I came back after sending steel tooth sister back to help her cover the quilt. In the evening, I called sun Han and asked him what he was doing. Sun Han was in a good mood. He smiled and said to me that she was sleeping now and asked me what I called her about.

I said I missed you. Sun Han told me to go to bed early, go to bed early and get up early. Then he hung up the phone. There was no way. I had to sleep alone under the quilt.

I really miss her when sun Han is not around. I often call sun han to hurry back, but Sun Han often says why I am so anxious. She just goes back to her mother's house. I just can't give up her, but I really can't give up her.

Sun Han has been away for more than two months. I can only call her to solve the pain of Acacia. I often comfort myself who are lonely and restless and say that sun Han will be back soon. It's good for sun han to come back.

But the phone was the same. From the original one phone call every day to one phone call every three or four days later, sometimes she only said a few words. Sun Han hung up the phone and said she had something to do and had to hang up.

On the day sun Han went for two months, she took the initiative to call me. I was very happy at that time, because I took the initiative to call her in the past two months, and she didn't take the initiative to call me.

I was very excited to answer, but I heard a fatal news for me. After I connected the phone, sun Han said to me calmly at the other end of the phone, "cold, let's break up!"

"Are you kidding me, breaking up?" I said with a smile on the phone. I thought sun Han was just kidding me, but I never thought she was not kidding me.

"Han, be serious. I'm talking to you very seriously! I've figured out this trip back to my mother's house. I don't think we're suitable!" Sun Han said coldly on the other end of the phone.

Hearing sun Han say this, I knew that sun Han said breaking up was serious, but I really don't want to break up with sun Han! My life has color only with her. How can I live without her!

"Sun Han? What's the matter with you? Why did you change once you went home? You said we were not suitable, we were not suitable! If you say it, I will change it! If I change it, we will be suitable!" I begged on the phone, and my tears flowed down.

"You are no longer a child. You only fight all day and don't earn a penny! After I came home, my family has expressed their attitude and won't let me marry you anyway! I don't want to worry about my family. Besides, I don't think we are very suitable!" Sun Han said coldly on the other end of the phone, with no emotion in his tone.

"I can change! I can change! I'll find a job right away! I'll definitely make money and don't fight in the future. As long as you don't leave me, I can do anything!" at this time, my tears have been very disappointing and my words have been crying.

"No, we've broken up!" said Sun Han, and hung up.

When I called again, sun Han's phone had been turned off. At this time, I couldn't stand it anymore. I collapsed on the ground and cried bitterly. I took sun Han as all I had. How can I continue to live without her.

On the same day, I bought a ticket to sun Han's house. I wanted to find her and ask her face to face. After more than ten hours of driving, I finally came to sun Han's house. Sun Han's house is similar to my home. They are earthen tile houses.

After I went in, I saw sun Han's parents. I didn't know until I asked. Sun Han had only been here for a day. Moreover, sun Han's parents didn't say they wouldn't let Sun Han marry me.

I didn't explain my identity to sun Han's parents. I just said I was a good friend of sun Han. Sun Han's parents were honest rural people and didn't doubt me.

So it seems that sun Han is lying to me, or that sun Han broke up with me because of something else.

Knowing the truth, I felt no pain at all. On the contrary, I felt even worse. My heart hurt like a knife.

In sun Han's mother's mouth, I learned sun Han's whereabouts. One day after sun Han came, he went to other cities with a man and said he was going to travel. Sun Han's mother said that the man was in his thirties and was very rich. Sun Han came in his car that day. It was a very valuable car.

Sun Han's mother also told me that sun Han called her and said that sun Han would go home the day after tomorrow. Sun Han's mother also asked me to stay for two days. She said that anyway, I was Sun Han's good friend and would have a good seat with sun Han at that time.

After I refused, I bought a car ticket and left overnight. After I went back, I called Jiangshan Pangge and asked me what to do next. I said calmly, "I want to kill!"

I went to buy a knife of more than 20 cm and took it with me. Then I called brother shangjiangshan Pang the day sun Han came home. We took a bus to sun Han's house in advance and waited for sun Han on the mountain road.

At this time, even if I cry, I have no tears. I have only one idea in my heart. Either let Sun Han go back with me, or everyone die together!

I don't know why I thought so at that time. Maybe it was because I loved sun Han too much! Love and hate!

Jiangshan and brother Pang advised me not to do stupid things, but I listened.

After waiting on the mountain road in the countryside for more than two hours, we finally saw a black Mercedes Benz coming. Needless to say, the person sitting in the black Mercedes Benz is sun Han. Such an expensive car is very conspicuous on the mountain road. Who can afford to drive such an expensive car in the countryside? That's what sun Han's mother said. The rich man can afford to drive.

When the black Mercedes came to us, I rushed to the front of the car and stopped the black Mercedes.

In the co driver's seat of the black Mercedes Benz, there was the woman I thought about day and night. Sun Han also saw me, but her face was surprisingly plain and not surprised.

In the driver's seat is a man in suits and shoes in his thirties. He is not ugly but not handsome, but the watch he wears shows that he is very rich.

The moment I saw sun Han, my tears almost came out, but I couldn't help it.

I waved to sun Han and asked him to get off. I had something to tell her. Sun Han put down his famous brand bag, opened the door and came out.

That bag is worth a lot, tens of thousands of yuan. It must have been bought by the man for sun Han. At the thought of this, I felt a burst of pain and was very uncomfortable.

After sun Han got off, I pulled her aside. Jiangshan and Pangge stopped the man in case he took the opportunity to drive away.

"You told me that you went home to visit the family, but in fact you have been with the man for the past two months! Right?" I looked at Sun Han and said calmly. In fact, my heart has been angry for a long time, but I still held back.

"Well! Yes, since you know it, I don't have to hide it from you! I broke up with you just because of him!" Sun Han was very frank and made it clear to me directly.

"I don't care if you've been with him for the past two months, but as long as you're willing to go back with me, I'll let bygones be bygones! OK?" I looked at Sun Han and said, I don't know why. Seeing sun Han's resolute appearance, I felt really uncomfortable and couldn't help crying.

"We're over! I admit, I'm sorry for you this time! But we really don't fit!" said Sun Han coldly. As he said, he stuffed 10000 yuan into my hand and said that she was sorry for me this time. This should be my compensation.

I really don't understand. Sun Han just went out with the man for two months. How did she become so heartless? Did I not leave a good impression on her at the beginning?

I looked at the ten thousand yuan in my hand and shed tears with a bitter smile. The tears also dropped on the ten thousand yuan.

As soon as I gritted my teeth and smashed the money on the ground, the whole person seemed to be angry, and my teeth were clucking. I looked at Sun Han fiercely with red eyes, and then pulled out the knife.

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