When Gang Ya and I saw that couple were so intimate, we were both embarrassed. After the lights in the cinema were turned on, gang Ya and I quickly went out. At that time, the cinema was dark and I didn't know whether the seats were dirty.

Steel teeth and I walked slowly on the night road when we came out of the cinema. It was like walking. Let alone, walking on the brightly lit night road was also an enjoyment.

The steel tooth sister took my hand and walked on the road. As she walked, the steel tooth sister reached out and touched my crotch, then smiled and said, "how did it get smaller? It was so big and hot just now!"

I said that if I was fooled by your hand, the stone would get better. The steel tooth sister asked me if I was comfortable just now. I said it was OK. At the beginning, your strength was a little strong. You almost got the skin off, and almost let you cut the Baopi for me for free.

Steel tooth sister was embarrassed to say that she had little experience. At that time, the cinema was dark and she couldn't see it. That's why it was like this.

"Let me practice more in the future, and I will certainly practice my skills well!" said the steel tooth girl with her head held high.

I looked at steel tooth sister and was amused by her lovely appearance. Steel tooth sister held my arm and walked around. We were like children playing on the road. In fact, I thank steel tooth sister very much. I haven't been very happy since Sun Han left. Until steel tooth sister, my mood was unprecedented.

When I sent her downstairs, she stopped, looked at me and said seriously, "brother Han, I like you!"

After that, she kissed me on the lips and then refused to go upstairs.

On my way back, steel tooth sister sent me a text message. The content of the text message is as follows: brother Han, I know you don't intend to start a new relationship now, but you can rest assured. My patience is the best. I like you for more than two years, and I can like you more for a period of time!

In fact, I have long known that steel tooth sister likes me. I am not a fool. In fact, I am also very contradictory in my heart. Sometimes I especially want to possess steel tooth sister and even want to establish a relationship with her, but I regard her as my sister in my heart.

Such a contradictory psychology makes me don't know how to deal with the relationship between me and her. I just hang it out and wait for an appropriate time.

When she was about to leave work the next night, Li Xiangning called again to order a meal. As before, she asked me to send it to her. There was no way, so I had to give up working on time to send her a meal.

When I was delivering the meal, I just met Li Xiangning moving things. There were a lot of things. Li Xiangning had to do it for a while to finish moving. After I put down the meal, I moved things with Li Xiangning, but I had one condition: Li Xiangning was not allowed to complain about me in the future.

Li Xiangning readily agreed at that time. After helping Li Xiangning move things, Li Xiangning asked me to go in and have a glass of water. It's rare to see Li Xiangning's kindness, so I went in and had a glass of water.

Li Xiangning was wearing a dress with a pair of super shorts at the bottom. After moving some things, Li Xiangning was sweating and there was sweat on her neck. I unconsciously looked at Li Xiangning's neck at that time.

Li Xiangning thought I was staring at her chest. At that time, she snorted coldly, then raised her mouth high and was proud of her good figure.

Li Xiangning asked me if I broke up with sun Han. I said yes. Only after I asked did I know that Li Xiangning listened to Jiangshan.

Li Xiangning asked me why Sun Han broke up with me. I didn't answer. I just said it might be inappropriate.

After a short rest, I was ready to go back, but just as I was ready to open the door and go back, the door had been knocked.

Li Xiangning got up and opened the door. At this time, a man in a suit and shoes came in. The man looked like a rich boy, with famous brands all over and belts made of gold.

The man was very handsome and handsome. His body was full of perfume. But the way he looked at me was not very friendly, even hostile.

After the man came in, he looked at Li Xiangning and asked, "Xiangning, who is this? Why are you still in the house so late? It's easy to gossip with lonely men and women at night!", the man was obviously interested in Li Xiangning and pretended to be gentle and courteous.

But Li Xiangning didn't seem to buy his account. After looking at him, Li Xiangning casually pointed to me and introduced to the man: "This is my boyfriend when I was studying. He was afraid I was hungry and sent me meals. Just now he happened to meet me to buy something, so he helped me move things. Now he's resting in my house. Originally, he planned to stay here for the night, but my place is small!"

When Li Xiangning said this, she was very plausible. As soon as she finished, I wanted to scold my mother. Who did I provoke? How could I become her boyfriend? Who wants to be her boyfriend!

I was just about to speak. Li Xiangning whispered in my ear and asked me to keep quiet. It should be regarded as helping her. She will repay me at that time.

I don't expect anything in return. As long as she doesn't embarrass me in the future, I'll be thankful. Li Xiangning said so. I didn't say anything more and stood there.

The man gave me a hostile look up and down, and then gave me a vicious stare.

"Xiangning, I know you have prejudice against me, but you don't have to pretend to be your former boyfriend with anyone. You can see this virtue!" the man looked at me and said sarcastically, with ridicule and disdain in his eyes.

The last thing I want to see is such a look. I said that I opened the door and left when I had something to do. I came here to deliver the meal simply this time. I don't want to be looked down upon by others.

The next night, Li Xiangning asked me to deliver meals to her. Because it was my job, I couldn't refuse, so I had to send them to her.

After sending it, Li Xiangning asked me to go in. She told me something. After I followed Li Xiangning into the house, Li Xiangning quickly said thank you to me for helping her last night.

I said nothing, but I was curious about who the man was and what it had to do with Li Xiangning.

"If other people ask me, I disdain to say it, but for your help, I'll tell you!" Li Xiangning told me about the man while drinking milk.

The man's name is Zheng Feng, two years older than Li Xiangning. In fact, Li Xiangning has no intersection with him. The only intersection is that their two families often have business contacts.

After Li Xiangning graduated, her parents planned to let her marry Zheng Feng. First, her parents thought Zheng Feng was OK. Second, it was conducive to long-term interest exchanges and common development between the two families.

Of course, Li Xiangning didn't agree, so she went to the railway station to work and rented a house outside. The purpose is to avoid Zheng Feng. However, Zheng Feng has the cooperation of Li Xiangning's parents. Li Xiangning can hide there.

I said Zheng Feng is a nice man. He is fashionable and handsome. Why don't you look down on others.

Li Xiangning gave me a white look and said that she has her own discretion. She is not a child. According to Li Xiangning, Zheng Feng is a complete black sheep. He usually knows to play outside. He never cares about his family's business. He eats nothing together with a group of friends and knows to make trouble all day.

Li Xiangning also said that the reason why Zheng summit liked her was actually greedy for her beauty and no feelings at all.

Li Xiangning said that at least she was also a school flower. She didn't lose a lot to marry such a person, so she wouldn't agree to the marriage.

Li Xiangning also asked me to continue pretending to be her girlfriend and said that I could give me a tip, but I resolutely refused. I didn't want to have any intersection with Li Xiangning in my heart.

After chatting with Li Xiangning for a while, I was ready to go back, but I was stopped by several men after just walking dozens of meters downstairs on a motorcycle. It was a little dark at that time, but I could see clearly when those people approached. One of the men was Zheng Feng.

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