really difficult, we still have to work hard to earn money to achieve this goal. If people don't even have a goal, it's different from dead salted fish.

Because the Chinese New Year is coming, there is no work to do outside. I stay honest in the rental house, while sun Han is broadcasting live day after day.

One night, when sun Han was broadcasting live, a local tyrant came into sun Han's studio. As soon as he came in, he brushed hundreds of gifts for sun Han and easily ranked first on the fan list.

The local tyrant asked sun Han if he had a boyfriend. Sun Han smiled and said no in front of the camera. It's not that sun Han lied. Generally, female anchors answer in this way. If they answer in this way, fans will have a heart to be the anchor's boyfriend, so as to get more gifts and rewards.

The local tyrant supported sun Han and asked him if he could be sun Han's boyfriend. Sun Han said sweetly in front of the camera: "of course, but my boyfriend must be a very rich one, otherwise I don't want it!"

Of course, the local tyrant is not a fool. After hearing what sun Han said, the brush gave sun Han nearly thousands of gifts. This thousand is not a small amount, enough for me to earn more than ten days in the restaurant.

After appreciating sun Han, the local tyrant chatted with sun Han in sun Han's live studio. During this period, he also said a lot of love words with sun Han. Sun Han also responded sweetly. As long as the local tyrant was happy, he brushed a lot of gifts for sun Han.

As sun Han's real boyfriend, I was very uncomfortable when I saw sun Han and the local tyrant talking to each other. As for the man, I must be uncomfortable when he saw his girlfriend and others.

After sun Han's live broadcast, I expressed my strong dissatisfaction with sun Han. Sun Han said there was no way. People had money and gave so many gifts. How can they not hold them.

"Besides, they just chatted with me on the Internet and didn't do anything to me! Why are you jealous!", sun Han was obviously very happy with so much money today, and his eyebrows were full of smiles.

But I can't be happy. Inexplicably, I feel like I'm wearing a green hat. A sense of humiliation arises spontaneously.

At night, sun Han was very tempted to say yes in his pajamas, but I didn't respond to her and slept there wrapped in a quilt.

In the following time, every night, the local tyrant would come to sun Han's live studio to talk to sun Han, and would brush a lot of gifts for sun Han every time. When sun Han had gifts, he catered to the local tyrant in all kinds, and I was watching with a black line on my face.

The local tyrant thought he was really familiar with sun Han. Unexpectedly, he called sun Han Xiao Han directly and intimately in sun Han's live studio. That's not enough. A fly is the kind with a large string of flying kisses, accompanied by all kinds of love. It's more and more uncomfortable to see me.

The local tyrant kept asking sun Han where he lived. He said that if he had time, he would come to have dinner with sun Han. Sun Han was going to say, but I caught him. I always remember my cousin's lesson. What if sun Han encountered such a situation? I can't let that happen.

Sun Han was originally held back by me, but the local tyrant's gift was splashed with a large amount. Sun Han probably felt embarrassed to let others brush the gift so much, so he told the local tyrant his address.

Under the local tyrant's gift offensive, sun Han also gave the local tyrant his contact information and telephone number.

Not even that. After sun Han broadcast the live broadcast in the evening and we slept, the local tyrant called sun Han and asked sun Han whether he had slept in that very gentle tone. He also said whether he had disturbed sun Han by calling so late.

Sun Han is very friendly with the local tyrant; Chatting, let the local tyrant hold more support at ordinary times.

The local tyrant asked sun Han if he had free time during this period. If sun Han had free time, he would come to invite sun han to dinner another day.

Sun Han said she was free during this period. If the local tyrant could come, of course she was willing to accept the invitation.

You can tell from the voice on the phone that the local tyrant should be about 30 years old. His voice is still very magnetic. People who have not seen him know that he is the kind of man who often deceives girls into bed.

After chatting for a while, sun Han hung up. I asked sun han to be on guard against such people. As soon as they heard the voice, they knew it was not a good thing.

Sun Han said impatiently that he could do anything. People rewarded so many gifts!

With that, sun Han went to bed wrapped in a quilt. I was not allowed to touch her. She said she wanted to sleep and asked me not to affect her.

I have always comforted myself that the local tyrant is just an ordinary netizen on the Internet and will not have any impact on the life of sun Han and me, but I didn't expect that he ruined my life.

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